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Future of UX

#32 Use Cases For the Apple Vision Pro XR Headset

Thu Jul 06 2023
Apple Vision ProUX designers3D contenteducationproductivity


The episode discusses the important use cases of the Apple Vision Pro for UX designers, including the ability to work anywhere without separate monitors, distraction-free zones, and working with 3D content. It also explores the benefits and potential use cases of adding 3D content for educational purposes.


The Apple Vision Pro offers flexibility and immersion

The Vision Pro allows UX designers to work anywhere without separate monitors and choose their level of immersion with distraction-free zones.

Working with 3D content is important for professionals

Professionals like architects and doctors can benefit from using the Vision Pro to explain concepts using 3D models.

Adding 3D content enhances exploration and understanding

The addition of 3D content in educational settings can enhance exploration and understanding of complex subjects.

Focus on productivity and work-related tasks with 3D technology

The focus should be on using 3D technology for productivity and work-related tasks, rather than as a luxury product.

Increase productivity and efficiency with 3D technology

Using 3D technology can increase productivity and efficiency when working with clients or stakeholders.

Creating distraction-free zones improves focus and flexibility

Having distraction-free zones and multiple monitors available can improve focus and flexibility in work setups.

There are many potential use cases for 3D technology

The speaker is interested in hearing about other potential use cases for 3D technology.


  1. The Apple Vision Pro
  2. Adding 3D Content for Educational Purposes

The Apple Vision Pro

00:02 - 08:25

  • The Apple Vision Pro has important use cases for UX designers.
  • One use case is the ability to work anywhere without separate monitors, which is beneficial for remote workers and those who don't have access to traditional work setups.
  • The Vision Pro offers distraction-free zones during working times, allowing users to choose the level of immersion and minimize distractions.
  • Working with 3D content is another important use case, especially for professionals like architects and doctors who need to explain concepts using 3D models.
  • The current method of viewing 3D content on a 2D screen is not ideal, but the Vision Pro presents an opportunity to explore three-dimensional interfaces.

Adding 3D Content for Educational Purposes

08:09 - 10:12

  • Adding 3D content for educational purposes can enhance exploration and understanding.
  • The focus of using 3D technology should be on productivity and work-related tasks.
  • The high price point of 3D technology makes it more of a luxury product.
  • Using 3D technology can increase productivity and efficiency in working with clients or stakeholders.
  • Creating distraction-free zones and having multiple monitors available can improve focus and flexibility in work setups.
  • There are many potential use cases for 3D technology, and the speaker is interested in hearing about others.