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A-Players #59: ChatGPT in recruiting: dos and don'ts, Jan Tegze.

Tue Jul 11 2023
Generative AILinkedInContent CreationTrendsCopying


Recruiters are using generative AI to save time and improve their content. However, some people are sharing AI-generated content without understanding the topics, leading to faulty advice being spread. Using hooks and generated AI on LinkedIn can generate engagement, but it's important to structure prompts correctly and avoid copying content. Creating unique content with AI involves emphasizing important words, changing styles, and sharing personal experiences. Navigating trends and tools requires focus, learning prompts, and understanding underlying foundations. Standing out and avoiding copying means finding attention without following the crowd and waiting for unique solutions.


Generative AI in Recruiting

Recruiters are using generative AI to save time and improve content, but there is a lot of noise and absurd claims about its success.

Using Hooks on LinkedIn

Hooks can grab attention and generate engagement, but it's important to structure prompts correctly and avoid copying content.

Creating Unique Content

Using double quotes, changing styles, and sharing personal experiences can help create unique content with AI.

Navigating Trends and Tools

To navigate trends and tools effectively, focus on one thing, learn prompts, and understand underlying foundations.

Standing Out and Avoiding Copying

Avoid copying content to stand out, wait for unique solutions, and learn how to write good messages without relying on AI.


  1. Recruiters and Generative AI
  2. Using Hooks and Generated AI on LinkedIn
  3. Creating Unique Content with AI
  4. Navigating Trends and Tools
  5. Standing Out and Avoiding Copying

Recruiters and Generative AI

00:03 - 07:30

  • Recruiters are using generative AI to save time and improve their content.
  • However, some people are sharing AI-generated content without understanding the topics.
  • This leads to faulty advice being spread to a large audience.
  • Recruiters don't reply to bad resumes or poorly written outreach messages, whether they are generated by AI or not.
  • It's important to focus on substance and use generative AI to make content shorter and higher quality.
  • There is a lot of noise and absurd claims being made about the success of using generative AI in recruiting.

Using Hooks and Generated AI on LinkedIn

07:17 - 14:47

  • People on LinkedIn are using hooks to grab attention and generate engagement.
  • Some people ignore comments about the hooks they use, while others admit it was a hook.
  • There are cases of people stealing content without giving credit.
  • Generated AI can be used to create unique content, but many people still copy and paste.
  • To use Generated AI effectively, it's important to structure prompts correctly and understand the problem you're trying to solve.
  • Defining the role and providing context is crucial in creating effective prompts.
  • Setting constraints and limitations for the AI model helps in generating desired results.
  • Offering additional guidance or examples can improve prompt quality.
  • Using different tones can make your content more unique and engaging.
  • Keeping messages concise and clear is important for effective communication.
  • Grammar and fluency should be considered when crafting prompts for better results.

Creating Unique Content with AI

14:25 - 21:58

  • Using double quotes in ChatGPT helps emphasize important words and guide AI responses.
  • Creating unique content sets you apart from others who use the same templates.
  • Changing the background color or style can make your content more unique.
  • Differentiating yourself leads to better quality content with less competition.
  • Ensure that your books, outreach messages, and LinkedIn posts add value and stand out from the millions of others.
  • AI can provide different perspectives and enrich your writing.
  • Sharing personal experiences and stories adds differentiation to your work.
  • To be unique, understand how to write different prompts and avoid blending in with other books or articles.

Standing Out and Avoiding Copying

28:40 - 35:06

  • Finding attention for your posts is harder now because everyone is trying to be unique but ends up being the same.
  • People are stealing AI-generated posts to sound smarter and become influencers, but copying content won't make you an influencer.
  • The fear of missing out drives people to jump on trends, like the gold rush in California, but most people didn't make money from it.
  • The speaker also jumped on the crypto trend and lost money, realizing that it's better to wait and see which tools work before investing time and effort.
  • Jeff Bezos' quote about building a business on what won't change applies to AI as well. People will always want valuable content, personal outreach messages, and clear job descriptions.
  • Instead of chasing hype, it's better to wait for something unique and solve real problems like Apple does.
  • AI-powered outreach tools may generate generic messages, so learning how to write good messages without relying on AI can make you stand out as a hiring superstar.