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The School of Greatness

3 Success Habits That Will Guarantee Powerful Results EP 1472

Fri Jul 21 2023
personal developmentsuccessmindsethabitsself-improvement


Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Expect inspiring speakers, live music, group workouts, and social events. Good habits are essential for growth and success. Control from within, study every day, and develop good habits. Principle over precedent leads to breakthroughs. Understand the mind and attract success through imagination. Overcome challenges and focus on personal growth. Create a world-class morning routine for success and fulfillment. Believe in oneself and embrace personal growth.


Unleash your true greatness

Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Expect inspiring speakers, live music, group workouts, and social events.

Good habits for growth and success

Control from within, study every day, and develop good habits. Principle over precedent leads to breakthroughs.

Understanding the mind and attracting success

Imagination is powerful. Hold the goal in your mind and attract it step by step. Remember the future and envision a greater future.

The power of subconscious programming

We are the product of our environment and genetically programmed. Most people are unaware of their programming. Tony Robbins shares his journey of self-love and appreciation.

Shifting focus and taking responsibility

Stack positive experiences, serve and love others, be mindful of language, and take responsibility for personal growth.

Overcoming challenges and personal growth

Let go of toxic relationships, shift perception and beliefs, show love even when faced with criticism, focus on personal health as a foundation for improvement.

Creating a world-class morning routine

Focus on one thing primarily, upgrade physiology, train body through movement, work on business/financial side and personal side, model successful individuals, implement the 2020-20 formula.

The power of a morning routine

The 2020-20 formula involves physical movement, reflection, and growth. Give the routine a fair try for at least 66 days.

Believing in oneself and personal growth

Model and mimic successful individuals, have someone who believes in you, read to open up new possibilities, find your own mission, genius is about daily habits, believe in oneself and embrace personal growth.


  1. Join the Summit of Greatness
  2. Good habits for growth and success
  3. Principle over precedent
  4. Understanding the mind and attracting success
  5. The power of subconscious programming
  6. Shifting focus and taking responsibility
  7. Overcoming challenges and personal growth
  8. Creating a world-class morning routine
  9. The power of a morning routine
  10. Believing in oneself and personal growth

Join the Summit of Greatness

00:02 - 07:53

  • Unleash your true greatness
  • Expect inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero, and more
  • Participate in live music, group workouts, and social events

Good habits for growth and success

00:02 - 07:53

  • Control from within and stay focused on your goals
  • Study every day to gain knowledge and understanding
  • 'Think and Grow Rich' is a book that has been studied daily for years
  • 'Persistence' is a key principle from 'Think and Grow Rich'
  • 'The Common Denominator of Success' emphasizes doing things that failures don't like to do as a habit
  • Developing good habits is crucial for continuous growth
  • Repetition of studying the same thing is difficult but important for success

Principle over precedent

07:31 - 16:01

  • Repetition is key to understanding and mastering a subject.
  • The Wright brothers' success was due to principle over precedent.
  • Principle is finding a better way, while precedent is letting the past control you.
  • Letting go of self-limiting beliefs can lead to breakthroughs.
  • Studying oneself and understanding the mind can improve self-esteem.
  • Higher faculties like perception, will, reason, imagination, and memory can help create one's own environment.
  • Awareness is crucial for success.
  • Building a successful company requires a great team.

Understanding the mind and attracting success

15:32 - 24:03

  • The company has a phenomenal team operating in 91 countries, teaching unique information about how the mind functions.
  • They teach people to expand their understanding of how their mind operates and the six faculties: perception, will, imagination, reason, intuition.
  • Imagination is powerful as it allows us to tap into infinite frequencies and attract what we desire.
  • Holding the goal in your mind and attracting it step by step is more effective than working towards the goal.
  • We measure everything on the physical level, but we already have the goal intellectually and emotionally before it manifests physically.
  • The gestation period for an idea to manifest physically is unknown, but holding onto the idea in our minds will make it manifest according to universal laws.
  • Remembering the future and envisioning a greater future can be challenging because we are programmed to focus on the past.
  • Our environment and genetic programming shape our subconscious minds from birth.

The power of subconscious programming

23:38 - 30:20

  • We are the product of our environment and genetically programmed from the moment of conception.
  • Our subconscious mind contains a program called a paradigm that controls our life to a large extent.
  • Most people are unaware of their programming and remain stuck in their lives.
  • Anyone can become a billionaire if they choose to focus on it, but not everyone wants to.
  • Many well-educated individuals struggle financially because they never learned how to earn money.
  • Tony Robbins shares his journey of self-love and appreciation, which evolved over time.
  • Stacking positive experiences can lead to lasting biochemical changes and increased appreciation.
  • Finding unconditional love for others makes it easier to find in oneself.

Shifting focus and taking responsibility

29:59 - 36:20

  • Stacking the good experiences helps in appreciating them.
  • Finding unconditional love for others makes it easier to find in oneself.
  • Serving and loving others should be the focus.
  • Stacking all the good deeds done can make one feel great about themselves.
  • Reacting negatively to toxic family members or partners is a natural human reaction, but it's important to shift the focus from 'me' to serving and loving.
  • Language has power, and people should be mindful of their words.
  • The culture today promotes conformity and judgment of others who think differently.
  • Self-esteem comes from one's own experiences, not from what others say about them.
  • Blaming others is not a strategy for pride or personal growth.
  • One's past does not determine their future; it's the decisions made in the present that shape one's life.

Overcoming challenges and personal growth

35:55 - 42:10

  • The speaker reflects on the challenges of growing up in an abusive environment and how it shaped his mindset.
  • He emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's own life and not blaming others or the past.
  • The speaker shares his experience of developing skills at a young age to navigate difficult situations with his mother.
  • He encourages listeners to let go of toxic relationships and focus on personal growth.
  • The speaker highlights the need for a shift in perception and beliefs to overcome challenges.
  • He advises staying in a positive state and showing love even when faced with criticism from family members.
  • Freedom comes from personal growth, not control over others or external circumstances.
  • The speaker observes a pattern of breakdowns in various areas of people's lives during the past year.
  • In response to a hypothetical scenario, he suggests focusing on personal health as a foundation for improvement in other areas.

Creating a world-class morning routine

41:54 - 48:14

  • Focus on one thing primarily, especially the area that you desire to change the most or that is causing you the most pain.
  • Upgrade your physiology to change your emotions and improve the quality of your life.
  • Train your body through movement, breathing, and speaking to create a positive biochemical response.
  • Work on both your business/financial side and personal side for overall success and fulfillment.
  • Start with a strong emotional state by taking care of your physical well-being.
  • Model someone who is successful in the areas you want to improve and learn from their patterns and beliefs.
  • Press the pause button each morning to fortify your mindset, insulate your heart set, optimize your health set, and escalate your soul set.
  • Implement the 2020-20 formula: spend 20 minutes exercising, 20 minutes reflecting/meditating/journaling, and 20 minutes learning/growing every morning.

The power of a morning routine

47:46 - 55:08

  • The 2020-20 formula is a morning routine that involves getting up at 5 a.m.
  • The first 20 minutes of the routine should be dedicated to physical movement, which releases serotonin and dopamine.
  • From 5:20 to 5:40, the focus should be on reflection through activities like prayer, meditation, or journaling.
  • The final pocket of the routine is growth, where you spend time learning through podcasts, audiobooks, or reading.
  • The sequencing of the routine can vary based on individual preferences and goals.
  • It's important to give the routine a fair try for at least 66 days to see its effects.
  • Committing to a world-class morning routine can significantly impact your day and overall results.

Believing in oneself and personal growth

54:45 - 59:02

  • No one teaches the importance of modeling and mimicking unless we have a parent or older sibling to learn from.
  • Having someone who believes in us can make a significant impact on our lives.
  • Reading can introduce us to new perspectives and open up new possibilities.
  • Everyone should find their own mission, regardless of how big or small it may seem.
  • Genius is more about daily habits than genetics.
  • Believing in oneself and leaning into our gifts can lead to personal growth and success.