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The Peter Attia Drive

Cancer screening with full-body MRI scans and a seminar on the field of radiology | Rajpaul Attariwala, M.D., Ph.D. (#61 rebroadcast)

Mon Jul 03 2023
MRI technologyradiologycancer screeningmachine learningstandardization


The episode explores the history, advancements, and applications of MRI technology in radiology. It covers topics such as the development of MRI technology, its use in cancer screening and detection, the benefits and challenges of different imaging techniques, and the future potential of machine learning in assisting radiologists. The episode emphasizes the importance of standardization and personalized screening approaches in improving diagnostic capabilities.


MRI technology has revolutionized cancer screening

MRI offers detailed views of organs like the pancreas, allowing for better detection of abnormalities such as blocked ducts caused by pancreatic cancer.

Machine learning shows promise in assisting radiologists

Machine learning has potential in analyzing whole-body images and narrowing down diagnoses, improving efficiency and accuracy in radiology.

Standardization is crucial for MRI technology

The lack of standardization in MRI machines poses challenges in ensuring consistent image quality and interpretation across different facilities.

Advancements in imaging techniques enhance diagnostic capabilities

Advancements in CT scans, ultrasound, and functional imaging like DWI have improved the ability to detect and diagnose various conditions.

Personalized screening approaches are important in healthcare

Individual factors such as breast density should be considered when determining the most effective screening methods for each patient.


  1. Introduction
  2. History of Radiology
  3. MRI Technology and Cancer Screening
  4. Advancements in Imaging Techniques
  5. Understanding MRI Technology
  6. Applications of MRI Technology
  7. Advancements in MRI Technology
  8. Challenges and Future of MRI Technology
  9. Conclusion


00:11 - 06:43

  • The podcast focuses on translating the science of longevity into accessible content in health and wellness.
  • The guest, Raj Atariwala, is a radiologist and nuclear medicine physician who has developed a revolutionary MRI technology.
  • Raj Atariwala discusses his background in engineering and biomedical engineering before becoming a radiologist.
  • Radiology attracts technophiles due to its technological aspects.

History of Radiology

06:27 - 18:40

  • The first half of the episode explores the history of radiology, including x-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, PET scanners, and nuclear medicine scans.
  • Anatomic imaging provides sharp images with clear structures, allowing radiologists to identify different substructures and abnormalities.
  • Understanding of radiation damage has increased over time due to events like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Different imaging techniques have varying levels of radiation exposure, measured in millisieverts (mSv).

MRI Technology and Cancer Screening

12:10 - 24:16

  • The second half delves into cancer screening and the use of MRI technology for early detection.
  • PET-CT combines CT scans (powerful x-rays) with positron emission tomography using radioactive glucose labeled with fluorine-18.
  • A whole body PET-CT scan can result in around 12 mSv of radiation exposure in addition to the CT scan dose.
  • MRI offers detailed views of organs like the pancreas, allowing for better detection of abnormalities such as blocked ducts caused by pancreatic cancer.

Advancements in Imaging Techniques

23:48 - 30:03

  • CT scans are fast and useful in trauma settings.
  • Ultrasound is faster than CT scans and does not involve radiation.
  • MRI with DWI is becoming the standard screening tool for prostate cancer in many countries.
  • Machine learning has potential in assisting radiologists by analyzing whole-body images and narrowing down diagnoses.

Understanding MRI Technology

29:41 - 35:57

  • MRI machines rely on a strong magnet to orient the hydrogens in the body, which provides the basis for an MRI.
  • The magnet in an MRI machine is always on and cannot be turned off.
  • MRI operates in the Fourier domain, using Fourier transforms to analyze repetitive sine waves in frequency and phase domains.
  • For evaluating specific body parts, different sequences are used. For ACL evaluation in the knee, T1 and T2 sequences are commonly used.

Applications of MRI Technology

35:37 - 42:18

  • MRI can use different sequences to visualize specific tissues and conditions
  • MRI can provide detailed anatomical images without the need for contrast agents
  • Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) can provide contrast to small blood vessels in the brain
  • Custom software was developed to create rotating diffusion-weighted image maps for efficient viewing of the entire body during MRI scans.

Advancements in MRI Technology

41:56 - 48:09

  • MRI with DWI can be effective for breast cancer detection when combined with mammography.
  • The Kiba movement aims to standardize the signal-to-noise coming off MRI machines.
  • In the future, faster computers could allow for faster scans, potentially under half an hour.
  • Machine learning has potential in assisting radiologists by analyzing whole-body images and narrowing down diagnoses.

Challenges and Future of MRI Technology

47:45 - 54:28

  • The lack of standardization in MRI may be due to the challenge of getting physicists and radiologists together.
  • The discomfort experienced during a whole body MRI is due to the amount of energy absorbed by the body from radio frequency waves.
  • Machine learning has potential in assisting radiologists by analyzing whole-body images and narrowing down diagnoses.
  • Mammography is an example of how machines are currently used as second readers to aid radiologists.


54:08 - 1:00:28

  • Machine learning can assist in the subtraction process and make differences stand out.
  • Membership benefits for The Drive podcast include comprehensive show notes, monthly AMA episodes, access to a private podcast feed, steep discounts on endorsed products, and more.
  • Listeners should not rely solely on this podcast for medical advice and should consult healthcare professionals for any conditions.