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The School of Greatness

3 Strategies for THRIVING in Today's Economy EP 1468

Fri Jul 14 2023


Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Understand that inner peace is more valuable than money. The shift from factory workers to entrepreneurs created the old consciousness. Money comes when you're ready for it, not when you're desperate for it. Saying no to things that don't expand you is powerful and freeing. The universe is trying to change itself to a higher consciousness through you. Negative emotions are derived from the hormones of stress, which are triggered by a perceived danger in the outer environment. Teaching people to create from wholeness and the quantum field instead of lack or separation. Clear intention and attention make thought more real. Good habits are essential for growth and success. Understanding the mind and its higher faculties can improve self-image. Having an image of your goal means you already have it intellectually and can share it with others.


Inner peace is more valuable than money

The episode emphasizes the importance of focusing on inner peace rather than money as a means to attract wealth and abundance.

The old consciousness of greed is crumbling

The old consciousness of greed and selfishness is starting to crumble, making way for a new consciousness focused on following one's heart.

Money comes when you're ready for it

Money comes when you're ready for it, not when you're desperate for it. Understanding that you are abundance attracts abundance into your life.

Creating from wholeness and the quantum field

Teaching people to create from wholeness and the quantum field instead of lack or separation allows for a more effective manifestation of desires.

Clear intention and attention in manifestation

Clear intention and attention make thought more real, shortening the distance between thought and experience. Feeling the emotions of abundance before it occurs helps attract what you want.

The importance of good habits

Good habits are essential for growth and success. Successful people turn tasks they don't like into habits, and repetition is key to developing skills and knowledge.

Understanding the mind and its higher faculties

Understanding the mind and its higher faculties, such as perception, will, reason, imagination, memory, and intuition, can improve self-image and lead to achieving goals.

The power of holding an idea in your mind

Holding a clear picture of your goals in your mind attracts everything needed for their manifestation. Ideas grow and manifest in the same way as physical beings.


  1. Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness
  2. Understand that inner peace is more valuable than money
  3. The shift from factory workers to entrepreneurs created the old consciousness
  4. Money comes when you're ready for it, not when you're desperate for it
  5. Saying no to things that don't expand you is powerful and freeing
  6. The universe is trying to change itself to a higher consciousness through you
  7. Negative emotions are derived from the hormones of stress, which are triggered by a perceived danger in the outer environment
  8. Teaching people to create from wholeness and the quantum field instead of lack or separation
  9. Clear intention and attention make thought more real
  10. Good habits are essential for growth and success
  11. Understanding the mind and its higher faculties can improve self-image
  12. Having an image of your goal means you already have it intellectually and can share it with others

Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness

00:02 - 06:33

  • Expect inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero, and more
  • Experience live music, group workouts, and connect with others at the event

Understand that inner peace is more valuable than money

00:02 - 06:33

  • Pay attention to what you invest in financially and overlook free practices like meditation
  • Change your unconscious thoughts about money to create a positive relationship with it
  • Focus on yourself rather than money to attract wealth
  • Passionate people attract riches through their energy and enthusiasm for life
  • The old consciousness of greed is starting to crumble

The shift from factory workers to entrepreneurs created the old consciousness

06:06 - 12:32

  • Controlling mindsets are crumbling, and old structures aren't working
  • The birth of a new consciousness focused on following your heart is coming

Money comes when you're ready for it, not when you're desperate for it

06:06 - 12:32

  • Understanding that you are abundance attracts abundance into your life
  • Accessing fulfillment and connection with yourself creates creativity and awareness
  • Being present allows you to see meaningful moments in everyday life

Saying no to things that don't expand you is powerful and freeing

12:12 - 18:27

  • Developing skills and value is important, but it's not about how much money you have
  • Value comes from understanding how valuable you are and creating evidence of it
  • Delegate tasks that are not your highest priority to maintain alignment and energy
  • Don't disqualify what you're naturally good at just because it hasn't been done before
  • We are the universe trying to change the planet through us, bringing higher consciousness

The universe is trying to change itself to a higher consciousness through you

18:00 - 24:41

  • When you meditate, higher level ideas come through that you can't wrap your mind around
  • You're here to acclimate your mind to the vastness of what you are
  • Insulting quotes about being out of your mind or over your head can be reversed and seen as positive
  • Instead of fighting for our freedom, we often fight for our limitations
  • Our relationship with money is formed from past experiences and beliefs
  • Children are highly suggestible to information and form beliefs without analyzing them
  • Negative emotions derived from stress hormones create powerful memories
  • Most people experience more negative emotions than positive ones

Negative emotions are derived from the hormones of stress, which are triggered by a perceived danger in the outer environment

24:17 - 31:17

  • People's emotions are often based on past experiences, such as losing money or not having enough
  • The body and mind feel like they are waiting for an external event to occur when experiencing lack
  • In three-dimensional reality, the creation game is experienced as separation from others and everything else
  • In order to achieve a desired experience in the future, one must take action and expend time and energy
  • People often wait for years for an experience to happen that will take away their sense of lack, but when it finally occurs, they may be too exhausted to enjoy it fully
  • When creating from three-dimensional reality, people create from a sense of lack and separation
  • The brain naturally creates images of what one desires but does not have, leading to a feeling of lack
  • The concept of time creates a distance between the thought of what one wants and its actual manifestation
  • Some people can quickly manifest what they want due to their skills and resources, but once the novelty wears off, they feel empty again and seek something new
  • When creating from lack and separation, people rely on experiencing something in three-dimensional reality to generate the desired emotion that takes away their sense of lack or separation
  • There is another way to create: by generating the desired emotion first. For example, feeling gratitude initiates healing; feeling abundant generates wealth; feeling empowered leads to success; feeling love attracts new relationships; feeling awe brings mystical experiences

Teaching people to create from wholeness and the quantum field instead of lack or separation

30:53 - 37:55

  • The quantum field is an invisible field of energy that exists beyond our senses
  • Most people are unaware of the quantum field, but it connects everything physical and material
  • To access the quantum field, take attention off the body, emotions, environment, and time
  • When attention is off these elements, there is a change in brain function
  • Being in the unknown allows creation from the invisible field
  • Creating coherence in the brain strengthens the signal from the quantum field
  • Under stress, the brain goes into an alarmed state called high beta
  • Incoherent brain activity leads to disconnection and autonomic dysregulation
  • Over-focusing on problems worsens brain function and balance
  • Crisis or trauma often prompts individuals to seek change and balance
  • Broadening focus on space slows down brain waves and synchronizes brain activity

Clear intention and attention make thought more real

37:33 - 45:03

  • Abundant people give things away because they believe there is more for everybody
  • To draw experiences back to you, you need to send out a signal with intention and attention
  • Creating from the field shortens the distance between thought and experience
  • A coherent heart with a magnetic signature draws reality to us
  • Feeling the emotions of abundance before it occurs helps attract what you want
  • Negative emotions activate the sympathetic nervous system, hindering manifestation
  • Studying every day for years has been a habit for personal growth
  • 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill emphasizes persistence as a key principle for success

Good habits are essential for growth and success

44:35 - 52:55

  • Successful people turn tasks they don't like into habits
  • Repetition is key to developing skills and knowledge
  • Principle should guide actions, not past experiences
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs can lead to breakthroughs
  • Building self-esteem requires consistent effort and positive mindset

Understanding the mind and its higher faculties can improve self-image

52:26 - 1:00:52

  • Perception, will, reason, imagination, memory, and intuition are the six faculties that help create one's own environment
  • Awareness is key to earning more money and achieving success
  • Expanding understanding of how the mind operates is essential
  • Imagination allows us to tap into infinite possibilities and frequencies
  • The will gives us the ability to hold one idea in our mind without distractions
  • Holding a clear picture of our goals in our mind attracts everything needed for their manifestation
  • Working from the goal rather than towards it is more effective
  • Emotional involvement with an idea solidifies its presence on an emotional level

Having an image of your goal means you already have it intellectually and can share it with others

1:00:28 - 1:02:38

  • Emotionally getting involved with the idea means you have it on an emotional level as well
  • The only place you haven't got it is physically
  • The gestation period for an idea to manifest in physical form is unknown
  • Ideas grow and manifest in the same way as physical beings
  • Holding the idea in your mind will eventually lead to its manifestation