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SHRM All Things Work

Avi Gesser on How ChatGPT Can Best Serve Workers

Fri May 12 2023

Generative AI and chat GPT in the workplace

00:00 - 07:07

  • Generative AI and chat GPT are being used in the workplace to boost employee efficiency and productivity.
  • However, detractors argue that chat GPT can be incorrect, biased, racist, proprietary or copyrighted.
  • Chat GPT is a tool that is only as good as the data it's been given.
  • Employers should view chat GPT usage in the workplace as a tool with low risk, high value use cases.
  • Chatbots are great for customer service and collections.
  • Chat GPT is excellent at translating, summarizing and cleaning up grammar.
  • It's also good for tech support, brainstorming and generating first drafts of speeches, reference letters and job postings.
  • To get better results from chat GPT tools, you have to anticipate all the follow-up questions you'd normally get from a human and put them into the initial query.

Legal risks and policies related to generative AI

06:41 - 13:58

  • Generative AI laws do not eliminate legal risks associated with their use.
  • Existing rules apply to the use of generative AI tools in certain contexts.
  • Companies should be honest with customers about what these tools can do and avoid discrimination against protected classes.
  • Some companies allow employees to experiment with chat GPT and generative AI, while others ban open versions due to confidentiality and privacy risks.
  • Licensed enterprise-wide versions provide more control over data input and confidentiality, but policies vary depending on company culture, size, and risk tolerance.
  • Allowing all employees to use any generative AI tool for any work-related task carries significant risks such as confidentiality, privacy, contractual, cyber, intellectual property, transparency, and quality control risks.
  • Three steps for creating an AI policy for employees include outlining prohibited uses that violate company policy or are illegal or disreputable; defining what is not prohibited by providing examples of allowed uses or an exhaustive list; and evaluating undefined use cases through a council or group that balances short-term benefits against downside risks.

AI decision-making and regulation

13:36 - 20:47

  • Picking the right person or group for controversial decisions is important.
  • HR typically owns employee communications and policies, but there's no one right way to handle AI decision-making.
  • Committees with multiple voices can lead to better results and credibility.
  • Regulation of AI in hiring, facial recognition, lending, and insurance is coming in a patchwork of state and municipal laws.
  • Different countries will have different priorities when it comes to regulating AI tools.
  • AI can be leveraged by HR for basic tasks like writing job descriptions and setting up chatbots, but quality control and loss of training opportunities are potential downsides.
  • Businesses must balance speed, cost, efficiency, and quality when deciding whether to use AI tools for drafting documents.

HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions from UKG

20:29 - 20:47

  • HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions from UKG can help make your dream workplace a reality.
  • UKG provides the tools you need to support and celebrate all of your people.