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The Liz Wheeler Show

BONUS: Is Marxism Coming For Your Kids? | The Kim Iversen Show

Sat Jul 22 2023
MarxismEducationInfluenceJudeo-Christian ValuesWokeness


The episode discusses the cultural impact on America's kids, the shift to the left in various institutions, the influence of Judeo-Christian values, and the infiltration of Marxist ideas. It explores how Marxists have captured institutions like education, media, law, and religion, and how critical consciousness and wokeness have infiltrated the education system. The episode also provides insights on reclaiming the country from Marxist influences.


Marxist Influence on America's Kids

Liz Wheeler's book 'Hide Your Children' exposes the Marxist influence behind the attack on America's kids. Parents are concerned about critical race theory and transgender ideologies in schools.

Shifts to the Left in Institutions

Religion, education, media, law, and military have all shifted to the left. Black Lives Matter aims to transform the US into a Marxist nation.

The Influence of Judeo-Christian Values

Our idea of right and wrong is based on a Judeo-Christian worldview. Reclaiming the education system is crucial for raising children who know right from wrong.

Infiltration of Marxist Ideas

Critical consciousness and wokeness, invented by Marxists, have infiltrated the education system. The book provides a blueprint for fighting back against Marxist forces.


  1. The Cultural Impact on America's Kids
  2. Shifts to the Left in Various Institutions
  3. The Influence of Judeo-Christian Values
  4. The Infiltration of Marxist Ideas

The Cultural Impact on America's Kids

00:00 - 07:00

  • Liz Wheeler appears on the Kim Iverson show to discuss the cultural impact on America's kids
  • Wheeler's new book, 'Hide Your Children,' exposes the Marxist influence behind the attack on America's kids
  • Parents are concerned about critical race theory being taught in schools and the rise of transgender ideologies among young people
  • The family unit has been under sustained assault for nearly a century by Marxists and the radical left
  • Institutions like education, media, law, and religion have been captured by these ideological enemies
  • Religion has seen a dramatic decrease in belief among young people, with only 30% believing in the God of the Bible
  • Some churches have been infiltrated with woke ideologies and Marxist influences
  • Marxists believe destabilizing religion is a way to destabilize society

Shifts to the Left in Various Institutions

06:34 - 13:04

  • Religion, education, media, law, and military have all shifted to the left.
  • The legal system is being targeted by movements like Black Lives Matter and defund the police.
  • The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement aim to transform the US into a Marxist nation.
  • Education has always been about indoctrination, but it should also focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic.
  • Teaching American civics is different from China's oppressive actions towards Uighurs.
  • Republicans should embrace discussions on morality and justice based on a Judeo-Christian worldview.

The Influence of Judeo-Christian Values

12:39 - 19:34

  • Our idea of right and wrong and morality and justice is based on a Judeo-Christian worldview.
  • Our nation and our laws are based around natural law, which is inherently Judeo-Christian value system.
  • There's no neutrality in education; it's a matter of whether the evil people or the good people will be teaching what's good.
  • The Republican Party conservatives and parents should reclaim the education system to raise children who know right from wrong.
  • Communism has taken some elements from Buddhism, but capitalism cannot be equated with Christianity.
  • Liberty is not the ultimate end but the means to something greater, enabling us to pursue a virtuous life.
  • Free market economy and capitalism protect our rights to make choices, including religious freedom.
  • Marxism is an economic system that pits ruling class against working class, advocating for revolution to usher in communism.
  • Antonio Gromsey transformed Marxism into cultural Marxism by subverting civil institutions like media, education, religion, law, and family.
  • Wokeness in education stems from Paulo Freire's concept of critical consciousness where objective truth is denied and oppressor versus oppressed narrative is taught.

The Infiltration of Marxist Ideas

19:13 - 25:24

  • Critical consciousness, also known as wokeness, was invented by Marxists and has infiltrated the education system.
  • The infiltration of Marxist ideas into institutions happened through the dissemination of these ideas by the Frankfurt School in the United States.
  • Many individuals behind organizations like Black Lives Matter are influenced by Marxist ideology.
  • Marxism infects people who are exposed to its ideas, even if they may not identify as Marxists themselves.
  • The second half of the book provides a blueprint for fighting back against Marxist forces and saving the nation.
  • The blueprint includes using government powers to enforce natural law and order society.
  • Chapter 12 of the book outlines twelve actions that can be taken to reclaim the country from Marxist influences.