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Masters in Business

Jim O'Shaughnessy on How AI Will Change Everything From Arts to Stocks

Thu May 09 2024
FinanceInvestment StrategiesOnline Investment PlatformsSocial InvestingTax Loss HarvestingCustomized InvestingValuing Tech CompaniesAI-driven InnovationsO'Shaughnessy VenturesO'Shaughnessy FellowshipStability AIMass CustomizationJim O'Shaughnessy


The episode covers Jim O'Shaughnessy's career in finance, investment strategies, the evolution of online investment platforms, social investing, tax loss harvesting, customized investing, challenges in valuing tech companies, AI-driven innovations, O'Shaughnessy Ventures and Fellowship, AI's impact on social entrepreneurship, medicine, and scientific research, Stability AI, AI's impact on industries and mass customization, Jim O'Shaughnessy's advice and reading list, and the Qatar Economic Forum.


Investing success through factor screens and data analysis

Jim O'Shaughnessy shares his approach to investing using factor screens based on empirical evidence and data analysis.

Systematic equity approach and the rise of customized investing

The implementation of a systematic equity approach at Bear Stearns and the growing popularity of customized investing.

Opportunities in microcap investing and direct indexing

MicroCap investing offers high returns with the right quant strategy, and Canvas revolutionizes direct indexing.

Social investing fund and tax loss harvesting strategy

A discussion on a social investing fund that allows clients to customize their investments and the benefits of tax loss harvesting.

Custom indexing in asset management and tax-efficient strategies

The advantages of custom indexing in asset management and the use of tax loss harvesting for efficient portfolio management.

Continuous improvement in investment strategies

The importance of continuous improvement in investment strategies through research findings and composite factors.

Challenges in valuing tech companies and AI-driven innovations

The challenges of traditional metrics in valuing tech companies and the role of AI-driven innovations.

AI's impact on filmmaking, publishing, and medicine

The potential of AI in transforming industries like filmmaking, publishing, and medicine.

Supporting innovation through O'Shaughnessy Ventures and Fellowship

The mission of O'Shaughnessy Ventures and Fellowship in supporting creators and innovators.

AI's role in social entrepreneurship, medicine, and scientific research

The use of AI in driving social entrepreneurship, medicine, and scientific research.


  1. Jim O'Shaughnessy's Career in Finance and Creation of O'Shaughnessy Asset Management
  2. Investment Strategies and the Implementation of Systematic Equity Approach
  3. Evolution of Online Investment Platforms and the Rise of MicroCap Investing
  4. Social Investing Fund and Tax Loss Harvesting Strategy
  5. Tax Loss Harvesting and Custom Indexing in Asset Management
  6. Factors Driving Customized Investing and Continuous Improvement
  7. Challenges and Opportunities in Valuing Tech Companies and AI-driven Innovations
  8. AI's Impact on Filmmaking, Publishing, and Medicine
  9. O'Shaughnessy Ventures, O'Shaughnessy Fellowship, and AI's Role in Innovation
  10. AI's Impact on Social Entrepreneurship, Medicine, and Scientific Research
  11. Stability AI, Human Input in AI Content Creation, and Job Opportunities
  12. AI's Impact on Industries and the Era of Mass Customization
  13. Jim O'Shaughnessy's Advice and Reading List
  14. Qatar Economic Forum and Opportunities for Networking

Jim O'Shaughnessy's Career in Finance and Creation of O'Shaughnessy Asset Management

00:01 - 07:23

  • Jim O'Shaughnessy shares his early interest in markets, which started with a debate between his uncle and father about IBM when he was 17 years old.
  • He conducted research on the Dow 30 stocks and found that buying the 10 stocks with the lowest PEs significantly outperformed the 10 highest PE stocks.
  • O'Shaughnessy wrote a book called 'Invest Like the Best' to help investors clone successful portfolios using factor screens based on empirical evidence.
  • The conversation delves into O'Shaughnessy's approach to investing and his use of data analysis in making investment decisions.

Investment Strategies and the Implementation of Systematic Equity Approach

07:02 - 14:56

  • Investors historically relied on professionals with access to comprehensive databases like Compustat for investment strategies.
  • Value stocks with momentum and small cap value stocks have been found to be successful strategies.
  • After severe bear markets, stocks with the worst momentum performed better than those with the best momentum.
  • Large stocks with high shareholder yield were identified as conservative investments.
  • At Bear Stearns, a systematic equity approach was implemented to offer packaged portfolios for retail investors, bringing discipline into investing.
  • The decision to leave Bear in 2007 was driven by a desire to focus exclusively on quantitative investing and set up Oshonas Asset Management.

Evolution of Online Investment Platforms and the Rise of MicroCap Investing

14:27 - 22:13

  • Internet companies in the 90s differed between dot coms and those integrating technology into their business.
  • NetFolio was designed as an online investment advisor with personalized features but faced tech limitations in the late 90s.
  • The idea of NetFolio was resurrected by Patrick O'Shaughnessy using advanced technology like AWS.
  • MicroCap investing offers opportunities for high returns with the right quant strategy despite many low-performing stocks in the market.
  • Canvas (custom indexing) revolutionized direct indexing by providing advisors full control over client portfolios with tax benefits and customization.

Social Investing Fund and Tax Loss Harvesting Strategy

21:51 - 29:25

  • The podcast discusses a social investing fund that allows clients to customize their investments based on personal preferences.
  • The fund offers over 58 options for fine-tuning around ESG criteria, giving clients control over what they want to include or exclude.
  • The approach of the fund is to let clients decide on their social investing priorities rather than pre-determining them.
  • Clients can screen out specific industries like gun stocks, tobacco stocks, or prioritize factors like female board members and C-suite representation.
  • Tax loss harvesting is explained as a strategy to maximize tax benefits by monitoring and adjusting portfolios during market fluctuations.

Tax Loss Harvesting and Custom Indexing in Asset Management

29:00 - 36:25

  • Harvesting losses can reduce overall tax needs for a portfolio, benefiting investors financially.
  • Diversifying concentrated stock positions over time can be aided by tax loss harvesting.
  • Canvas architecture allows for efficient replacement of stocks to retain portfolio characteristics while realizing losses.
  • The acquisition of Canvas by Franklin Templeton was not anticipated but seen as an opportunity due to the potential for custom indexing in asset management.

Factors Driving Customized Investing and Continuous Improvement

36:04 - 43:24

  • The firm considered selling to Franklin Templeton due to good timing with Morgan Stanley acquiring a competitor and Vanguard launching a similar product.
  • Customized investing is gaining popularity, offering advantages like tax benefits and portfolio immunization.
  • The firm's database, using Compustat data, is crucial for driving Canvas and outperforms other databases like CRISPR in terms of fundamental factors.
  • Research findings led to adjustments in composite factors used for investment strategies, highlighting the importance of continuous improvement.
  • Using a composite of factors is more effective than relying on a single factor for investment decisions.

Challenges and Opportunities in Valuing Tech Companies and AI-driven Innovations

43:06 - 51:22

  • The importance of using a reliable and consistent data set for analysis
  • The need for thorough data cleansing to ensure accuracy in research
  • The challenge of traditional metrics like Price to Book not capturing the true value of tech companies due to intangible assets like patents and algorithms
  • The shift from physical manufacturing-focused metrics to accounting for intangible assets in modern business valuation models
  • The recognition that traditional metrics may have lost their relevance in today's technology-driven economy
  • The mission of O'Shaughnessy Ventures to support creators in art, science, and technology by providing resources for innovative ideas
  • The concept of 'liberation capital' where entrepreneurs can focus on their innovations without the constraints of larger corporations

AI's Impact on Filmmaking, Publishing, and Medicine

50:53 - 58:31

  • The genesis of Intel and other semiconductor companies can be traced back to Fairchild in the 50s and 60s.
  • There is a growing opportunity for filmmakers to use AI to create movies with tools like iPhones, unlocking talent that previously lacked access to Hollywood infrastructure.
  • A focus on producing narrative-driven, accessible films with a new economic model that gives ownership to everyone involved in the film.
  • Challenges in traditional industries like publishing are being addressed through innovative approaches such as launching 'infinite books' where authors receive a higher percentage of profits and can easily translate their work into multiple languages using AI.
  • Technological advancements like AI and distribution platforms are underutilized in various industries, indicating a slow transition despite significant potential.

O'Shaughnessy Ventures, O'Shaughnessy Fellowship, and AI's Role in Innovation

58:01 - 1:05:25

  • The pandemic accelerated trends like working from anywhere, making traditional offices less necessary.
  • O'Shaughnessy Ventures allows authors to use AI agents to promote their books, utilizing tools like querying podcasts for promotion.
  • The O'Shaughnessy Fellowship aims to find and fund brilliant individuals who may not have had the right connections in the past.
  • Fellows receive grants with no strings attached, allowing them the freedom to pursue their ideas without obligations.
  • The fellowship community promotes cognitive diversity and cross-pollination of ideas among bright individuals.
  • The program is not strictly an incubator; it supports various talents like a musician in India and a social entrepreneur in Africa.

AI's Impact on Social Entrepreneurship, Medicine, and Scientific Research

58:31 - 1:13:03

  • A man in Africa is turning his grant into a company that produces affordable sanitary napkins using biodegradable products.
  • The podcast host expresses interest in investing in enterprises with social impact, such as the one mentioned above.
  • The podcast discusses funding recipients including a couple making a documentary about non-traditional schools, a refugee creating an app for navigating bureaucracy, and a doctor developing an app to monitor vitals through smartphones.
  • AI's potential in medicine is highlighted, particularly its ability to identify promising drugs by analyzing molecular combinations and repurposing existing research.
  • The use of AI to generate null sets for scientific research is proposed to uncover valuable information from negative findings.

Stability AI, Human Input in AI Content Creation, and Job Opportunities

1:12:47 - 1:20:30

  • Stability AI builds foundational open source models and promotes transparency by releasing models with all weights, leading to a surge in creativity.
  • The speaker advocates for the 'you plus machine' approach, emphasizing the importance of human input in creating quality content with AI.
  • AI is predicted to impact various industries positively by automating mundane tasks and creating new job opportunities.

AI's Impact on Industries and the Era of Mass Customization

1:20:10 - 1:27:53

  • AI is expected to create new job opportunities that were not previously known.
  • AI will significantly impact various industries such as entertainment, media, and search.
  • The quality of data used to train AI determines its value.
  • Private AIs may offer more personalized and valuable services due to increased access to user data.
  • AI is seen as a collection of smaller agents performing specific tasks for individuals in the era of mass customization.

Jim O'Shaughnessy's Advice and Reading List

1:27:24 - 1:35:17

  • Jim O'Shaughnessy shares how a mentor believed in him and helped him during tough times as an entrepreneur.
  • He emphasizes the importance of learning from biographies of successful individuals who faced challenges.
  • O'Shaughnessy discusses his current reading list, including books on AI, history, and finance.
  • He advises recent college graduates interested in finance to focus on understanding human nature for investing success.

Qatar Economic Forum and Opportunities for Networking

1:34:47 - 1:35:17

  • A thousand global leaders will gather in Doha for the Qatar Economic Forum in May.
  • The forum is powered by Blumbag and held in conjunction with official partners like the Qatar Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Participants can join heads of state, influential ministers, and leading CEOs to make new connections and gain unique insights.