Endless Thread

Endless Thread

Hosts Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson dig into the internet's vast and curious ecosystem of online communities to find untold histories, unsolved mysteries, and other jaw-dropping stories online and IRL.

Endless Thread

Fri Aug 11 2023

PARKS! Pt. 2: Slime Mind

Slime MoldsNatureDepressionOnline Community

This episode explores the world of slime molds through the journey of Matt, also known as regular slime guy. Slime molds are curious creatures that can be found everywhere but are often overlooked. Matt's interest in slime molds helped him cope with depression and he became an online expert on the subject. Despite facing conflicts with moderators, Matt continued to share his knowledge and inspire others. Slime molds are unique organisms that can solve mazes, anticipate problems, and create efficient networks. Exploring local parks can reveal the fascinating world of slime molds.

Endless Thread

Fri Aug 04 2023

PARKS, Pt. 1: Social media gone 'wild'

National Park ServiceOklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservationsocial mediawildlife conservation

This episode explores how the National Park Service and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation are using social media to reach millions of people and make wildlife conservation more accessible. Matt Turner, a social media specialist with the National Park Service, shares his experience and insights on using humor to engage with followers. Sarah Sutherland, the social media coordinator for ODWC, discusses the impact of their more affable approach on increasing engagement and awareness. The episode highlights the importance of building community and inspiring people to deepen their relationship with the natural world.

Endless Thread

Fri Jul 28 2023

Best of Summer: MEMES: Scumbag Steve

Internet FameMeme CulturePTSDMother-Son Relationship

The episode explores the life of Blake Boston, aka Scumbag Steve, and his relationship with his mom, Susan. They discuss the origins of the Scumbag Steve meme, the impact it had on their lives, and Blake's personal struggles with PTSD. The episode also delves into Susan's journey as a mother and her efforts to support and protect her son. Through their candid conversation, they provide insights into the challenges and triumphs of navigating internet fame and personal trauma.

Endless Thread

Wed Jul 26 2023

Best of Summer: Goblins, Toenails, and Beach Rap

GoblinsToenailsRuss McQueenMusicianDJ

The episode covers stories about goblins, outrageous toenail paintings, and the energetic musician Russ McQueen.

Endless Thread

Mon Jul 24 2023

Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound

KrakatoaVolcanic EruptionGlobal ImpactNatural Disasters

The episode explores the massive explosion of Krakatoa in 1883, its impact on the atmosphere, and the global fascination with its sound. It delves into the scientific efforts to recreate the sound, the recording instruments used, and the media sensation it caused. The chapter also discusses the shock waves generated by the explosion, the shipping route in the Sunda Strait, and the devastating effects of tsunamis. It further explores the nature of volcanic eruptions, their sounds, and their global impact on climate and scientific understanding. The episode concludes with insights on the significance of studying Krakatoa for disaster response and global connectedness.

Endless Thread

Mon Jul 17 2023

Best of Summer: The 100-million-year origin story of laughter and humor

laughterevolutionchimpanzeeshumorSumerian joke

This episode explores the origins and evolution of laughter, focusing on the Sumerian joke involving a dog entering a tavern. It discusses how laughter is not exclusive to humans, with chimpanzees exhibiting laughter-like behavior. The chapter also delves into the differences between humor in chimps and humans, the evolution of laughter in humans, and the significance of jokes and laughter in human society.

Endless Thread

Fri Jul 14 2023

Best of Summer: What makes the world’s first bar joke funny? No one knows.

Ancient HistorySumerian CivilizationHumorTranslationProverbs

The episode explores a 4,000-year-old Sumerian bar joke that has puzzled scholars. The joke involves a dog entering a tavern and saying, 'I can't see anything.' The translation and interpretation of the joke remain uncertain, but it provides insights into Sumerian civilization, humor, and the significance of proverbs. The episode also delves into the challenges of translating ancient texts and examines Sumerian tablets related to the dog proverb. Different interpretations of the proverb shed light on its meaning and highlight the importance of humor in human culture.

Endless Thread

Fri Jul 07 2023

Best of Summer: Swimming Hole - The man, the myth, the leap

Swimming HolesFawn's LeapCliff JumpingAdventureSummer Fun

The episode features a special set of the best and most refreshing summer fun episodes from the podcast's archive. The hosts are working on a new series about parks, but in the meantime, they are bringing listeners their favorite summer episodes. The search for a swimming hole without using the internet leads the hosts on an adventure, encountering locals and learning about the dangers and legends surrounding Fawn's Leap. They meet Hasen Besejik, a famous cliff jumper, and explore Fawn's Leap with Hassan, who provides insights on safety and reflects on mortality. The episode also discusses aspects such as toxic masculinity, different perspectives on jumping into the water, and the appreciation for the mayor of the swimming hole. Visitors collect stones as mementos and express gratitude for the experience.

Endless Thread

Fri Jun 30 2023

Pup Play

Google MapsPuppy PlayPup SceneIdentity ExpressionDiscrimination

The episode discusses the fascination with Google location photos and reviews. It explores the world of puppy play and the pup scene, including the growth of online communities during the pandemic. Nat and Sterling's journey in expressing their identities as pups is shared, along with challenges faced and discrimination experienced. The episode concludes with credits and contact information for the podcast.

Endless Thread

Wed Jun 28 2023

'Going Dark': Reddit's API Changes

  • Apollo, a popular third-party Reddit app, may have to shut down due to the fee
  • Blind users rely on third-party apps to make Reddit more accessible
  • Change in API requirements could make it harder for blind users to access and moderate subreddits...
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