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Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

Mon Apr 29 2024
Intentional Information ConsumptionTechnologyHandwritingLifestyle-Centric PlanningGap YearByung-Chul HanConsumer EconomyProductivityPhonesSlow ProductivityTimekeeping


The episode explores the philosophy of intentional information consumption and its impact on the quality of life. It discusses how technology shapes our understanding of information and offers principles for intentional information intake. The episode also covers the benefits of handwriting, lifestyle-centric planning, and the concept of a gap year. It delves into the ideas of Byung-Chul Han on consumer economy and productivity, as well as the concept of slow productivity and its relation to timekeeping.


Technology's Influence on Information

Technology serves as a medium for information to shape our internal model of the world. The tools we use to consume information impact how we receive and understand it.

Importance of Intentional Information Consumption

Intentional information intake can lead to a more profound understanding of the world. Choosing slower or in-person information sources can be beneficial for mental clarity and focus.

Benefits of Handwriting and Lifestyle-Centric Planning

Research highlights benefits of handwriting for brain function and learning. Lifestyle-centric planning involves identifying what you want in different parts of your life and working towards those goals by expanding opportunities and reducing obstacles.

The Gap Year Experience

A gap year is a time for self-reflection and seeking out information and experiences to better understand oneself and the world. During a gap year, it's important to take in new information, process it, take notes, and have time alone to make sense of this information.

Byung-Chul Han's Ideas on Consumer Economy and Productivity

The author Byeongchulhan's ideas revolve around the negative impact of a consumer economy based on low friction and easy availability of goods and information. Byeongchulhan emphasizes the importance of intermittent intellectual reflection over constant neural connection through technology to avoid negative consequences.

Phones, Social Connections, and Meaningful Activities

Phones can disrupt social connections within the household, reducing meaningful and intentional activities. Using phones less at home can help prioritize more meaningful and intentional activities over arbitrary ones.

The Concept of Slow Productivity and Timekeeping

The slow watch from Switzerland moves at half the speed and has only one hand that moves slowly through all 24 hours, inspired by original clocks based on the sun clock. Technological advancements in timekeeping, like usable clocks for monastic orders and railroad schedules, have changed our understanding of time.


  1. The Podcast Host's Routine in Boston
  2. Intentional Information and its Impact on Quality of Life
  3. Technology and its Influence on Information
  4. Neil Postman's Perspective on Technology and Information
  5. Principles of Intentional Information Consumption
  6. Information, Tools, and Mental Clarity
  7. Taking Notes While Listening to Content
  8. Benefits of Handwriting and Lifestyle-Centric Planning
  9. Lifestyle-Centric Planning and Choosing Nonfiction Books
  10. The Gap Year Experience and Byung-Chul Han's Ideas
  11. Byung-Chul Han's Ideas on Consumer Economy and Productivity
  12. Phones, Social Connections, and Meaningful Activities
  13. The Concept of Slow Productivity and Timekeeping

The Podcast Host's Routine in Boston

00:11 - 06:45

  • The podcast host discusses his routine in Boston, including walking his dog and running along the Charles River.

Intentional Information and its Impact on Quality of Life

00:11 - 06:45

  • The upcoming episode will focus on intentional information and its impact on the quality of life.
  • The host introduces a new philosophy called intentional information to improve the depth and quality of life.
  • The current model of obtaining information is explained as sampling from an objective world to construct an internal model.

Technology and its Influence on Information

06:19 - 13:42

  • Technology serves as a medium for information to shape our internal model of the world.
  • The tools we use to consume information impact how we receive and understand it.
  • Ancient Hebrew language structure influenced holistic, contextual understanding in Abrahamic faiths.
  • Introduction of vowels in Greek writing led to more analytical and precise understanding, paving the way for philosophy and science.
  • Neil Postman's work emphasizes how technology influences public discourse and understanding of information.

Neil Postman's Perspective on Technology and Information

13:20 - 20:33

  • Neil Postman's perspective on technology shaping our understanding of information, introduced in his book 'Amusing Ourselves to Death'
  • Postman's concept of epistemic environment and how information technology impacts our perception of the world
  • Winifred Gallagher's book 'Rapt' explores how attention shapes our internal understanding of the world
  • Gallagher emphasizes the importance of focusing attention to control one's experience and well-being
  • The philosophy of intentional information focuses on being deliberate about what information is consumed and through which tools
  • Principles of intentional information include getting non-local news in a less sensationalized format for a more accurate understanding

Principles of Intentional Information Consumption

20:06 - 26:41

  • Prioritize consuming news that is less manipulated and focuses on what's actually happening
  • Focus on understanding and being involved in the world where you have agency, like your local community
  • Spend more time with real people rather than online avatars for a better grounding in reality
  • Prioritize taking real action over passively watching others' actions online
  • Use 'steel manning' to counteract emotionally charged information and gain a nuanced understanding of different perspectives
  • Be cautious about using social media for entertainment and opt for slower, richer forms of entertainment like books or live music
  • Seek out content that is optimistic, exciting, or inspiring to shape a more positive understanding of the world

Information, Tools, and Mental Clarity

26:26 - 33:11

  • Information is not neutral and the tool used shapes its meaning to the individual
  • Intentional information intake can lead to a more profound understanding of the world
  • Choosing slower or in-person information sources can be beneficial for mental clarity and focus
  • Notion combines notes and documents into a customizable space, with AI tools for easier information retrieval
  • Listening is a tool that converts written text into audio format, allowing consumption like podcasts or audiobooks

Taking Notes While Listening to Content

32:42 - 39:25

  • A listening app allows users to take notes while listening to content like academic articles or long-form pieces.
  • The app can skip through sections of content and has AI voice technology that makes it sound like someone is reading the text.
  • Books about the deep life can be instructive or focus on internal exploration to understand what depth means to an individual.
  • Reading materials can serve as intuition into what matters to a person and help in constructing a deep life based on resonating properties.
  • Research suggests that there are advantages and benefits to writing by hand, as discussed in an article titled 'Why handwriting is good for your brain.'

Benefits of Handwriting and Lifestyle-Centric Planning

38:58 - 45:41

  • Research highlights benefits of handwriting for brain function and learning.
  • Handwriting offers portability and flexibility for capturing information diagrammatically.
  • Personal preference between typing and handwriting depends on individual speed and efficiency.
  • Lifestyle-centric planning is suggested as a strategy to overcome learning challenges and achieve desired lifestyle.

Lifestyle-Centric Planning and Choosing Nonfiction Books

45:19 - 51:47

  • Lifestyle centric planning involves identifying what you want in different parts of your life and working towards those goals by expanding opportunities and reducing obstacles.
  • Engaging in lifestyle centric planning requires understanding your desires, available opportunities, and obstacles to achieve a fulfilling life.
  • Choosing nonfiction books is a subtle act that can enrich self-development and self-definition, rather than relying on AI-generated recommendations.
  • During a gap year, it's essential to focus on self-reflection, seeking out experiences to better understand oneself and what one wants to do in the world.

The Gap Year Experience and Byung-Chul Han's Ideas

51:19 - 57:56

  • A gap year is a time for self-reflection and seeking out information and experiences to better understand oneself and the world.
  • During a gap year, it's important to take in new information, process it, take notes, and have time alone to make sense of this information.
  • The focus of a gap year should be on cognition rather than specific locations, aiming to jumpstart the contemplative life early in adulthood.
  • Some individuals consider taking a gap year but opt against it due to various reasons like wanting independence or avoiding work commitments before college.
  • A listener from Perth, Australia mentions similarities between the podcast host's work on slow productivity and the ideas presented by Korean-born philosopher Byung-Chul Han in his book 'The Burnout Society.'

Byung-Chul Han's Ideas on Consumer Economy and Productivity

57:41 - 1:05:04

  • The book discussed in the podcast is categorized as academic, focusing on philosophy, social theory, post-structuralism, phenomenology, sociology, and culture.
  • The author Byeongchulhan's ideas revolve around the negative impact of a consumer economy based on low friction and easy availability of goods and information.
  • Byeongchulhan emphasizes the importance of intermittent intellectual reflection over constant neural connection through technology to avoid negative consequences.
  • There is a comparison between the author's focus on easy availability of goods and information making people ill-suited for hardship and the podcast host's emphasis on pseudo productivity causing real problems in knowledge work.
  • The podcast host agrees with some aspects of Byeongchulhan's ideas while also highlighting differences in their perspectives on productivity and technology use.

Phones, Social Connections, and Meaningful Activities

1:11:14 - 1:18:09

  • Informal structuring of time with family can lead to meaningful and important activities
  • Phones can disrupt social connections within the household, reducing meaningful and intentional activities
  • The issue with phone distractions is not about productivity but about a reduction in meaning and intentional activities
  • Using phones less at home can help prioritize more meaningful and intentional activities over arbitrary ones
  • Maui Nui Venison offers highly nutritious and sustainably harvested red meat products from axis deer in Maui

The Concept of Slow Productivity and Timekeeping

1:11:14 - 1:18:09

  • The slow watch from Switzerland moves at half the speed and has only one hand that moves slowly through all 24 hours, inspired by original clocks based on the sun clock
  • Technological advancements in timekeeping, like usable clocks for monastic orders and railroad schedules, have changed our understanding of time
  • An author shares a story about taking over ten years to perfect a picture book, showcasing the principle of slow productivity and obsession over craft
  • A satirical comic called 'First Drafts' humorously depicts slow productivity by showing someone typing just one letter after great contemplation