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Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 302: Re-Enchanting Work

Mon May 27 2024
ProductivityWork EnvironmentWork HabitsCareer ChoicesOrganizationRemote Work


This episode explores the benefits of changing your work environment for improved productivity, optimizing work habits, making intentional career choices, and organizing effectively. It emphasizes the importance of finding inspiring locations for work, integrating healthy habits into daily routines, and focusing on meaningful tasks. The episode also discusses the challenges of remote work and the need to measure productivity based on outcomes rather than superficial metrics.


Changing where you work can transform your professional life

Examples of people working in unconventional locations demonstrate the positive impact of changing work environments.

Adventure studying and working promote creativity and engagement

'Adventure studying' suggests that studying in novel environments enhances creativity, while 'adventure working' in inspiring places improves outcomes and enjoyment of tasks.

Remote work offers flexibility in choosing inspiring locations

Remote workers can leverage unconventional locations like parks, museums, pubs, and bars for productive work.

Novel environments enhance focus and spark creative insights

Working in visually novel locations reduces distractions, improves focus, and stimulates creativity.

Optimizing work habits leads to productivity gains

Incorporating adventure work and exploration into weekly schedules, maintaining exercise and healthy eating habits, and establishing writing rituals contribute to productivity.

Limiting active projects reduces administrative overhead

Focusing on one project at a time and maintaining separate lists for active and waiting projects improve efficiency and productivity.

Effective organization enhances productivity

Using digital tools for scanning, organizing tasks, and sharing calendars with family members improves organization. The Listing app allows for multitasking by transforming written content into audio. Blinkist app provides book summaries for quick consumption.

Remote work challenges the notion of universal productivity

The podcast host criticizes the idea that working from home is a universal solution, highlighting deeper issues in knowledge work and the need to measure productivity based on outcomes rather than superficial metrics.


  1. Changing Work Environment for Productivity
  2. Optimizing Work Habits for Productivity
  3. Career Choices and Productivity
  4. Organization and Productivity

Changing Work Environment for Productivity

00:11 - 25:58

  • The host shares an amusing anecdote about being mistaken for Chris Hemsworth during a trip to London.
  • The host discusses the benefits of using a single purpose notebook for focused work and notes its effectiveness in his own writing process.
  • The host hints at working on a new book that focuses on the technical aspects of implementing intentional and focused living, emphasizing the 'how' over the 'what'.
  • The host explores the idea of changing where you work to improve productivity and discusses examples of people who have made radical changes in their work environment.
  • Changing where you work can transform your professional life, as seen in examples of people working in unconventional locations.
  • The concept of 'adventure studying' introduced in 2008 suggests that studying in novel environments can enhance creativity and engagement with the material.
  • Applying the idea of 'adventure working' to cognitive jobs by working in inspiring places can lead to better outcomes and enjoyment of tasks.
  • Historically, people who build things with their minds have leveraged interesting and novel environments for their important work, such as writers finding inspiration in natural settings like Blackwater Pond or Isle of Skye.
  • Remote work offers the opportunity for individuals to choose inspiring locations for work, similar to how traditional knowledge workers have done throughout history.
  • Remote work allows for flexibility in choosing work locations
  • Various unconventional locations like parks, museums, pubs, and bars can be conducive to productive work
  • Having a clear objective and capturing thoughts are essential for successful adventure work sessions
  • Iterative process and moving through scenic locations can aid in extracting cogent thoughts
  • Avoid distractions during adventure work to maintain focus on the task at hand
  • Working in novel environments can enhance focus and spark creative insights
  • The lack of familiar cues in a new location can help improve focus and creativity by reducing distractions from unrelated thoughts.
  • Being in visually novel locations can spark more creative insights and make work more interesting, less draining, and sustainable.
  • Adventure studying promotes analog cognition in an increasingly technological world, helping to maintain humanity amidst digital dehumanization.
  • Although adventure work may feel slow initially, over time it can lead to high-value cognitive output and productivity gains by allowing ideas to unfold at their own pace.

Optimizing Work Habits for Productivity

25:44 - 44:09

  • The speaker plans to re-engineer their weekly schedule to include regular adventure work and exploration in various parks and museums.
  • They aim to dedicate at least one day a week for a four-hour expedition to novel places, as they believe it contributes to their happiness.
  • The speaker discusses their health habits, mentioning exercising almost daily for over 40 minutes, walking as part of their cognitive process, and focusing on automatic healthy eating during busy days.
  • The speaker walks a lot as part of their cognitive process and tries to eat healthy by default.
  • They drink a lot of coffee to prevent overeating during the day.
  • Exercise habits were adjusted after a physical revealed high blood pressure, focusing on getting more sleep.
  • Daily disciplines and rituals are discussed in relation to crafting a deep life stack, emphasizing the importance of disciplined activity for life transformation.
  • Reading five books a month is achieved by making reading a default habit during free time.
  • Making reading a default habit by integrating it into free time helps in achieving a consistent reading goal.
  • Having a completionist attitude towards finishing books can drive aggressive reading sessions and help in reaching monthly reading targets.
  • To make reading more appealing, choose books that excite you and wire yourself to view reading as an exciting activity.
  • Establishing writing rituals, such as starting with a walk and avoiding distractions like emails before writing, can enhance productivity and focus.
  • Changing up writing locations for special sessions can help maintain motivation and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Creating unique writing rituals in different environments, like when traveling or in unusual places, can aid in fostering creativity and productivity.

Career Choices and Productivity

49:37 - 1:02:52

  • The speaker discusses their approach to work on non-teaching days, focusing on ritualizing hard cognitive tasks and not other types of work.
  • A listener asks a question about slow productivity and job hunting, seeking advice on whether to follow their own pace or rush to apply for jobs.
  • The speaker advises the listener to think about their ideal lifestyle and how different job opportunities can help them move closer to it.
  • Emphasizing the importance of systematically working towards one's ideal lifestyle and being patient for bespoke opportunities to arise.
  • The speaker highlights the need for informed slowness in transforming one's life through intentional career choices.
  • Seasonality and variation of intensity over time can benefit teachers in managing workload
  • Teachers can implement variations in intensity at different timescales to avoid burnout and improve sustainability
  • Slowing down the pace of working on new ideas can lead to more impactful results over time
  • Implementing slow productivity philosophy by focusing on one project at a time helps reduce administrative overhead and increase efficiency
  • Limiting the number of active projects reduces administrative overhead and improves productivity.
  • Projects should be kept at a manageable size to avoid long delays.
  • Having two or three active projects allows for flexibility when one gets stuck.
  • If a project is delayed for more than a few days, consider moving it to the waiting list and replacing it with another task.
  • Maintaining separate lists for active and waiting projects helps manage workload effectively.
  • Sharing calendars with family members can help coordinate schedules efficiently, especially when dealing with multiple commitments.

Organization and Productivity

1:08:48 - 1:21:57

  • Having a digital picture frame in the kitchen with a shared calendar helps keep track of family schedules easily.
  • Using Microsoft's OneDrive for scanning paper to PDFs and organizing tasks on iOS reminders app and Trello board can improve organization.
  • Being intentional about organization can lead to a more interesting and remarkable life, as it unlocks opportunities for cool activities.
  • Balancing organization without becoming obsessed with optimization is key to managing obligations effectively.
  • The Listing app transforms written content into audio, allowing users to listen to articles, books, and PDFs while doing other tasks.
  • The Listing app features lifelike voices and one-touch note-taking function for easy bookmarking and note collection.
  • Blinkist app provides summaries of over 6,500 nonfiction books for quick consumption in just 15 minutes, helping users decide if they want to read the full book.
  • Blinkist Connect feature allows subscribers to share their premium account with another person for free.
  • Jim Ratcliffe, owner of Manchester United, mandated all staff to work on-site citing increased productivity and collaboration as reasons, despite flexible work from home policies during COVID.
  • The podcast host criticizes the notion that working from home is a universal solution, highlighting deeper issues in knowledge work and pseudo-productivity.
  • The host argues against equating visible activity like email traffic with actual productivity, suggesting that reducing emails and meetings on remote workdays can enhance productivity.
  • On work from home days, there should be zero email and zero meetings to maximize productivity.
  • Measuring productivity based on email traffic is flawed and leads to pseudo-productivity.
  • Hybrid work schedules can be optimized by having different focuses for at-home and in-office days.
  • Remote work experiments have shown that measuring productivity through email traffic is not effective.
  • Focusing on producing meaningful work rather than surface activity is key to maximizing employee output.