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Chapo Trap House

746 - Gordian, Not! (7/4/23)

Wed Jul 05 2023
PodcastWisconsinSupreme CourtAffirmative ActionStudent Loan Debt ReliefDiscriminationGay RightsTwitterGoogle HostingMark ZuckerbergElon MuskBoxingMMA MatchesControversiesApologiesDeSantis Campaign


The episode covers various topics including Podcaster's life in Wisconsin, Supreme Court rulings, Twitter and Google hosting, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk potential fight, boxing and MMA matches, controversies and apologies, personal stories and discussions, and a summary with insights.


Supreme Court Rulings Impacting Democrats

The Supreme Court's decisions on affirmative action, student loan debt relief, and allowing discrimination against gay people in businesses have implications for Democratic lawmakers and their ability to address issues related to diversity and voting rights.

Twitter's Future and Elon Musk's Ownership

The podcast discusses the challenges faced by Twitter, including usability degradation and limitations, as well as the potential impact of Elon Musk's ownership. Despite its flaws, Twitter remains a unique platform for social interaction and there is speculation about who might take over the platform.

Controversies Surrounding DeSantis Campaign

The controversy involving the DeSantis campaign and the release of private messages containing anti-Semitic content is discussed, along with analysis of the campaign's response and the cultural signifiers used in their ads. The hosts also question Pedro Gonzalez's apology and discuss the challenges faced by DeSantis in balancing his association with Trump.


  1. Podcaster's Life in Wisconsin
  2. Supreme Court Rulings
  3. Twitter and Google Hosting
  4. Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Potential Fight
  5. Boxing and MMA Matches
  6. Controversies and Apologies
  7. Personal Stories and Discussions
  8. Summary and Insights

Podcaster's Life in Wisconsin

00:33 - 07:24

  • Podcaster is broadcasting from an undisclosed location in the north woods of Wisconsin and enjoying the lake lifestyle
  • Podcaster shares their experience living the supper club lifestyle and gambling in Wisconsin

Supreme Court Rulings

06:55 - 13:59

  • Supreme Court rulings include axing affirmative action, student loan debt relief, and allowing discrimination against gay people in businesses
  • Podcaster criticizes affirmative action as a halfway solution that universities use for promotional purposes
  • Discussion on the lack of diversity at elite universities and potential backlash against Asian students
  • Ruling on student debt relief is mentioned, with speculation on Biden's intentions
  • Uncertainty about whether Biden intentionally took the issue to the Supreme Court or if it was too complicated to handle directly
  • The Supreme Court made a decision allowing businesses to discriminate against gay people for religious reasons, based on a fake case with no real basis.
  • Justice Elena Kagan issued a dissent questioning the constitutionality of the court's decision.
  • The role of Chief Justice Roberts in balancing the court's decisions has been a focus of discussion.
  • Roberts tries to preserve the legitimacy of the court by giving concessions to both sides depending on public opinion and threats to democratic lawmakers.
  • The court's decisions can impact voting rights and state legislatures, which affects Democratic lawmakers.
  • The Dobbs case forced Democrats to address these issues more seriously than before.

Twitter and Google Hosting

13:33 - 20:38

  • Twitter's usability degradation and limitations on tweets seen coincided with a billion dollar bill to Google for cloud hosting
  • American internet services have a history of bad experiences, but people have nowhere else to go
  • Google hosting leniency if not renewed suggests Elon Musk may have told them off
  • Twitter's days are numbered under Elon Musk ownership regime due to damage caused by reshaping business model and cutting costs
  • Despite Twitter's flaws, there is no other platform that relieves social isolation like it does
  • Someone will likely take over Twitter, possibly Musk, but they will face challenges and profit cuts
  • The owner of Twitter has been discouraging its use and insulting users who still post on it
  • The owner of a service is discouraging users from using it after buying it with new debt
  • Twitter was essentially de-dossing itself on the app

Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Potential Fight

20:08 - 27:42

  • Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk fighting each other is lame and unlikely to happen
  • Elon Musk's claims about his fighting skills are questionable
  • Lex Friedman seems mystified by Elon Musk and unfollowed everyone except Putin and Zolinski
  • Mark Zuckerberg's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training photos show rage and hatred behind his eyes
  • People have always detested Mark Zuckerberg, but he may be sick of it now
  • Speculation on a potential fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk in UFC

Boxing and MMA Matches

27:13 - 33:57

  • James Tony, a heavyweight and light heavyweight boxer, will fight Randy Couture, a former USC heavyweight champion in an MMA match.
  • Gimmick fights in Japan were popular, featuring matchups like fat guy vs homeless guy actor or schizophrenic vs fooled guy.
  • Dana White dislikes gimmick fights as they make a mockery of the sport.
  • There is speculation about who would win in a fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.
  • Alexander Corellin, an undefeated Russian Greco-Roman wrestler, was beaten by Ruin Gardener because he couldn't get his arms around Gardner's gut.
  • Musk has unnerving little legs and if Zuckerberg could get a single leg hold on him, he might be able to drag him to the ground.
  • Musk's appearance has been compared to someone who swallowed a bird cage due to his unusual body shape.
  • Lex Friedman is criticized for being famous despite not being particularly smart or knowledgeable.
  • Friedman's podcast covers controversial topics with alleged victims and promotes conspiracy theories.
  • There are doubts about Friedman's credentials as an MIT research scientist.

Controversies and Apologies

33:35 - 40:20

  • Combat sports used to be seen as nerdy and anti-social, but now people are doing it for self-improvement purposes.
  • There is a controversy involving the DeSantis campaign and the release of private messages containing anti-Semitic content.
  • The person involved in the controversy tried to apologize but came across as insincere.
  • The difference between Trump's team and DeSantis' team is highlighted by the types of people associated with each.
  • The person involved in the controversy has a history of engaging in online political discussions.
  • The podcast discusses a person's encounter with a Trump supporter and their argument about deportation.
  • The hosts comment on the Warren-like behavior of the person in question.
  • They read from a long apology post that references Frank Herbert's 'Dune'.
  • The hosts discuss an anti-Trump ad by DeSantis that highlights Trump's support for the LGBTQ community.
  • They compare this ad to Hillary Clinton's campaign strategy against Trump.
  • The hosts analyze the cultural signifiers used in the DeSantis ad and how it affects viewers' perception of Trump and DeSantis.
  • They question what Pedro Gonzalez is apologizing for and discuss the impossible position DeSantis is in trying to be more like Trump while also appearing more normal than him.
  • The hosts mention that if the group chat leaked by Gonzalez only contained racism and homophobia, it would have had less impact on his reputation.
  • They criticize the Santis team for defending Gonzalez's actions and debasing themselves for a campaign that may not succeed.
  • The hosts mock the pretentiousness of Gonzalez's apology post, particularly his reference to finding meaning in fatherhood and quitting Trump's party.

Personal Stories and Discussions

39:57 - 46:58

  • The speaker quit Trump's party and is now sober for three months.
  • The speaker mentions a long post by someone else that wasn't as good as their divorce announcement.
  • The person in the post claims her husband is an insane liar and a member of the Australian Deep State.
  • She also mentions having ADHD and living in Trail of Park.
  • The speaker enjoyed a podcast by someone, but it was too long.
  • There is discussion about offensive language used by someone.
  • People defend Pedro Gonzalez against accusations of anti-Semitism.
  • Criticism is made towards those defending Gonzalez, calling them replaceable and fake friends.
  • Discussion about DeSantis supporters and their motivations to join his campaign.
  • Journalists act surprised when personal group chat details are leaked after attacking Trump
  • Deleting controversial posts or having influential connections is important to avoid backlash
  • People often play the victim card when criticized personally
  • Hunter Biden's videos of smoking crack and driving at high speeds raise questions about his judgment
  • Recording oneself while smoking crack is unusual behavior
  • Hunter Biden's need to document his life may stem from a desire to stay young and relevant
  • Upcoming shows in Montreal and Toronto on August 17th and 19th

Summary and Insights

46:31 - 53:34

  • Podcaster promotes drinking lakewater as a health cure
  • Preserving the ability of black people to continue voting in states where the Democratic Party relies on them
  • Ending affirmative action is a boon to the right wing, but doesn't affect Democratic lawmakers
  • Supreme Court's role in allowing Democrats to run for office affects their reticence to criticize or question the court