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Modern Wisdom

#656 - Mike Glover - Green Beret Teaches You How to Survive Any Situation

Thu Jul 20 2023
preparednesssurvival skillsself-reliancerisk assessmentfirearm usagesituational awarenesshome defense strategiesfirearm safety


This episode covers various aspects of preparedness, including survival skills, self-reliance, risk assessment, firearm usage, situational awareness, home defense strategies, and firearm safety. The speakers discuss the importance of being prepared for various scenarios, the decline in societal resilience, the disparity between expected risks and reality, the freeze response in stressful situations, the legal and moral implications of using firearms in self-defense, the role of situational awareness in mitigating risks, and strategies for assessing threats and fortifying homes. They also provide insights into training under stress, understanding reasonable force, and the challenges of adapting to low light conditions. The episode emphasizes the need for individuals to take ownership of their safety and security, while also highlighting the importance of avoiding conflict whenever possible.


Preparedness is crucial in any survival situation

Being prepared for potential threats and risks is essential for survival in various scenarios.

Self-reliance and independence are important

Relying on institutions for support can be problematic, and individuals should reclaim their independence in areas such as healthcare, education, and security.

Situational awareness is crucial for mitigating risks

Being aware of one's surroundings and assessing potential threats can help avoid confrontations and stay ahead of dangers.

Understanding the freeze response is important

The freeze response is a survival mechanism that can be advantageous in certain situations but detrimental in others. Training and education can help control its symptoms.

Exercise technical skills under stress to make rational decisions

Extensive training in technical skills does not guarantee rational decision-making under stress. It is important to practice these skills under realistic conditions.

Consider the legal and moral implications of using firearms in self-defense

Using firearms in self-defense can have high legal and moral ramifications. It is crucial to understand reasonable force, personal decision points, and the potential consequences.

Assess behavior and demeanor to identify potential threats

Observing behavior, demeanor, and anomalies in patterns can help assess the environment and identify escalating situations.

Fortify homes and consider defensive strategies

Having multiple obstacles, implementing technical security measures, and considering defensive strategies based on personal circumstances can enhance home security.

Ensure firearm safety and consider penetration factors

Taking precautions to prevent accidental discharge, educating children about firearm safety, and considering penetration factors in self-defense situations are crucial for firearm safety.

Training in low light conditions is important

Most shootings occur at night or in low light, making training in low light or no light conditions essential for preparedness.


  1. Introduction
  2. Surviving a Car Accident
  3. Overlooked Risks in Preparedness
  4. Doomsday Preppers and Bunkers
  5. Tools for Survival
  6. Books, Expectations, and Recruitment Strategies
  7. Personal Experience and Self-Reliance
  8. Preparedness at Individual and Collective Levels
  9. Lack of Readiness and Decline in Preparedness
  10. Disparity Between Expected Risks and Reality
  11. Driving Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  12. Importance of Basic Skills and Freeze Response
  13. Irrational Decisions Under Stress and Use of Firearms
  14. Legal Justification and Vigilantism
  15. Situational Awareness and Assessing Threats
  16. Behavior Observation and Home Defense
  17. Home Defense Strategies and Firearm Safety
  18. Firearm Safety and Penetration Considerations
  19. Low Light Training and Adaptation


00:00 - 07:21

  • Mike Glover is a former United States Army Green Beret and CEO of Field Craft Survival.
  • Being prepared is crucial in any survival situation.
  • Determining the likelihood of potential threats can be challenging.
  • Gearing up for risks that pose the greatest danger requires careful consideration.

Surviving a Car Accident

00:00 - 07:21

  • Learn how to prepare for surviving a car accident.

Overlooked Risks in Preparedness

00:00 - 07:21

  • Discover the biggest risks that people often overlook when preparing.
  • Understand the surprising risk associated with firearms usage.

Doomsday Preppers and Bunkers

00:00 - 07:21

  • Explore whether doomsday preppers are truly prepared in their bunkers.

Tools for Survival

00:00 - 07:21

  • Find out about a tool that can potentially save your life.

Books, Expectations, and Recruitment Strategies

06:55 - 14:48

  • The influence of books on the Office of Strategic Services and the CIA can lead to unrealistic expectations among case officers.
  • The recruitment strategy of the CIA is compared to the Navy's buds program for SEALs, highlighting how marketing tactics can attract individuals who aspire to be part of elite organizations.

Personal Experience and Self-Reliance

06:55 - 14:48

  • The speaker shares their personal experience of being labeled as a domestic terrorist despite their background as a green beret and CIA operative.
  • Independent individuals who take ownership and seek self-reliance can be perceived as threats by institutions or businesses that rely on dependency.
  • The speaker advocates for self-reliance and encourages people to reclaim their independence in various aspects of life, such as healthcare, education, and security.

Preparedness at Individual and Collective Levels

14:21 - 21:29

  • Preparedness is important at both individual and collective levels.
  • Being able to take care of oneself in non-catastrophic circumstances is crucial.
  • Relying on institutions for support can be problematic when multiple crises occur simultaneously.

Lack of Readiness and Decline in Preparedness

14:21 - 21:29

  • A significant percentage of young American men are ineligible for military service due to health and criminal record issues, highlighting a lack of readiness.
  • Convenience can lead to complacency and increased risk.
  • Society has become so comfortable that it manufactures problems while ignoring real issues faced by other parts of the world.
  • Building resilience through education, experiences, and podcasts is essential to counter the decline in preparedness.
  • Mindset plays a foundational role in preparedness before considering specific tools or supplies.
  • The stereotype of preppers as extreme individuals preparing for apocalyptic scenarios does not represent the broader concept of preparedness.
  • Resilience is eroding due to a lack of hardship and excessive comfort in modern life.
  • Statistical data shows declining mental health, drug overdose rates, and violence as indicators of societal resilience problems.

Disparity Between Expected Risks and Reality

21:14 - 28:23

  • There is a disparity between the risks people expect and the reality of those risks.
  • Drug overdoses, particularly from fentanyl, are a national security threat.
  • Mass killings receive more media attention than drug overdoses, despite the higher death toll from overdoses.
  • Vehicle accidents are more likely to cause death or injury than self-defense gunfights or mass killings.
  • Lack of resilience and mental health breakdowns are major contributors to mortality.
  • Binge eating is the leading cause of death in cardiovascular disease.
  • Situational awareness is crucial for road safety, as distractions like phones can be deadly.

Driving Safety and Emergency Preparedness

28:05 - 34:42

  • There is a unique right-of-way rule in Libya where the people to the right have the right-of-way, regardless of who arrives first.
  • In Libya, there are fewer vehicle accidents compared to other places like Monument, Colorado.
  • Overcorrection while driving off the road is a leading cause of death in accidents.
  • Defensive driving training and implementing it in regular training can save lives.
  • It is important to have a mobile trauma kit or vehicle trauma kit in case of accidents.
  • A turniket certified by NAEMT can be used to stop bleeding until first responders arrive.
  • Survival and maintenance tools like Mylar blankets and sleeping bags should be kept in vehicles for worst-case scenarios.
  • Learning how to drive manual cars can be crucial in emergency situations.

Importance of Basic Skills and Freeze Response

34:16 - 41:18

  • Outsourcing to institutions saves time, which can be reallocated into learning important hard skills.
  • Lack of basic skills sets people up for disaster.
  • Understanding the freeze response is crucial.
  • Freeze response has two components: fight, flight, or freeze as a survival mechanism, and hypo arousal as a parasympathetic phase.
  • Freezing can be advantageous in certain situations but detrimental in others.
  • Training and education help control the freeze response symptoms.
  • Simulation-based self-defense courses reveal the breakdown of decision-making under pressure.

Irrational Decisions Under Stress and Use of Firearms

40:57 - 48:00

  • People who train extensively in technical skills often make irrational decisions under stress.
  • There is a disconnect between the release of endorphins during training and the actual events that occur in real-life situations.
  • Some individuals have shot others without proper justification, mistaking non-threatening situations for danger.
  • It is crucial to exercise technical skills under stress to make rapid and rational decisions in real-time.
  • Running and gunning on flat ranges does not accurately demonstrate tactical capability.
  • Understanding reasonable force, the use of firearms, and when to deploy them is essential.
  • Personal decision points heavily influence one's criteria for using deadly force.
  • Many people have never thought about the moral, ethical, and legal implications of shooting someone.
  • History has shown that even with good intent and legal justification, individuals can be convicted of murder due to skewed perspectives or biased juries.
  • A recent case in Texas involved an Uber driver who used deadly force against a protester with an AK-47. He was convicted despite being in a castle doctrine state with lenient self-defense laws.
  • Over time, legal precedents create holes and inconsistencies in understanding the law.

Legal Justification and Vigilantism

47:41 - 54:38

  • The legal justification for convicting some people is unprecedented.
  • There are good Samaritan laws in many states, but they are not heavily prosecuting people who bypass others in need.
  • Daniel Penny is considered a vigilante, but he was just trying to protect people around him.
  • There's a breakdown in the institution when the police don't get involved and protect the people.
  • Some gun owners in Texas seem to have a desire for an incident to occur so they can put their skills to use.
  • Men have a fighting spirit and want conflict to allocate their energy properly.
  • The Kyle Rittenhouse case is an example of people supporting a vigilante because they haven't had the opportunity themselves.
  • Using firearms in self-defense has high legal and moral ramifications that can cause stress and lifelong consequences.
  • Being a protector and defender means avoiding conflict whenever possible.
  • Having tactical advantage and being on the offensive helps mitigate risk as a protector and defender.

Situational Awareness and Assessing Threats

54:15 - 1:01:30

  • Situational awareness is crucial for mitigating risk and avoiding confrontation.
  • Jocko, a former combat operator, has developed high levels of situational awareness.
  • He was able to detect subtle eye movements during a conversation that indicated Jocko's focus on the speaker's hands.
  • Assessing hands and demeanor is an important part of situational awareness.
  • Posture, eye contact, and clear communication can deter criminals.
  • Anomalies in behavior or spikes in patterns should be noted as potential threats.
  • Recognizing specific demeanor traits can help identify escalating situations.
  • The vagus nerve plays a role in identifying environmental factors that affect physiological responses.
  • YouTube videos on central nervous system topics provide interesting insights into situational awareness.

Behavior Observation and Home Defense

1:01:01 - 1:08:20

  • Observing behavior and demeanor can help assess the environment and potential threats
  • Having a plan of action based on spike in patterns and flinch response is crucial
  • Situational awareness is important to stay ahead of potential dangers
  • An example of heightened situational awareness saving lives in a bar shooting incident
  • Intuition and pressure can play a role in sensing danger
  • Fortifying the home and being prepared for home invasions is essential
  • Racking a shotgun may not be the best strategy during an intrusion

Home Defense Strategies and Firearm Safety

1:07:51 - 1:15:05

  • Consider using a shotgun for home defense, with one for racking as a deterrent and another for shooting.
  • Having multiple obstacles between you and potential risks can enhance physical security.
  • Technical security measures like home security systems can provide early warnings of potential threats.
  • Assess the situation and consider defensive strategies based on personal circumstances and setup.
  • Dogs, particularly Belgian Malinois, can serve as an early warning system and mitigate risks in the home.
  • Belgian Malinois are bred for police work due to their good instincts, agility, and loyalty.
  • A dog can be a first line of defense in smaller living spaces with limited obstacles.
  • When considering handguns or any type of gun in the home, take precautions to prevent accidental discharge and educate children about firearm safety.

Firearm Safety and Penetration Considerations

1:14:35 - 1:21:41

  • Having locked boxes with biometrics or keypads can protect children from accessing firearms in the house.
  • Separating guns from ammunition can prevent young children from making the connection.
  • Using suppressed guns in home defense can reduce the risk of auditory damage and trauma to children.
  • Considering the construction materials of homes and the potential for round penetration is important in self-defense situations.
  • Knowing your target and what's beyond it is a crucial rule of firearm safety.
  • Self-defense rounds that limit penetration and create vertical displacement of energy can help reduce over-penetration through obstacles.
  • In certain situations, penetrating obstacles may be necessary, such as when dealing with vehicles or seeking to affect an assailant behind cover.
  • The applicability of shooting on a flat range versus real-life environments should be considered, as attackers often seek cover and obstacles.
  • Different weapons and ammunition may have varying abilities to penetrate different types of barriers, so it's important to weigh these factors when defending your home or family.

Low Light Training and Adaptation

1:21:16 - 1:24:58

  • During a shooting practice session, the host and Tucker Max realized that shooting with a red dot when the sun is low creates two dots, causing inaccurate shots.
  • Training in low light or no light conditions is often overlooked but important since most shootings occur at night or in low light.
  • The tactical industry should encourage adaptation and growth rather than claiming to have all the solutions.
  • Mike Glover's website and his YouTube channel provide more information about his work and book on self-protection.