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Stay Paid - A Marketing Podcast

470 - Training Tips that Create GREAT Sales Callers (with Alex Noori)

Mon Jul 03 2023
salescommunicationemotional intelligencelearning styles


The episode covers various aspects of sales, including the importance of heart and passion, effective communication and training, developing emotional intelligence, building belief and motivation, influencing belief and connecting emotions, and understanding learning styles. The bullet points provide insights on assessing potential, the impact of negative and positive coworkers, effective communication techniques, teaching emotional intelligence, script training, building belief, connecting emotions to learning, and understanding learning styles.


Heart and passion are crucial in sales

Having heart and passion is important for salespeople to succeed.

Understanding how someone learns best is important for effective communication and engagement

Tailoring communication to someone's preferred learning style improves engagement.

Teaching emotional intelligence enhances communication and understanding of others

Developing emotional intelligence in sales improves communication skills.

Belief in what you're doing is essential to succeed in sales

Having belief in your work is crucial for success in sales.

Connecting emotions to what people are trying to learn is powerful

Linking emotions to learning helps people see the value in what they're learning.


  1. The Importance of Heart and Passion in Sales
  2. Effective Communication and Training in Sales
  3. Developing Emotional Intelligence in Sales
  4. Building Belief and Motivation in Sales
  5. Influencing Belief and Connecting Emotions in Sales
  6. Understanding Learning Styles and Taking Action

The Importance of Heart and Passion in Sales

00:00 - 05:59

  • Heart and passion are crucial qualities in salespeople.
  • Determining someone's heart during an interview is difficult.
  • Assessing someone's potential based on their first day in the job is effective.
  • Sitting next to a negative person at work can have a negative impact on performance.
  • Sitting next to a positive person at work can have a positive impact on performance.

Effective Communication and Training in Sales

05:33 - 11:35

  • Understanding how someone learns best is important for effective communication and engagement.
  • Observing social awareness and paying attention to surroundings is essential for leadership and training.
  • Active listening and understanding non-verbal cues are critical skills in sales.
  • Teaching emotional intelligence (EQ) enhances communication and understanding of others.
  • Repetitive teaching and practice are effective for developing EQ in telesales.

Developing Emotional Intelligence in Sales

11:14 - 17:16

  • Teaching emotional intelligence (EQ) is a valuable skill.
  • Focus on how you deliver information, not just the words themselves.
  • 'Memorize, internalize, personalize' is an important process for script training.
  • Understanding the essence of what you're trying to deliver is crucial in sales training.
  • Confidence without understanding social cues can hinder active listening in sales.

Building Belief and Motivation in Sales

16:49 - 23:33

  • Understanding the essence of why you are saying what you're saying is crucial in sales.
  • Memorizing scripts without understanding their purpose is ineffective.
  • Reminder Media focuses on teaching essence rather than script.
  • Belief in what you're doing is essential to succeed in sales.
  • Turnover in sales often stems from a lack of belief.

Influencing Belief and Connecting Emotions in Sales

23:06 - 29:39

  • To get someone to believe in something, you need to associate it with what makes them feel good.
  • Connecting feelings to what people are trying to learn is powerful.
  • Tying the purpose of what you're delivering to what people want helps them see the value.
  • Testimony from clients or successful salespeople can influence belief.
  • Knowledge and experience on a subject matter increase confidence and belief.

Understanding Learning Styles and Taking Action

29:19 - 31:04

  • Understanding how you learn and how your team members learn is important.
  • Reminder Media uses a personality test to understand employees' learning styles and manage them effectively.
  • Taking action based on your learning style is key to becoming a top producer in any industry.