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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2116: How to Break Through a Deadlift Plateau, Ways to Maintain Progress When Circumstances Dramatically Cut Available Training Time, How to Judge if You Are Gaining Weight Too Quickly & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Wed Jul 12 2023
FitnessHealthMuscle BuildingCannabinoidsAffirmative ActionRental PropertiesPsychedelic TherapyDeadlift StrengthWomen's FitnessOptimizing Strength


This episode covers a wide range of topics including the benefits of building muscle, the potential health benefits of cannabinoids, the importance of grip strength and physical labor, the controversy surrounding affirmative action in college admissions, the impact of Airbnb on rental properties, the use of psychedelic therapy for mental health, tips for improving deadlift strength, building muscle as a woman, maintaining physique and enjoying fitness, and optimizing strength and muscle gain. The hosts provide valuable insights and practical advice throughout the episode.


Building muscle is recommended for improving health before focusing on losing weight.

Having muscle while being overweight is generally healthier than being skinny without muscle due to improved mobility, decreased inflammation, and better insulin sensitivity.

Cannabinoids found in marijuana may have potential health benefits.

Studies show that marijuana users have lower BMI despite the common belief that it increases appetite. Cannabinoids may improve insulin sensitivity, metabolism, and have anti-cancer properties.

Grip strength is important for overall health and mobility.

Previous generations placed more emphasis on grip strength and physical labor. Grip strength is a predictor for testosterone levels and can be improved through manual labor and specific exercises.

The controversy surrounding affirmative action in college admissions raises important questions about fairness and equality.

Affirmative action has been banned in California since the 90s, but the recent ruling against affirmative action was seen as discriminatory against Asian Americans. The legacy system and athletic scholarships are also controversial topics.

The decline in Airbnb has had an impact on rental properties and the rental market.

Airbnb arbitrage and DCR loans are experiencing a decline. Renting out properties on Airbnb without approval is illegal, and some homeowners may unknowingly have their properties listed on Airbnb by renters.

Psychedelic therapy shows promise in treating mental health conditions.

The use of substances like MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine in therapy is gaining interest. These therapies can help individuals process traumatic experiences and improve mental well-being.

Tips for improving deadlift strength include addressing imbalances and focusing on mobility.

Unilateral training, deficit deadlifts, pause deadlifts, single leg deadlifts, and Bulgarian squats can all help improve deadlift strength. Running a symmetry program after a meet can also be beneficial.

Building muscle as a woman requires a focus on the metabolism-boosting effects of muscle building.

Women should embrace the strength gained from lifting weights and understand that getting bigger and tighter is part of the process. Progress pictures can help track changes in physique over time.

Maintaining physique and enjoying fitness requires a shift away from being solely goal-focused.

Trying new exercises, focusing on mobility, and experiencing different avenues of fitness can help individuals enjoy their fitness journey. It's important not to get obsessed with body composition.

Optimizing strength and muscle gain involves following a recommended workout program and increasing calorie intake.

Taking testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can prime the body for muscle building. Increasing calorie intake and incorporating trigger sessions on off days can also help with muscle gain.


  1. Introduction and Podcast Overview
  2. Benefits of Building Muscle
  3. Cannabinoids and Health Benefits
  4. Importance of Grip Strength and Physical Labor
  5. Affirmative Action and College Admissions
  6. Controversy of Trans Women in Women's Sports
  7. Impact of Airbnb on Rental Properties
  8. Psychedelic Therapy and Mental Health
  9. Protein Intake and Muscle Building
  10. Maintaining Progress with Reduced Gym Time
  11. Improving Deadlift Strength
  12. Tips for Improving Deadlift Strength
  13. Building Muscle as a Woman
  14. Maintaining Physique and Enjoying Fitness
  15. Optimizing Strength and Muscle Gain

Introduction and Podcast Overview

00:01 - 06:43

  • The podcast episode is introduced and sponsored by Perfect Bar, a refrigerated protein bar made with whole food ingredients.
  • The hosts of the podcast are Sal, Adam, and Justin.
  • The podcast covers various topics including current events, family life, scientific studies, and more.
  • Listeners can skip to their favorite parts using the timestamps provided in the show notes.
  • Listeners can submit questions to be answered on future episodes by emailing
  • The episode is also sponsored by Ned, a company that offers CBD-rich hemp oil products for inflammation, sleep, and creativity. Listeners can get 15% off at using the code 'mindpump'.
  • Organifi is another sponsor of the episode. They offer organic supplements for health, wellness, athletic performance, muscle building, and fat loss. Listeners can get 20% off at using the code 'MINDPUMP'.
  • There is a sale on workout programs and bundles at with a discount of 50% using the code 'July50'.
  • Winners of a T-shirt giveaway are announced as Silver Strong GNFS A-G-H Discruental Jedi Julie Whitaker Lexoron Alexander Stevens. They are instructed to email with their shirt size and shipping address.

Benefits of Building Muscle

06:22 - 12:39

  • Having muscle while being overweight is generally healthier than being skinny without muscle due to improved mobility, decreased inflammation, and better insulin sensitivity.
  • Muscle is protective even if weight loss doesn't occur. People with little muscle and lots of body fat are considered unhealthy.
  • Building muscle is recommended for improving health before focusing on losing weight.
  • Adding more muscle to your body is a better long-term strategy for getting leaner.
  • Muscle improves metabolism, hormone profile, insulin sensitivity, and fat loss.
  • Muscle is important for mobility, especially as you age.
  • Building muscle can lead to more improvements in health markers than losing fat.

Cannabinoids and Health Benefits

12:23 - 18:16

  • Studies show that marijuana users have lower BMI despite the common belief that it increases appetite.
  • Cannabinoids found in marijuana may improve insulin sensitivity and metabolism.
  • Pharmaceutical companies are researching cannabinoid-based drugs for weight loss and diabetes.
  • Net, a hemp oil product with cannabinoids, may have potential for weight loss products in the future.
  • GW Pharmaceuticals had a drug fast-tracked for epilepsy called Dravase syndrome.
  • CBD cannabis strain Charlotte's web became popular in Colorado.
  • THC is the least likely to be used as medicine due to its psychotropic effects.
  • Cannabinoids have shown anti-cancer properties in brain, liver, and other forms of cancer.
  • Supplementing with hemp oil may help with inflammation, sleep, anxiety, and mood.
  • Hemp oil is not psychoactive but can provide noticeable benefits.
  • Endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome may be caused by stress, gut issues, or toxins.
  • Hemp oil supplementation could become commonly used for health benefits.

Importance of Grip Strength and Physical Labor

17:48 - 23:27

  • Previous generations placed more emphasis on grip strength and physical labor.
  • Grip strength is a predictor for testosterone levels.
  • Arm wrestling used to be popular in families.
  • Manual labor can lead to stronger hands.
  • Watching videos of people building things from scratch can make one feel inadequate.

Affirmative Action and College Admissions

23:08 - 29:42

  • Affirmative action has been banned in California since the 90s.
  • A Supreme Court case ruled that colleges receiving federal funding cannot use race as a factor in admissions.
  • Affirmative action was a racist law that used race as a qualification for admission.
  • Asian Americans had to score much higher than other races to get into college.
  • The ruling against affirmative action was seen as discriminatory against Asian Americans.
  • The ruling may disrupt college applications and recruitment of athletes and legacies.
  • Athletic scholarships are not protected under the Constitution, so they could be affected by future lawsuits.
  • Eliminating athletic scholarships may disproportionately hurt African Americans who tend to compete at high levels in sports.
  • The legacy system, where alumni have an advantage in admissions, is controversial but understandable from a personal perspective.
  • The issue with the legacy system is that federally funded schools receive tax money that helps give leverage to certain students.

Controversy of Trans Women in Women's Sports

35:03 - 41:20

  • The discussion revolves around the controversy of trans women competing in women's sports.
  • The podcast hosts express their concerns about the impact on women's sports and the unfair advantages that trans women may have due to biological differences.
  • They argue that dismissing the differences between cisgender and transgender athletes is not fair and goes against the principles of science and biology.
  • The hosts suggest that separate categories or competitions for transgender athletes may be necessary to ensure fairness.
  • They also discuss the potential threat to women's safety in spaces like restrooms, highlighting statistics that show men are more likely to commit violent crimes.
  • The hosts emphasize that existing categories in sports were created to protect women, not to exclude them from competition with men.

Impact of Airbnb on Rental Properties

46:46 - 53:00

  • Airbnb arbitrage game experiencing a 50% drop due to the decline in Airbnb
  • DCR loans, which do not require income verification, are also falling out because of the decline in Airbnb
  • Renting out properties on Airbnb without approval is illegal
  • Some homeowners may unknowingly have their properties listed on Airbnb by renters
  • Renters may engage in arbitrage by renting from homeowners and then subleasing on Airbnb
  • One property rented by the podcast hosts is used for arbitrage by a company that rents it out to employees of other businesses
  • The company's strategy is to make more profit than they lose during any vacant months by nitpicking and trying to sue the homeowners

Psychedelic Therapy and Mental Health

58:17 - 1:04:56

  • The speaker is excited about the use of MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine in therapy.
  • They are not abandoning other therapies and plan to continue using them alongside these substances.
  • The speaker has had a few EMDR sessions that have been impactful and changed their perspective on certain childhood experiences.
  • They are looking forward to experiencing therapy under the influence of psychotropic substances like ketamine.
  • The government is interested in exploring these therapies due to the high suicide rates among soldiers.
  • The speaker's fundamental shift in therapy is too personal to discuss openly.
  • Therapy with an unbiased expert can help individuals grow faster and become better people.
  • Strong emotions can strengthen thought patterns, making it difficult to process traumatic experiences. Ketamine helps disassociate from those emotions and create new pathways for emotional reframing.
  • Psilocybin therapy has shown promising results in end-of-life care, with a majority of patients feeling at peace after treatment.

Protein Intake and Muscle Building

58:37 - 1:11:14

  • If a majority of your protein is not from animal sources, you're going to need more protein to do the same thing as the animal sources.
  • Vegans or vegetarians may need more like 1.2 grams of plant protein per pound of body weight to equal the same benefits.
  • Protein powders can be valuable for vegans to meet their protein needs.
  • Organifi is a good example of a vegan protein powder that can boost protein intake.
  • Organifi may be easier to digest compared to whey protein for many people.
  • Robert Oberst, a world-strong man competitor, has a role in Righteous Gems and is doing well.
  • Legion is a company that makes high-performance supplements for athletic performance enhancement.
  • A caller named Noah from Maryland praises the Split program and asks for tips on maintaining progress with reduced gym time.
  • The myth that whatever you do to get in shape, you have to keep doing it to stay in shape is false.
  • Cutting volume in half will not cause loss of strength or muscle, and may even lead to progress.

Maintaining Progress with Reduced Gym Time

1:04:35 - 1:17:52

  • Cutting volume in half may actually lead to progress in strength and muscle
  • Follow a program with less volume that fits your schedule
  • Maps Anabolic and Maps Aesthetic are recommended programs
  • Consider toggling between the two programs based on workload
  • The listener's previous workout schedule was too intense, so Maps Anabolic is recommended now
  • Maintaining muscle while dropping calories can be achieved by keeping protein intake high and monitoring activity levels
  • No need to change the current calorie intake of around 3000 calories per day
  • Bands for future use require a pull-up bar or bench as additional equipment

Improving Deadlift Strength

1:17:23 - 1:23:26

  • Reducing training volume can lead to better results and easier maintenance for experienced individuals.
  • Alicia from Ohio has been doing the powerlifting program and wants to increase her deadlift.
  • Her bench press is impressive at 240 pounds, while her squat is around 330 pounds.
  • However, her deadlift is stuck at around 309-310 pounds.
  • At her level, progress becomes incremental and harder to achieve.
  • Addressing imbalances and focusing on mobility and unilateral training may help improve her deadlift.
  • She could consider incorporating symmetry training before returning to powerlifting.
  • Alicia has experienced lower back pain in the past but has worked on core stability and technique to alleviate it.
  • Sumo deadlifts are her preferred style, with the sticking point being right off the ground.

Tips for Improving Deadlift Strength

1:23:01 - 1:29:30

  • Sumo deadlift sticking point is usually right off the ground
  • Deficit deadlifts and pause deadlifts can help build strength and tension in the lower part of the lift
  • Single leg deadlifts and Bulgarian squats are great for strengthening and stabilizing hips
  • Running symmetry program after a meet can help address imbalances and prevent injuries
  • Map symmetry program may benefit due to small imbalances and body protecting itself from lifting heavy weights
  • Risk of injury increases with strong lifts if form is slightly off
  • Goal is to get to nationals in federation, lifting around 400 pounds
  • Strength peaks in mid-30s or even 40s for powerlifters
  • Programs have helped many people surpass trainers' own strength levels
  • Unilateral training for at least 30-60 days a year could improve results for high-level powerlifters

Building Muscle as a Woman

1:29:00 - 1:35:07

  • To build more muscle as a woman and move past the bulky phase, focus on the metabolism-boosting effects of muscle building.
  • Emphasize the strength gained from lifting weights to empower women and make them feel more secure in their bodies.
  • Communicate that getting bigger and tighter is part of the process and will lead to a leaner physique in the long run.
  • Taking progress pictures can help clients see the positive changes in their physique over time.
  • For women who want a bulkier build, increasing calorie intake is key.
  • There is a limit to how much muscle women can potentially build, but it varies based on individual factors such as training history and genetics.

Maintaining Physique and Enjoying Fitness

1:34:48 - 1:41:21

  • Shift away from being so goal-focused in training and focus on different facets of fitness
  • Try new exercises and focus on mobility
  • Constantly progressing is impossible, so embrace the love for working out
  • Experience different avenues of fitness through other programs
  • Don't get obsessed with body composition
  • Chad shares his background of being diagnosed with a brain tumor and low testosterone levels
  • Started taking testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but couldn't produce testosterone naturally anymore
  • Started weightlifting and running to switch things up
  • Lost weight from 225 pounds to 177 pounds with around 12% body fat
  • Started eating more calories to increase metabolism and gain strength
  • Gained around 19 pounds in three months, but body fat percentage only increased by one and a half percent
  • Being on TRT helps build muscle more effectively than natural testosterone levels
  • Stay at current calorie intake or slowly increase if desired results are achieved

Optimizing Strength and Muscle Gain

1:40:55 - 1:46:42

  • The individual is currently in a good place in terms of health, testosterone level, body fat percentage, and weight.
  • The primary goal is to increase strength without significantly increasing body fat percentage.
  • Taking TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) primes the body for muscle building.
  • Increasing calorie intake to around 3,500 calories may be beneficial for muscle growth.
  • Following the recommended workout program and incorporating trigger sessions on off days can help with muscle gain.
  • TRT should not negatively impact fertility, and taking HCG can help restore sperm production.
  • It's important to consult with a doctor or specialist for hormone testing and guidance.