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The Kevin Rose Show

How to speak to anyone with Charles Duhigg (#58)

Tue May 21 2024


This episode explores the art of super communication, focusing on creating connections through deep questions, genuine interest, and authenticity. It highlights the importance of building communication skills, understanding different types of conversations, and enhancing connections through vulnerability and curiosity. The episode also delves into the power of effective communication in various contexts, such as presentations and relationships. Ultimately, it emphasizes the potential for personal growth and meaningful connections through improved communication.


Super communicators focus on creating connections by asking deep questions and showing genuine interest in others' values and beliefs.

Authentic communication involves making a choice to connect with someone and knowing how to do so genuinely.

Being a super communicator is not limited to extroverts; introverts can also excel by thinking more about communication and developing key skills.

It's important to be authentic in conversations, even when meeting people with whom you have little in common initially, to create real bonds.

Creating a real bond with someone involves asking deep questions about their values, beliefs, or experiences.

Before engaging in a conversation, preparing three topics to discuss can help alleviate anxiety and provide a safety net.

Asking deep questions that focus on how the other person feels about their life can lead to more meaningful and authentic conversations.

Curiosity is a natural human instinct that can be harnessed to unlock deeper connections during conversations.

Super communicators aim to connect with others by asking deep questions and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Communication is a fundamental skill that sets humans apart, allowing for the building of relationships and communities.

Building communication skills is a practice that can be developed over time through habit formation.

Deep questions are essential for starting conversations but listening actively and showing genuine interest are crucial for building lasting trust.

Proving active listening through techniques like looping for understanding can enhance the quality of conversations and deepen connections.

In a conversation, reciprocal vulnerability and authenticity can lead to increased trust and connection.

Sharing personal experiences and emotions can create a sense of authenticity and invite others to do the same.

Focusing on creating a positive emotional imprint in conversations is more impactful than impressing with achievements or facts.

Engaging in deep questions and genuine curiosity fosters meaningful connections in conversations.

Strategies for gracefully ending conversations without offending people include expressing interest and apologizing before leaving

Research shows that people often misinterpret others' interest in a conversation, assuming boredom when the other person is actually engaged

The speaker shares a personal story of meeting their wife on Twitter through direct messages and eventually meeting up for wine


  1. Super Communicators
  2. Creating Real Bonds
  3. Enhancing Communication Skills
  4. The Power of Communication
  5. Improving Communication Skills

Super Communicators

00:00 - 17:23

  • Super communicators focus on creating connections by asking deep questions and showing genuine interest in others' values and beliefs.
  • Authentic communication involves making a choice to connect with someone and knowing how to do so genuinely.
  • Being a super communicator is not limited to extroverts; introverts can also excel by thinking more about communication and developing key skills.
  • It's important to be authentic in conversations, even when meeting people with whom you have little in common initially, to create real bonds.
  • Creating a real bond with someone involves asking deep questions about their values, beliefs, or experiences.
  • Before engaging in a conversation, preparing three topics to discuss can help alleviate anxiety and provide a safety net.
  • Asking deep questions that focus on how the other person feels about their life can lead to more meaningful and authentic conversations.
  • Curiosity is a natural human instinct that can be harnessed to unlock deeper connections during conversations.
  • Super communicators aim to connect with others by asking deep questions and engaging in meaningful conversations.
  • Communication is a fundamental skill that sets humans apart, allowing for the building of relationships and communities.
  • Building communication skills is a practice that can be developed over time through habit formation.
  • Deep questions are essential for starting conversations but listening actively and showing genuine interest are crucial for building lasting trust.
  • Proving active listening through techniques like looping for understanding can enhance the quality of conversations and deepen connections.

Creating Real Bonds

16:55 - 39:02

  • In a conversation, reciprocal vulnerability and authenticity can lead to increased trust and connection.
  • Sharing personal experiences and emotions can create a sense of authenticity and invite others to do the same.
  • Focusing on creating a positive emotional imprint in conversations is more impactful than impressing with achievements or facts.
  • Engaging in deep questions and genuine curiosity fosters meaningful connections in conversations.
  • Strategies for gracefully ending conversations without offending people include expressing interest and apologizing before leaving
  • Research shows that people often misinterpret others' interest in a conversation, assuming boredom when the other person is actually engaged
  • The speaker shares a personal story of meeting their wife on Twitter through direct messages and eventually meeting up for wine
  • Using common ground and alcohol can help alleviate anxiety in social situations.
  • Maintaining depth in conversation by asking follow-up questions shows genuine interest.
  • Laughter and follow-up questions are key factors for successful speed dating interactions.
  • Super communicators ask more questions and match the type of conversation being had, whether practical, emotional, or social.
  • Different types of conversations include practical, social, and emotional.
  • Understanding the type of conversation can help in communication.
  • When asked about appearance, focus on feelings rather than direct opinions.
  • Super communicators handle conflict by recognizing control issues and setting boundaries.
  • Controlling the environment and boundaries together can improve conflict resolution.

Enhancing Communication Skills

38:32 - 57:40

  • Setting boundaries in conversations is crucial for effective communication.
  • Authentic communication and being unapologetically yourself can enhance your superpowers in communication.
  • Effective communicators like Trump, Obama, and Steve Jobs have different styles but communicate authentically to themselves.
  • Steve Jobs was known for asking deep questions and listening to others, while Trump engages with the crowd during rallies by reading the room.
  • Communication skills can be developed through experiences like childhood challenges or working in relationship-based businesses like real estate.
  • Understanding neural entrainment can help improve communication by creating similar neural activity between individuals.
  • Neural entrainment is the process where neural activity in our brains becomes more similar, leading to shared thoughts and feelings during communication.
  • Focusing on how someone is feeling and thinking, rather than just the content of their words, can improve communication.
  • Asking more questions and understanding the type of conversation the other person wants can enhance communication and connection.
  • Building communication habits and skills can make conversations effortless over time.
  • Humor plays a role in identifying emotionally intelligent individuals, as seen in NASA's astronaut selection process.
  • People use humor and emotional displays to connect with others in conversations.
  • Communication skills are important, but not the only factor in relationships; self-awareness is crucial too.
  • Our brains are adept at detecting inauthenticity, especially in laughter.
  • Listening to our instincts can help avoid falling into manipulative relationships.
  • Steve Jobs' presentation style focused on creating an emotional connection with the audience.

The Power of Communication

57:11 - 1:03:38

  • Steve Jobs' presentation style was captivating and carefully structured to excite and dazzle the audience.
  • Jobs adopted a trademark black turtleneck as a way to reduce anxiety about his attire during presentations.
  • The book discussed in the podcast focuses on teaching communication skills through storytelling and providing practical strategies for connecting with others effectively.
  • Effective communication is crucial in today's divisive climate to foster understanding and progress.
  • The book aims to empower readers to improve their communication skills and have meaningful conversations, even with those they may disagree with.
  • Building communication skills can lead to better connections and interactions, offering new possibilities beyond traditional approaches.

Improving Communication Skills

1:03:13 - 1:05:37

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of improving communication skills through strategies and scientific research.
  • The speaker encourages people to challenge traditional communication norms and embrace new approaches.
  • The speaker values personal connections, as evidenced by his commitment to responding to every email from readers or listeners.
  • Templates are used for frequently asked questions in email responses to efficiently manage high volumes of emails.