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Stay Paid - A Marketing Podcast

471 - Should You Hire an ISA to Follow Up with Leads? [Part 3 of FB lead generation]

Thu Jul 06 2023
lead generationlead nurturinglead conversionoutsourcingFacebook ads


The episode covers the importance of follow-up and lead nurturing, outsourcing strategies for lead conversion, and actionable insights for lead generation.


Effective Lead Conversion

Consistent follow-up, nurturing, and building relationships are crucial in converting leads. Hiring an ISA or outsourcing can help ensure proper follow-through.

Optimizing Facebook Ads

To maximize return on investment with Facebook ads, focus on building relationships with leads, have a good nurture program, and aim for a potential ROI of four times the ad spend.

Importance of Persistence

Many clients give up too early on leads. It's important to have a long-term approach, as conversion rates for Facebook leads can take several months.

Actionable Insights for Lead Generation

The hosts provide an action item for listeners without an ISA, emphasizing the importance of consistent follow-up and considering outsourcing to find qualified leads.


  1. The Importance of Follow-Up and Lead Nurturing
  2. Outsourcing and Lead Conversion Strategies
  3. Actionable Insights for Lead Generation

The Importance of Follow-Up and Lead Nurturing

00:00 - 06:17

  • Consider hiring an ISA (Inside Sales Agent) to follow up with Facebook leads or any other leads when you don't have the time or a consistent drip program.
  • Many people fail to make the necessary follow-up calls even when provided with scripts and guidance.
  • Internet leads, including Facebook leads, can be a great source of leads but require nurturing and long-term follow-up.
  • On average, it takes around 300 days for buyer's leads and 330 days for listing leads to convert.
  • If you're consistently working with approximately 500 to 1000 leads at a time, consider hiring an ISA and providing them with about 300 new leads per month.
  • You can also hire a company to call part-time for you by partnering with an outsourced ISA team.
  • The main benefit of an ISA is their ability to mine data and ensure follow-through on important actions rather than closing deals through salesmanship.
  • When hiring an outsourced ISA, look for someone who can communicate well in English and understand the cultural nuances of speaking.

Outsourcing and Lead Conversion Strategies

05:55 - 12:21

  • When outsourcing, it's important to find someone who speaks English well and understands the culture of speaking.
  • State-side employees are easier to train, while outsourced employees are more cost-effective.
  • Many clients fail by giving up too early on leads. Conversion rates for Facebook leads range from 0.4% to 1.2%.
  • Incubation rates for leads can take anywhere from three to six months or even longer.
  • A good nurture program is crucial for success in converting leads.
  • The potential return on investment with Facebook ads should be around four times the ad spend.
  • Consistent follow-up and automation are key in lead conversion.
  • Building relationships with Facebook leads requires persistence and multiple touchpoints.
  • Every new client gained through Facebook leads adds to your referral network and database.
  • Focus on relationships first before investing in other marketing strategies.

Actionable Insights for Lead Generation

12:00 - 13:08

  • The hosts discuss a word puzzle that one of them didn't understand.
  • They mention their contact information for listeners to reach out to them.
  • The hosts give an action item for listeners without an ISA, emphasizing the importance of following up with leads and staying consistent.
  • They suggest considering outsourcing an ISA to find qualified leads.
  • The hosts highlight that top producers take action in every business.