The Ben Shapiro Show

The Ben Shapiro Show

Tired of the lies? Tired of the spin? Are you ready to hear the hard-hitting truth in comprehensive, conservative, principled fashion? The Ben Shapiro Show brings you all the news you need to know in the most fast moving daily program in America. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch! Monday thru Friday.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Fri Aug 11 2023

Ep. 1786 - Biden Bribes The Iranian Ayatollahs

IranBidenCorruptionClarence ThomasCapitol Riot

The episode covers various topics including Iran releasing Americans to house arrest, Biden's pressure on Saudis and subpoenas, concerns about Biden and corruption, controversy surrounding Clarence Thomas, investigation into the Capitol riot and Trump's tweets, debates, investigations, and COVID-19 origins, COVID-19 origins and racial incidents, and investigation into a racial incident and immigration.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Thu Aug 10 2023

Ep. 1785 - Time To Stop The Soros Prosecutors

FloridaGovernor DeSantisprosecutorDisney Plusfinancial losses

This episode covers a range of topics including the suspension of a prosecutor in Florida, financial losses faced by Disney Plus, inflation concerns, allegations of corruption involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, Barack Obama's influence on politics and institutions, current events and cultural trends, and the decline of art and pop culture.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Wed Aug 09 2023

Ep. 1784 - The Economy Is Spiraling The Drain

EconomicsGovernment SubsidiesESG InitiativesPolitical StrategiesAbortion Rights

This episode covers a range of economic topics including American credit card debt, Bidenomics, government subsidies, economic challenges, ESG initiatives, political strategies, Joe Biden's failures, abortion rights, practical steps, gender and sexuality, and Wayne Brady's journey as a pansexual. It also explores philosophical concepts related to quality and the gap between science and values.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Tue Aug 08 2023

Ep. 1783 - I Will Never Forget Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Pull Out

AfghanistanJoe BidenGold Star FamiliesMedia BiasEvacuation

The episode covers the press conference held by families of service members killed in the Kabul Airport terrorist attack, their criticisms of Joe Biden's Afghanistan policy, and the media's lack of coverage. It also discusses negative interactions between Biden and Gold Star family members, controversies surrounding media coverage and Biden's false statements, controversies surrounding Biden's actions during the evacuation, the success and controversies of the evacuation, Jordan Peterson's views on free speech, legal troubles for Trump and attacks on DeSantis, criticism of Megan Rapinoe and the US Women's Soccer Team, and controversies surrounding the team's actions and beliefs.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Mon Aug 07 2023

Ep. 1782 - Trump, Racism & Celebrity Anti-Semitism

EconomyUkraineJoe BidenTrumpLegal Troubles

The episode covers various topics including the economy, Ukraine, Joe Biden's administration, Trump's legal troubles, election discussion, DeSantis' campaign, racism, anti-Semitism, cultural issues, and women's soccer. It explores the vulnerabilities in Joe Biden's poll numbers, the misalignment of incentives between Zelensky and Russia complicating negotiations for a deal, and the unpredictability in America's foreign policy. The episode also discusses Trump's focus on his legal troubles and his campaign strategy contrasting his presidency with Joe Biden's performance. It highlights concerns about media bias, racial double standards, and accusations of anti-Semitism. Additionally, it touches on gender differences in athletics and the fight for gender equality in women's soccer.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Sun Aug 06 2023

Pro-Life Debate Tips With Trent Horn

abortiondebateconsciousnessbodily autonomymorality

This episode features Trent Horney, an apologist for Catholic answers, discussing his tactics in debating the abortion issue. He highlights the importance of understanding opponents' arguments and challenges Destiny's pro-choice stance. The conversation covers topics such as consciousness, bodily autonomy, and the source of morality.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Fri Aug 04 2023

Ep. 1781 - Are They The Baddies?

Donald TrumpSupport BaseValues CleavageMeritocracyForgotten Man

The episode explores Donald Trump's support base, the driving force behind history, the concept of the Forgotten Man, the values cleavage in American society, the role of meritocracy, 'limousine liberals' and values traders, and the legal case against Donald Trump.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Thu Aug 03 2023

Ep. 1780 - The Rigging Of The 2024 Election

Trump's ArraignmentIndictmentElection CyclePolitical MotivationsTrump's Campaign

Former President Trump is expected to appear in person for his arraignment in federal court in Washington DC. The indictment against Trump charges crimes that are not actual crimes, such as fraud against the government of the United States. Trump did not fulfill the elements of incitement on January 6th, which is required by American law to charge someone with incitement. Trump's activities during January 6th were egregious, but they are not considered a crime. If convicted on all counts, Trump could face up to 641 years in prison, although this is unlikely given judges' wide latitude in sentencing and the lack of mandatory minimum sentences for the charges he faces. Sending Trump to prison could raise unprecedented practical and legal issues if he becomes the Republican candidate for president again. There is a possibility that Trump could be campaigning from prison next year, which would create high drama and an unusual presidential debate scenario. The indictment against Trump should not go forward as it lacks merit and justice. Prosecutors want to force a trial within 60-90 days, which raises questions about fairness and timing before the election cycle begins. Democrats want the election cycle to focus on January 6th and Trump's legal activities, while comparing it to historical events like September 11th, which is seen as an exaggeration.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Wed Aug 02 2023

Ep. 1779 - The January 6 Indictment Is HERE – And It’s Bulls***

Donald TrumpIndictment2020 ElectionPolitical ProsecutionDouble Standard of Justice

Special counsel, Jack Smith, files a federal indictment against Donald Trump for multiple crimes related to the 2020 election and January 6th. The indictment accuses Trump of trying to subvert the will of American voters and cling to power after losing the election. The charges are seen as weak and politically motivated, stretching the definition of crimes. Proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knowingly made false claims of election fraud will be difficult for the prosecution. The indictment invites a re-litigation of the 2020 election in a criminal court, which is unprecedented.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Wed Aug 02 2023

Daily Wire Backstage: Barbiegate and other Kenspiracies.

PoliticsPop CultureLegal CasesHunter BidenUFO Sightings

The latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage covers top stories in politics, pop culture, legal cases against Trump, Hunter Biden's case, UFO sightings, analysis of 'Barbie' movie and feminism, gender criticism, Hunter Biden's business dealings and election impact, discussion on slavery and political attacks, analysis of DeSantis' campaign and Trump's popularity, strategies for DeSantis' campaign and Trump's influence, censorship and the importance of free speech.

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