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Future of UX

#33 Top 6 High-Level Skills for Designer

Thu Jul 13 2023
designAIskillscritical thinkingcreativityleadershipcollaborationcommunication


The episode covers high-level skills for designers to prepare for the future in an era of AI, the importance of critical thinking, creativity, leadership, and collaboration in design, the changing landscape of collaboration and communication in design, and developing critical thinking, creativity, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills for designers.


High-level skills for designers

Designers should keep up to date with new tools, focus on long-term beneficial skills like problem-solving and critical thinking, and stay cautious while being excited about the future. 'Think Again' by Adam Grant provides more insights on critical thinking.

Importance of critical thinking, creativity, leadership, and collaboration

Designers should constantly rethink beliefs, explore diverse sources of inspiration, and possess leadership and collaboration skills to succeed in design.

Changing landscape of collaboration and communication

Collaboration in design has shifted from local tools like Sketch to collaborative tools like Figma. Presentations are unnecessary as designers can guide clients through designs in Figma. Effective communication is crucial for successful collaboration and client satisfaction.

Developing critical thinking, creativity, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills

Designers should develop critical thinking skills to tackle challenges and think ethically. Creativity is essential for gaining new insights. Leadership, collaboration, and effective communication are key skills for success in design.


  1. High-level skills for designers to prepare for the future in an era of AI
  2. The importance of critical thinking, creativity, leadership, and collaboration in design
  3. The changing landscape of collaboration and communication in design
  4. Developing critical thinking, creativity, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills for designers

High-level skills for designers to prepare for the future in an era of AI

00:00 - 07:37

  • Keep up to date with what's going on and try out new tools
  • Focus on high-level skills that will be beneficial in the long term
  • Problem-solving is crucial for identifying user needs and coming up with innovative solutions
  • Practice problem-solving in both professional and personal life
  • Critical thinking is important to question and rethink current beliefs
  • Stay cautious while being excited about the future
  • Read 'Think Again' by Adam Grant for more insights on critical thinking

The importance of critical thinking, creativity, leadership, and collaboration in design

07:17 - 15:36

  • Constantly rethinking our current beliefs and being open to new information
  • Creativity in the context of AI technologies providing new opportunities for designers
  • Nurturing creativity by exploring diverse sources of inspiration outside of design
  • Leadership as a skill to guide cross-functional teams and advocate for user-centered approaches
  • Collaboration as an essential aspect of modern design

The changing landscape of collaboration and communication in design

15:06 - 22:44

  • Leadership is collaboration in the design process, which has changed significantly over the years.
  • Previously, designers used tools like Sketch to create designs locally on their computers or company servers.
  • Nowadays, designers use collaborative tools like Figma to share their work with clients and receive real-time feedback.
  • Presentations have become unnecessary as designers can guide clients through designs in Figma and receive immediate comments.
  • Clients can also create their own user flows using the elements provided by the designer.
  • Collaboration is key not only with stakeholders but also with development teams.
  • Communication plays a crucial role in successful collaboration and client satisfaction.
  • Clear, effective, and friendly communication is highly valued by clients and colleagues alike.
  • Freelance designers especially need strong communication skills to ensure client satisfaction and address any issues professionally.

Developing critical thinking, creativity, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills for designers

22:26 - 25:58

  • Developing critical thinking skills is important for designers to tackle challenges and think ethically.
  • Creativity is essential for designers to recharge and gain new insights.
  • Leadership skills are necessary for leading people, designers, and AI tools.
  • Collaboration is crucial for success in design.
  • Effective communication is key in design, both with stakeholders and within teams.