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The Artificial Intelligence Show

15 AI Questions Everyone is Asking

Tue Jun 20 2023
AI in MarketingCreativity and InnovationTech Stack IntegrationAI CouncilVerification of AI-Generated ContentAI Tools and AgenciesFuture of AICopyright ConsiderationsImplementing AI in OrganizationsTeaching AI Models


The episode covers a wide range of topics related to AI in marketing. It starts with an introduction to AI for marketers, answering frequently asked questions from an Intro to AI for Marketers class. The episode then explores the role of AI in augmenting human creativity and innovation, as well as its impact on organizations' tech stacks. It delves into the importance of building an AI council and verifying AI-generated content. The episode also discusses various AI tools, their impact on agencies, and copyright considerations. Implementing AI in organizations is explored through problem-based and use case models. The episode concludes with insights on teaching AI models and a podcast wrap-up.


AI can augment human creativity and innovation

AI is a valuable tool that can enhance human creativity and innovation in marketing strategies.

Authentic human content is valuable

In a world where AI-generated content is common, authentic human content, such as in-person events, podcasts, editorials, interviews, and live events, holds significant value.

Integrating AI into tech stack

Organizations should consider incorporating AI tools from major technology companies into their existing tech stack for smarter solutions.

Building an AI council

Creating an AI council with cross-discipline members can help organizations develop a roadmap and policies for implementing AI.

Verification of AI-generated content

Verifying the accuracy of AI-generated content requires human verification and fact-checking, as AI lacks true understanding and context like humans do.

AI tools and impact on agencies

AI tools have the potential to assist non-designers in tasks like data analysis and visualization. However, professionals are still needed for complex tasks that require creativity and specific expertise. Agencies can adapt by specializing in advising on AI and leading integration projects.

Future of AI and copyright considerations

AI capabilities are expected to double every 12 months. Companies should establish generative AI policies and address privacy concerns when using AI models. Compliance with copyright regulations is important when generating content using AI.

Implementing AI in organizations

There are two approaches to implementing AI: problem-based model and use case model. Organizations should create a list of tasks, rank them based on value and potential for AI assistance, and implement individual use cases with clearly defined scope and high probability of success.

Teaching AI models

Developing the skill of giving prompts to AI models will be essential in various fields. AI can accelerate the development of strategic and critical thinking skills.

Active community and future episodes

The hosts appreciate the active community on their Slack channel and encourage listeners to join. The next episode will catch up on missed headlines from early June.


  1. Introduction to AI for Marketers
  2. AI and Human Creativity
  3. Integrating AI into Tech Stack
  4. AI Council and Verification of AI-Generated Content
  5. AI Tools and Impact on Agencies
  6. Future of AI and Copyright Considerations
  7. Copyright Laws and Implementing AI in Organizations
  8. Implementing AI in Organizations
  9. Teaching AI Models and Podcast Wrap-up

Introduction to AI for Marketers

00:00 - 07:03

  • AI can augment human creativity and innovation, making it a valuable tool.
  • The Marketing AI Show is a podcast that makes AI approachable and actionable for businesses.
  • The special edition episode aims to answer frequently asked questions from their Intro to AI for Marketers class.
  • They received 147 questions from the chat and Q&A box of the class.
  • Using AI, they consolidated these questions into 10 main topics discussed by customers.
  • Human curation was still necessary to adjust the order, remove duplication, add context, and end up with 15 questions for the podcast interview.

AI and Human Creativity

06:39 - 13:50

  • AI gives creative ability and the ability to interact with creative people in a better way.
  • Generative AI can generate content in various forms such as language, image, video, audio, and code.
  • Human creativity will evolve with the use of AI, allowing professionals to do incredible things and non-creative individuals to create concepts.
  • Authentic human content becomes more valuable in a world where AI-generated content is common.
  • In-person events, podcasts, editorials with opinion pieces, interviews, and live events are examples of human content that people crave.

Integrating AI into Tech Stack

13:29 - 20:08

  • Major technology companies are infusing AI capabilities into their platforms.
  • Start by looking at your existing tech stack for smarter tools.
  • Evaluate startup companies that are building smarter solutions.
  • Ask your CRM, email marketing, and social media management tool companies about their AI plans and features.
  • Investing in AI-based companies requires critical assessment of their products and support infrastructure.
  • Consider the impact on your team and how it fits into your tech stack before making a decision.
  • Experimentation with AI technology is important, but trust the vendors you buy from for scaling purposes.
  • Collaborate with IT and AI technology teams to leverage AI capabilities, especially in larger enterprises.
  • Building an AI council can help create a roadmap and policies for implementing AI.

AI Council and Verification of AI-Generated Content

19:51 - 26:34

  • Building an AI council with cross-discipline members can help create a roadmap and principles for AI implementation.
  • IT departments have valid concerns about privacy, security, and cyber security risks when working on large-scale AI projects.
  • Involving peers and stakeholders across different elements of the organization is crucial for scaling AI and driving digital transformation.
  • AI writing tools do not raise plagiarism concerns as they generate original content by predicting words based on learned knowledge.
  • AI synthesizes information at a larger scale than humans, but it lacks true understanding and context like humans do.
  • Writing detection tools currently do not work effectively to detect AI-generated content.
  • Verifying the accuracy of AI-generated content requires human verification and fact-checking.

AI Tools and Impact on Agencies

26:16 - 32:53

  • Google Bard is an AI search engine that generates content and finds sources to verify it.
  • Chad JBT, another AI tool, stopped training in 2021 and requires a browser plugin for real-time data.
  • AI-generated content can be inaccurate, leading to mistakes in names, places, and facts.
  • AI tools can assist non-designers in tasks like data analysis and visualization.
  • Professionals are still needed for complex tasks that require creativity and specific expertise.
  • AI technology has the potential to impact agencies' financial models and service mix.
  • Agencies can adapt by specializing in advising on AI and leading integration projects.
  • Consulting practices focused on large language models and integration work have significant market potential.

Future of AI and Copyright Considerations

32:25 - 38:51

  • Integrating AI into organizations presents a huge market potential.
  • AI tools like GPT-4 have come a long way in terms of language capabilities.
  • GPT-4's ability to write creatively is still somewhat mysterious.
  • AI capabilities are expected to double every 12 months.
  • Future AI models will be able to learn from and output multimedia components.
  • AI will be able to take action, such as booking trips, in the near future.
  • Companies should establish generative AI policies and educate employees on proper usage.
  • Privacy concerns should be addressed when using AI models like chat GPT.
  • Compliance with copyright regulations is important when generating images and other content using AI.

Copyright Laws and Implementing AI in Organizations

38:35 - 45:23

  • Copyright laws currently do not recognize AI-generated content for copyright protection.
  • There may be battles and legal disputes over this issue in the future.
  • The level of human input and creativity in the prompt could potentially be considered a form of authorship.
  • It is important to consult with IP attorneys and understand if outside agencies use AI to generate content for you.
  • AI-generated content, such as logos, can be used by others without permission or consequences.
  • Certain types of content, like outlines, emails, and social media shares, may not require copyright protection.
  • AI is commonly used for transcription, summarization, ideation, simplification of content, and other non-copyrightable tasks.
  • The evolution of copyright legislation in relation to large language model AI will likely involve considerations of authorship and the significance of prompts.
  • Ghostwriting provides some precedent for ownership of copyrighted works created with significant human input.
  • IP attorneys will have plenty of work in the AI space for the next decade.

Implementing AI in Organizations

45:03 - 51:11

  • Two approaches to implementing AI in organizations: problem-based model and use case model.
  • Problem-based model involves starting from scratch and finding intelligent solutions, but it can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Use case model involves identifying specific tasks that can be automated with AI to save time.
  • Create a list of all the tasks you do and estimate the time spent on each.
  • Rank the tasks based on their value and potential for AI assistance.
  • Implement individual use cases with clearly defined scope and high probability of success.
  • Present the successes to leadership as examples of AI's impact on efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Embrace AI technology rather than ignoring it, as it will increasingly shape professional careers.
  • Be proactive in understanding how AI will impact your career and organization.
  • There are opportunities for professionals at all levels to become change agents in their organizations by exploring AI solutions.
  • New career paths based on AI are still emerging, so individuals need to identify their own roles and value creation opportunities.
  • Leadership roles like CMOs should consider what a next-gen marketer looks like in an AI-driven world.

Teaching AI Models and Podcast Wrap-up

50:45 - 53:56

  • Developing the skill of giving prompts to AI models like GPT-4 will be essential in various fields.
  • Teaching strategy is challenging, but AI can accelerate the development of strategic and critical thinking skills.
  • Receiving valuable questions from the audience is a favorite part of the podcast, and they hope to address more of them regularly.
  • The hosts appreciate the active community on their Slack channel and encourage listeners to join.
  • Next week's episode will catch up on missed headlines from early June.