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On Purpose with Jay Shetty

7 Steps To Transform An Anxious Mindset & How To Overcome Worry Filled Thoughts

Fri Jul 21 2023
anxietyworry-filled thoughtsmanaging anxietybreathing techniquesstress managementpractical strategiesmindfulness


The episode explores the topic of managing anxious and worry-filled thoughts. It covers the prevalence of anxiety disorders, various manifestations of anxiety, strategies for transforming worries and anxieties, breathing techniques for relaxation, using scent and sound for stress management, practical strategies for managing anxiety, and starting the day mindfully.


Anxiety affects a significant portion of the population

More than 31% of people in the US experience anxiety disorders at some point in their lives, with social anxiety disorder affecting around 12% of US adults. Women are nearly twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder compared to men.

Mastering the first and last thought of the day can make a difference

Controlling the initial and final thoughts of the day can have a significant impact on overall thoughts and mindset. Choosing positive quotes or gratitude as the first thought and avoiding negative habits like checking phones immediately upon waking up can set a better tone for the day.

Breathing techniques can help regulate anxiety

Deliberate breath work, such as copying a relaxed breathing pattern or practicing ocean breathing, can calm the nervous system and reduce stress hormones. Deep controlled breathing with extended exhalation stimulates the vagus nerve, leading to feelings of calm and relaxation.

Scent and sound play a role in stress management

Certain fragrances can elicit positive emotions and lower stress levels. Music without lyrics, such as jazz or classical instrumental pieces, can help realign with desired pace of living. Creating playlists for anxious moments and using guided imagery combined with music can improve stress management and well-being.

Practical strategies for managing anxiety

Creating associations between certain songs and specific situations, being aware of triggers, writing down anxious thoughts, and differentiating between controllable and uncontrollable factors are effective strategies for managing anxiety.

Starting the day mindfully sets a positive tone

Reclaiming time for our minds, ramping up slowly instead of rushing, and reflecting on morning routines can have a positive impact on the rest of the day.


  1. Understanding Anxiety
  2. Transforming Worries and Anxieties
  3. Breathing Techniques and Relaxation
  4. Using Scent and Sound for Stress Management
  5. Practical Strategies for Managing Anxiety
  6. Starting the Day Mindfully

Understanding Anxiety

00:01 - 07:26

  • Anxiety disorders affect more than 31% of people in the US at some point in their lives.
  • Social anxiety disorder affects around 12% of US adults.
  • Women are nearly twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder compared to men.
  • Anxiety can manifest in various ways, including excessive worrying, restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, fatigue, heart palpitations, sweating, and upset stomach or nausea.
  • Anxiety can affect the body physically and not just mentally.
  • A study found that the average person reports 3-4 testable worries per day.

Transforming Worries and Anxieties

07:07 - 14:04

  • 91% of worries were false alarms, and of the remaining 9% that came true, the outcome was better than expected about a third of the time
  • About one in four participants had none of their worries materialize
  • Strategies and a game plan can help transform and overcome worries and anxieties
  • The speaker experienced anxiety before going on a world tour, but after rehearsing and practicing, felt great
  • The speaker's schedule included a book announcement, press tour, rehearsals, and touring across multiple cities
  • The speaker felt tight-chested before going on stage for the first show due to anxiety and nerves related to it being their own show
  • Mastering the first and last thought of the day can have a significant impact on thoughts throughout the day
  • Around 60-80k thoughts per day with around 80% being repetitive and negative thoughts
  • Changing habits like not looking at your phone first thing in the morning or last thing at night can help control uncontrollable thoughts
  • Choosing positive quotes or gratitude as the first thought of the day can transform its beginning
  • Changing alarm tones from alarming ones to something more calming can set a better tone for the day

Breathing Techniques and Relaxation

13:41 - 21:28

  • Change your alarm tone to something gentle and calming to avoid starting the day in a state of urgency.
  • Master the first and last thought of the day to cultivate gratitude and acknowledge achievements.
  • Breath work can help regulate your life by changing the pace of your breath.
  • When you find yourself rushing or feeling anxious, slow down your breath and heart rate to regain control.
  • Deliberately copying a relaxed breathing pattern can calm the nervous system and reduce stress hormones.
  • Ocean breathing, where you mimic the pace of ocean waves, can be an effective technique for relaxation.
  • Creating a pattern for your breath to follow, such as counting in for four and exhaling for longer than four, can lower heart rate and breath rate.
  • Deep controlled breathing with extended exhalation stimulates the vagus nerve, leading to feelings of calm and relaxation.

Using Scent and Sound for Stress Management

21:04 - 28:09

  • Deep controlled breathing with extended exhalation stimulates the vagus nerve, causing a fall in heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Regular practice of regulated breathing can induce feelings of calm and relaxation.
  • Scent has a significant impact on managing stress by sending signals to the limbic system, which controls memory and emotion.
  • Certain fragrances can elicit positive emotions, lower stress levels, and improve mental outlook.
  • Different scents in different spaces can transform the environment and help calm you down.
  • The power of sound, particularly music preference, is crucial in reducing stress levels.
  • Music without lyrics, such as jazz or classical instrumental pieces, can realign us with our desired pace of living.
  • Creating playlists specifically for when you feel anxious or stressed out can be helpful.
  • Visualization and rehearsal through guided imagery can help deal with tough conversations or challenging interactions.
  • Guided imagery combined with music has shown significant improvements in stress management and well-being.
  • Creating associations between certain songs and specific situations can trigger memories and emotions associated with those situations.

Practical Strategies for Managing Anxiety

27:44 - 35:32

  • Create sound and guided imagery around stressful moments in your life
  • Be aware of triggers that cause anxiety and limit them
  • Write down anxious thoughts and doodle to calm the brain
  • Differentiate between what you can control and what you can't
  • Read and listen about topics that scare you to gain knowledge and practice strategies
  • Avoid starting your day by immediately checking your phone, as it negatively impacts your brain's performance

Starting the Day Mindfully

35:16 - 39:55

  • Starting our day with a morning scroll has various reasons, such as excitement for news, loneliness, and habit.
  • Reclaiming time for our minds can have a positive impact on the rest of the day.
  • It's better to ramp up slowly in our minds rather than going from 0 to 60 like the fastest cars.
  • A meditation exercise is suggested to relax and release tension in different parts of the body.
  • Reflecting on our standard morning routine and considering how we can shift gears slowly instead of rushing.
  • Changing habits may take time, but staying aware and on the right track is important.