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The School of Greatness

Bill Nye The Science Guy on Mastering Your Brain Before Taking On Global Issues EP 1471

Wed Jul 19 2023
Summit of GreatnessInspiring SpeakersBill Nye ScienceClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyGenetically Modified CropsThe UniverseDark MatterQuantum PhysicsConsciousnessPerceptionSpace Exploration


Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Expect inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero and more. Enjoy live music, group workouts, and social connections at the event. Bill Nye celebrates the 30th anniversary of Bill Nye Science and discusses science, brain health, and navigating chaos in the world. Climate change urgency and action are emphasized, along with the importance of renewable energy. The impact of genetically modified crops on feeding more people efficiently is explored. The mysteries of the universe, dark matter, and quantum physics are discussed. Light, entanglement, and consciousness are explored. Bill Nye's impact and insights are shared, along with the impact of space exploration and science.


Climate Change Urgency

Climate change should be a top priority for everyone and addressed by the media. Delaying action on climate change will only make the situation worse.

Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops are beneficial for feeding more people efficiently. Opposition to genetically modified foods is mainly due to concerns about industrial farming and consolidation of land.

The Universe and Dark Matter

The universe is expanding and accelerating, but nobody knows why. Dark matter and dark energy have gravity, but their origins are unknown.

Renewable Energy

To address climate change, it's important to vote for politicians who will take action and stop using fossil fuels. Big goals like raising the standard of living for women and girls can lead to positive changes.

Consciousness and Perception

Consciousness is still a mystery being explored by scientists and philosophers. Perception and memory are unreliable, often creating false narratives to navigate life.

Bill Nye's Impact

Bill Nye acknowledges the impact he has made in education and entertainment over his 30-year career. He recommends reading his books and watching his TV show to support him.

Space Exploration

Space exploration affects us practically and spiritually. Science and critical thinking are crucial for addressing climate change and feeding everyone.


  1. Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio
  2. Bill Nye Science and Navigating Chaos
  3. Climate Change Urgency and Action
  4. Heat, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy
  5. Genetically Modified Crops and Responsibility for the Planet
  6. The Universe, Dark Matter, and Quantum Physics
  7. Light, Entanglement, and Consciousness
  8. Bill Nye's Impact and Insights
  9. The Impact of Space Exploration and Science

Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio

00:01 - 07:54

  • Unleash your true greatness
  • Expect inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero and more
  • Enjoy live music, group workouts, and social connections at the event

Bill Nye Science and Navigating Chaos

07:31 - 15:21

  • Bill Nye celebrates the 30th anniversary of Bill Nye Science
  • Everyone is a scientist to some extent from a young age
  • Getting along with people requires accepting that everyone knows something you don't
  • Evolutionary fitness means fitting into society rather than physical strength or abilities
  • Accepting that others are doing their best and trying to get along better
  • Touching on extraordinary claims based on unprovable ideas and religious differences
  • Discussing death and its impact on pushing us forward and making better decisions
  • Presenting a thought experiment where life takes place in a stadium with 75,000 seats representing each day of our lives

Climate Change Urgency and Action

14:55 - 22:14

  • The quality of life is an important consideration when thinking about lifespan
  • Climate change should be a top priority for everyone and addressed by the media
  • Delaying action on climate change will only make the situation worse
  • Conservative media should stop downplaying the severity of climate change
  • The last ice age was influenced by Milankovitch cycles and higher levels of carbon dioxide
  • Paleoclimate studies highlight the urgency to address climate change now
  • Time is running out to take action on climate change

Heat, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy

21:48 - 29:44

  • Heat always spreads out according to the second law of thermodynamics
  • To survive in hot temperatures, humans need to be able to cool off and prevent their molecules from breaking down
  • There is an upper limit to how hot it can be for humans to walk around, which is around the 130s Fahrenheit
  • Billions of people will want to move to cooler areas as the world gets hotter
  • Climate change is causing ski resorts to go out of business and forcing people in West Texas to look for new places to live
  • Weather patterns are only getting warmer and warmer due to increased greenhouse gases
  • The speed at which we are putting carbon dioxide into the air is causing trouble, especially with a growing population
  • To address climate change, it's important to vote for politicians who will take action and stop using fossil fuels
  • Big goals like raising the standard of living for women and girls, providing clean water, renewable electricity, and internet access can lead to positive changes
  • Having these big goals in mind can help make significant improvements

Genetically Modified Crops and Responsibility for the Planet

29:18 - 37:35

  • The speaker used to believe that genetically modified crops were unnecessary, but now believes they are beneficial for feeding more people efficiently
  • The first breakthrough in genetically modified crops was in cotton, making them resistant to bullweevils
  • Opposition to genetically modified foods and crops is mainly due to concerns about industrial farming and consolidation of land
  • Genetically modified organisms are also associated with the use of genes to prevent insect attack and enable weed control
  • Glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup, is a controversial herbicide used in conjunction with genetically modified crops
  • Genetic modifications have allowed for the production of corn without being destroyed by the European corn borer invasive species
  • Humankind is now responsible for running the planet and must take into account the impact of our actions on the environment
  • In cosmology, it was previously believed that the universe was expanding but slowing down. However, it has been proven that the universe is actually accelerating in its expansion

The Universe, Dark Matter, and Quantum Physics

37:07 - 45:17

  • The universe is expanding and accelerating, but nobody knows why
  • Dark matter and dark energy have gravity, but their origins are unknown
  • In the 19th century, people didn't know about relativity, neutrons, protons, nuclear weapons, or black holes
  • In the future, when we understand dark energy and dark matter, it could lead to incredible advancements
  • Special relativity and general relativity are essential for our phones to work properly
  • Dark matter will likely be quantized into particles like electrons and protons
  • Fusion energy has made progress recently and could change the world if harnessed on Earth's surface
  • Sustainable aviation fuel made from municipal solid waste could revolutionize air travel
  • Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos aim to use rocket fuel made from carbon dioxide in the air
  • It would be amazing if all airplanes and rockets used this sustainable fuel source
  • Achieving this goal for every airplane in the world within the next 30 years may be challenging but feasible for a significant number of flights
  • Silicon Valley entrepreneurs can solve these problems with sufficient investment in basic research
  • The universe's expansion and acceleration do not create dark matter; it remains unknown how it is formed during this process

Light, Entanglement, and Consciousness

44:48 - 52:20

  • Experiments on light can reveal waves or particles depending on the setup
  • Photon torpedoes from Star Trek are based on the concept of photons
  • When shooting one photon into a double slit, it produces the same pattern as multiple photons, suggesting entanglement
  • Entanglement does not imply psychic powers or spoon bending with the mind
  • Consciousness is still a mystery being explored by scientists and philosophers
  • Addiction affects the brain and alters thinking patterns and perception
  • Perception and memory are unreliable, often creating false narratives to navigate life
  • Gender fluidity and addiction exist on spectrums rather than being binary concepts

Bill Nye's Impact and Insights

51:52 - 59:15

  • Bill Nye acknowledges the impact he has made in education and entertainment over his 30-year career
  • Research shows that around the age of 10 is when lifelong passion for science can be developed
  • Bill Nye's interest in science started at a young age, which influenced his decision to create a show aimed at fourth graders
  • Bill Nye is amazed by the global reach of his show and how it has impacted people from different backgrounds
  • In a hypothetical scenario, Bill Nye shares three truths he would leave behind if he could no longer share his message: taking responsibility for one's actions, the importance of common sense, and leaving the world better than you found it
  • Bill Nye's parents also instilled values such as investing in a comfortable home, being self-reliant, and valuing family
  • The Bill Nye the Science Guy show celebrates its 30th anniversary this September with a new generation of viewers
  • Bill Nye is active on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram where he creates short videos to engage with his audience
  • Bill Nye recommends reading his books and watching his TV show to support him
  • He recently had a debate with someone who believes the Earth is only 4,000 years old, which gained significant attention on YouTube

The Impact of Space Exploration and Science

59:00 - 1:03:25

  • 10 million official views on YouTube
  • Importance of understanding evolution and our place in the cosmos
  • CEO of the world's largest non-governmental space organization
  • Space exploration affects us practically and spiritually
  • Discovery of life on another world would change our perspective
  • Space brings people together, even those who dislike each other
  • Science and critical thinking are crucial for addressing climate change and feeding everyone
  • Definition of greatness is something that fills you with respect or awe