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445 | Fundamental Truths of Investing | Brian Feroldi

Mon Jul 10 2023
InvestingFinancial Independence


The episode covers lessons from Brian's investing experience, Warren Buffett's investment strategies, the importance of pessimism and optimism in investing, psychology and history in investing, investing strategies for long-term success, understanding market volatility and long-term investing, and additional resources for financial independence.


Understanding history, psychology, and thinking long term are key to success as an investor.

Investors should focus on studying history and psychology to make informed decisions and have a long-term perspective.

Having a solid financial foundation is important for handling market volatility.

Building a strong financial base can help investors navigate through market ups and downs with confidence.

Being aware of cognitive biases is crucial for successful investing.

Investors need to recognize their biases and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions.

Buffett's willingness to change his mind and adapt to new information has been a remarkable skill.

Buffett's success can be attributed to his ability to learn from mistakes and adjust his investment strategies accordingly.

Dollar cost averaging works well because it removes emotions from the equation.

Investors can benefit from regularly investing a fixed amount of money, regardless of market conditions.

Successful investing requires a mix of both pessimism and optimism.

Investors should be cautious in the short term while maintaining optimism for long-term growth.

Psychology provides an edge in investing, especially for individual investors.

Understanding human behavior and emotions can help individual investors make better investment decisions.

Consistently avoiding ruin is an underrated financial skill.

Preserving capital and avoiding significant losses is crucial for long-term financial success.

99% of people can do just fine in index funds and should avoid risky investments.

For most investors, low-cost index funds are a reliable and safe investment option.

Studying market history can provide valuable insights during turbulent times.

Examining past market trends can help investors make informed decisions during periods of market volatility.


  1. Lessons from Brian's Investing Experience
  2. Warren Buffett's Investment Strategies
  3. The Importance of Pessimism and Optimism in Investing
  4. Psychology and History in Investing
  5. Investing Strategies for Long-Term Success
  6. Understanding Market Volatility and Long-Term Investing
  7. Additional Resources and Financial Independence

Lessons from Brian's Investing Experience

00:00 - 07:07

  • Understanding history, psychology, and thinking long term are key to success as an investor.
  • Having a solid financial foundation is important for handling market volatility.
  • Being aware of cognitive biases is crucial for successful investing.
  • Investing can be challenging due to market volatility and its impact on human emotions.
  • One important lesson is that you will be wrong a lot when making individual investments.
  • Even curated portfolios have losers, but mega winners outweigh the losses.

Warren Buffett's Investment Strategies

06:48 - 13:56

  • Buffett's willingness to change his mind and adapt to new information has been a remarkable skill.
  • Buffett's investment in IBM didn't do well, but his investment in Apple has been enormously successful.
  • Losing money hurts about three times more than making money feels good due to loss aversion bias.
  • Awareness of behavioral biases like loss aversion can help investors understand their emotions better.

The Importance of Pessimism and Optimism in Investing

13:31 - 20:24

  • Investors tend to want to get in at market tops and sell out at the bottom due to our innate biases.
  • Dollar cost averaging works well because it removes emotions from the equation.
  • Successful investing requires a mix of both pessimism and optimism.
  • Save like a pessimist by being conservative with personal finances, but invest like an optimist for long-term growth.
  • Short-term pessimism is important to prepare for unexpected events, while long-term optimism is based on the continued success of humanity.
  • Permabears miss out on wealth accumulation and growth over time.

Psychology and History in Investing

20:04 - 26:53

  • Psychology provides an edge in investing, especially for individual investors.
  • Recommended resources for studying psychology and history include Charlie Munger's talk on human misjudgment, Morgan Haussell's book 'The Psychology of Money,' and Michael Mobison's book 'Expectations in Investing.'
  • Consistently avoiding ruin is an underrated financial skill.
  • Leverage can be risky and increase the chances of ruin.
  • Maximizing longevity rather than maximizing returns should be the focus of financial planning.

Investing Strategies for Long-Term Success

26:25 - 33:04

  • 99% of people can do just fine in index funds and should avoid risky investments.
  • The best financial advice is to make money, spend less, invest simply, and wait longer.
  • Doing nothing with your investments is often the correct action to take.
  • Panic selling can destroy years of good investment decisions.
  • Dollar cost averaging and having a system or plan can help minimize poor decision-making in the market.

Understanding Market Volatility and Long-Term Investing

32:44 - 39:20

  • Studying market history can provide valuable insights during turbulent times.
  • Investing success relies on psychology and a little bit of history.
  • Investing in the stock market is necessary for building meaningful wealth.
  • The stock market is volatile but not risky over the long term.
  • Investors today have access to abundant financial information and low-cost investment options.

Additional Resources and Financial Independence

39:05 - 40:01

  • ChooseFI has local groups in 300+ cities worldwide.
  • Episode 100 is a great starting point to understand financial independence.
  • ChooseFI offers a free Financial Independence 101 course on their website.