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Modern Wisdom

700k Q&A - Negative Self-Talk, Upcoming Live Tour & Ray Dalio

Mon Feb 27 2023
Q&ABook RecommendationsPersonal GrowthRelationshipsDeclining Birth RatesStem Cell TreatmentProductivity Tips


This episode features a Q&A session to celebrate hitting 700,000 subscribers on YouTube, book recommendations, discussions on personal growth and overcoming self-doubt, insights on relationships and declining birth rates, and updates on stem cell treatment and productivity tips. The hosts also address controversial topics such as being anti-woke and the decision of a vegan YouTuber to switch back to eating meat. Throughout the episode, they share personal experiences, practical advice, and plans for future episodes.


Book Recommendations and Monetization

The host has a list of top 100 books that are interesting and impactful. Some books on the list are recommended by guests on the show. Mid-roll ads help cover production costs for expensive shoots with guests like Andrew Shultz and Goggins. The host is open to finding alternative ways to monetize and support the show.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Personal Growth

Leading with performance first helps overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk. Making promises to yourself and keeping them builds confidence. The host struggled to connect with other kids in school due to social isolation and introversion but learned how to socialize properly. The mating crisis is concerning because it affects individual happiness and may lead to population collapse.

Relationships, Birth Rates, and Audience Engagement

Most people should be in a relationship to maximize their happiness in life. Many women who didn't have kids didn't intend to not have kids due to delayed fertility. Meeting listeners impacted by the podcast is a beautiful and odd experience for the host. Men generally care about women having pubic hair, as long as it's not excessive or obstructive.

Stem Cell Treatment and Productivity Tips

Stem cell treatment was received in Columbia with promising research results. Aftercare involves a lot of walking to stay active. Scheduling of podcast episodes is a mix of art and science. Caffeine is used as a mood enhancer and stabilizer, covering up negative emotions. 'Just do the thing' mentality is important for starting projects or goals.

Reflection and Personal Growth

Take care of yourself by spending time in nature, getting sunlight, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, eating well, exercising, and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Basic habits will help you navigate both good and bad times. After this period of relationships, there will be opportunities for new amazing relationships.


  1. Q&A Episode and Book Recommendations
  2. Top 100 Books and Monetization
  3. Alex O'Connor's Decision and Future Plans
  4. John Hawk's Views and Meditation
  5. Impact of the Podcast and Live Shows
  6. Declining Birth Rates and Dating Advice
  7. Overcoming Self-Doubt and Personal Growth
  8. Relationships, Birth Rates, and Audience Engagement
  9. Chest Day Routine and Stem Cell Treatment
  10. Stem Cell Treatment and Productivity Tips
  11. Reflection and Personal Growth

Q&A Episode and Book Recommendations

00:00 - 06:59

  • Q&A episode to celebrate hitting 700,000 subscribers on YouTube
  • Answering questions about Ray Dalio coming on the podcast, overcoming negative self-talk, and doing a live tour
  • Sharing how I deal with nerves before big podcasts and my memorization tactic for books I read
  • Discussing whether I class myself as anti-woke and if young men should leave the dating market
  • Explaining why I stopped working as a model and sharing my favorite chest stay routine
  • No worries about EMFs from AirPods and thanking listeners for subscribing

Top 100 Books and Monetization

06:32 - 13:27

  • The host has a list of top 100 books that are interesting and impactful.
  • The books were accumulated over time during the host's personal growth.
  • Some books on the list are recommended by guests on the show.
  • The host uses the Feynman technique for better recall and understanding of the content.
  • There may be more books added in the future once the mailing list grows.
  • The host received negative feedback for including mid-roll ads in one episode out of many.
  • Mid-roll ads help cover production costs for expensive shoots with guests like Andrew Shultz and Goggins.
  • The host is open to finding alternative ways to monetize and support the show.
  • Merchandise for the podcast is being considered, but progress is slow due to lack of dedicated resources.
  • A friend of the host, Alex O'Connor, recently decided to start eating meat again after championing veganism. He will explain his decision in a future video.

Alex O'Connor's Decision and Future Plans

13:02 - 19:39

  • Alex, a vegan YouTuber, decided to switch back to eating meat for personal health reasons and felt the need to inform his audience immediately
  • The podcast host advises Alex to make a video instead of a community post to address the situation
  • The host respects Alex's decision and believes he has done a lot for veganism
  • The host is unsure about plans for the upcoming 1 million subscriber episode and welcomes suggestions from listeners
  • Future episodes may feature big-name guests and different shooting styles in exciting locations
  • The host expresses interest in having Naval Ravikant as a guest but acknowledges it may be challenging
  • Joe Navarro praised the host's interviewing skills and curiosity in asking questions
  • The host suggests that good questioning skills come with time, attention, and practice
  • Practical tips for improving questioning skills include being precise with speech, reviewing performance, and following curiosity
  • The host shares an example of interrupting a guest to clarify their statement during an interview with David Goggins
  • The host addresses the question of being anti-woke by stating that being conscious of racial discrimination is not necessarily synonymous with being woke

John Hawk's Views and Meditation

19:14 - 26:20

  • John Hawk is not anti-woke but has concerns about progressive overreach and intersectionality
  • He supports racial consciousness and understanding oppression and injustice
  • He is interested in the quality of tap water and recommends using a filtration system or a Brita filter
  • Drinking chilled water may not be good for health according to some views
  • He started meditation with the app Headspace and now uses Insight Timer and Sam Harris' Waking Up
  • Decoding the Guru's podcast has caused controversy but some guests have returned due to their ability to have fun while discussing sensitive topics

Impact of the Podcast and Live Shows

26:03 - 33:33

  • The podcast hosts discuss the impact of their show and how it has helped them improve as creators.
  • They talk about the importance of balance and staying impartial during interviews, emphasizing the pursuit of knowledge and asking questions.
  • They address the challenge of striking a balance between outsourcing self-worth to the world and valuing one's own opinions.
  • The hosts mention the possibility of doing live shows in the future and express excitement about testing new ideas on tour.
  • Bill shares that he will not play cricket again due to a previous injury, but he plans to do live spots at various events to test his show.
  • The hosts mention a song called 'Fly' that plays at the beginning of every podcast episode.

Declining Birth Rates and Dating Advice

39:22 - 46:24

  • AI may be able to write books faster, but it won't be original
  • Writing a book is a learning project for the author
  • The author's parents are supportive of their success
  • The author misses the cultural aspects and nature of the UK
  • The author's haircut is a two and a half on top and a two on the sides
  • Ray Dalio will be a guest on the podcast
  • The author battled with negative self-talk but is currently in a positive phase

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Personal Growth

46:04 - 52:51

  • Leading with performance first helps overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk.
  • Making promises to yourself and keeping them builds confidence.
  • Eventually, you have undeniable proof of your abilities.
  • The host wouldn't change anything about starting the podcast again.
  • Recommended fragrances for men include Baccarat Rouge 540, How Fatty by Pentaligans, Not a Ventus by Creed, and Halfetti Cairo by Pentaligans.
  • Zara t-shirts are recommended for smart clothing.
  • The host struggled to connect with other kids in school due to social isolation and introversion.
  • He didn't understand how social interactions worked and focused on superficial things instead of communication skills.
  • It took a lot of effort to learn how to socialize properly.
  • The host was tired after a physically demanding day before recording a podcast with Cameron Haynes.
  • The mating crisis is concerning because it affects individual happiness and may lead to population collapse.

Relationships, Birth Rates, and Audience Engagement

52:39 - 1:00:01

  • The longer people stay single, the less likely they are to find a happy relationship.
  • Most people should be in a relationship to maximize their happiness in life.
  • Many women who didn't have kids didn't intend to not have kids due to delayed fertility.
  • Meeting listeners impacted by the podcast is a beautiful and odd experience for the host.
  • Vans shoes are versatile and comfortable, making them a favorite for the host.
  • The radiation from AirPods is non-ionizing, so there's no need to worry about it according to an expert.
  • The convenience of AirPods outweighs potential health risks for the host.
  • Men generally care about women having pubic hair, as long as it's not excessive or obstructive.
  • The host believes that bald pussy is still a thing and expresses his preference for it.
  • The host did a Q&A session at 600k subscribers on YouTube.

Chest Day Routine and Stem Cell Treatment

1:06:29 - 1:13:22

  • Chest day at the gym starts with back exercises and focuses on getting shoulders back and down
  • Exercises include incline bench, flat bench or weighted dip, machine flies, and weighted push-ups
  • All exercises are done for 4 sets of 8 to 14 reps, with the final set being a drop or double drop set
  • Advice for someone who is a jack of all trades but a master of none: expose yourself to as many things as possible and find something you become obsessive about
  • Intrinsic motivation can last beyond reaching numerical goals and dream guests on the podcast
  • The host believes there is still more impact to be had from the show's focus on personal development and productivity
  • Stem cell treatment was received in Columbia with promising research results

Stem Cell Treatment and Productivity Tips

1:12:53 - 1:20:04

  • Received 200 million stem cells over six days for injury recovery and rehabilitation
  • Promising research on stem cell treatment outside of America
  • Rehab program requires time and attention, limiting intense gym workouts
  • Aftercare involves a lot of walking to stay active
  • Physically uncomfortable but emotionally enjoyable experience
  • Scheduling of podcast episodes is a mix of art and science
  • Monday episodes require more reflection, longer duration
  • Saturday episodes are more relaxed and easy-going
  • Sunday is the most active day on YouTube, but Monday was chosen arbitrarily for podcast release
  • Caffeine used as a mood enhancer and stabilizer, covering up negative emotions
  • Lifestyle factors contribute to caffeine dependence and fatigue cover-up
  • 'Just do the thing' mentality is important for starting projects or goals
  • Sitting down and doing the work is a muscle that needs to be built
  • Cold Turkey app can block distractions on computer to help with focus
  • Planning uninterrupted blocks of time for work can reduce friction in starting tasks

Reflection and Personal Growth

1:26:38 - 1:28:49

  • Reflect on the past and appreciate personal growth
  • Take care of yourself by spending time in nature, getting sunlight, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, eating well, exercising, and surrounding yourself with supportive people
  • Continue to learn and follow your curiosity
  • Basic habits will help you navigate both good and bad times
  • After this period of relationships, there will be opportunities for new amazing relationships
  • Appreciation for audience engagement and comments section