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A-Players - Hire & build high-performing teams.

A-Players #52: How ChatGPT and generative AI will disrupt recruitment, Hung Lee.

Wed Mar 08 2023

Recruiting Brain Food and Generative AI

00:03 - 11:52

  • Recruiting Brain Food is a global community of recruiters and HR people that connects all the different parts of the industry together.
  • Generative AI, TragedPT, GPT3 have had a huge impact on recruiting and are being used by recruiters to great effect.
  • As days go by, advocates for Generative AI become more vocal while luddites become less so.
  • There are risks associated with using Generative AI that need to be considered.
  • Avatar AI was one of the first Generative AIs used by Hung Lee before TragedyPT became popular.
  • Hung Lee experimented with Avatar AI to create a timeless profile picture for himself and found it to be very effective.
  • The fidelity of results produced by Generative AIs like TragedyPT is amazing and has led to some magical moments in technology.
  • The development of generative AI has been rapidly progressing, with technologies like GPT-3 and GitHub compiler paving the way.
  • Chat GPT is one of the most impactful generative AI technologies, allowing for fast and high-quality text generation.
  • Recruitment is a field that heavily relies on email communication, making text generation particularly valuable in this industry.
  • Chat GPT can be used to write job descriptions, outreach messaging, diversity statements, and other text artifacts at a much faster rate than humans.
  • Generative AI technology has achieved the miracle of high quality, high speed output at zero cost.
  • The Brainfood Live event showcased various vendors demonstrating how generative AI can reduce text production costs in different areas of recruiting.
  • While generative AI can improve efficiency and productivity in recruitment, there is a risk of producing generic or spam-like messages that could harm candidate engagement.
  • The quality of email outreach is predicted to improve due to machine-generated messaging but may lead to an overwhelming amount of spam.

AI-generated Email Outreach and Engagement Crisis

11:24 - 17:11

  • AI-generated email outreach will improve the quality of spam objectively.
  • However, candidates will begin to doubt whether the message is generated by AI or a human being, leading to disengagement and an engagement crisis.
  • Video is going to be more difficult to deep fake, but it will be more expensive to produce.
  • The free era of sending emails is coming to an end as paywalls become more common.
  • More paywalls for emails may increase trust levels since people know that the sender has paid money to message them.
  • An alternative approach could be nurturing people over time instead of trying to automate and send more messages.
  • All companies will look to increase their audience and cultivate an audience.

Recruiters and Generative AI

16:44 - 27:53

  • Everyone needs to be a media company and cultivate an audience, including recruiters.
  • Recruiters should build a following in the target community they typically recruit for.
  • Generative AI won't replace recruiters, but recruiters that know how to use it will replace those who don't.
  • Having skills in generative AI will increase personal productivity and capability of delivering value to employers or clients.
  • CEOs should review projected headcount with providers of chat GBT or generative AI to assess potential workforce productivity gains.
  • Highly skilled individuals can become recruitment marketing functions using multiple generative technologies.
  • Generatively generated falsehoods are a risk due to training on false data and making inferences on true data that may still come out with falsehoods.
  • Chat GPT may give one authoritative answer that sounds plausible, leading humans to trust it more than traditional search.
  • Generative AI can provide authoritative answers that sound plausible, but may not be true.
  • Human beings tend to believe confidence over content, making them susceptible to the confident delivery of AI-generated information.
  • Access to dangerous knowledge may become easier with generative AI, which could lead to negative consequences.
  • Copyright issues arise when training data is used without consent or compensation from the contributors.
  • Plagiarism is a concern with generative AI as it becomes easier to copy and republish content as one's own.
  • Detection software and watermarking may not be enough to prevent plagiarism in generative AI.

Live Streaming and Trust

27:37 - 34:32

  • The idea of something being copied is going to be default.
  • Live content that humans produce will be the default way we trust information.
  • Written data and recorded video data cannot be trusted.
  • In Asia, live commerce is more popular because it's harder to fake.
  • M-commerce (live streaming product demos) will become more prevalent in retail.
  • Live streaming can also be used for recruiting and employer branding.
  • Remote work makes live streaming a challenge, but in-office folks have an advantage.
  • Setting up a live stream in the office can improve employer branding.
  • In-office folks have an advantage in setting up a live stream.
  • Setting up a robo dog with a webcam could be entertaining but has confidentiality risks.
  • Live streaming will be difficult to replicate remotely due to practical barriers.

Resources and Skills

31:31 - 34:32

  • Follow recruiting brain foods and webinars for updates on GPT-3 and related tools.
  • Subscribe to for regular updates on GPT-3.
  • Use GPT-3 tools regularly to improve skills and trade at a higher level in the marketplace.