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ChatGPT drives vegan business - Sam Tucker CEO of VegCatalyst {replay}

Wed Jun 07 2023

Sam Tucker and

00:03 - 06:27

  • Sam Tucker is the CEO and founder of, an artificial intelligence marketing system for vegan businesses.
  • VEG3 uses GPT-3 technology and is a play on words with web 3.
  • Sam started a radio show about animal rights at age 12 and became involved in animal activism.
  • He realized that effective communication techniques used in activism were actually marketing and sales techniques.
  • He studied communications, worked as an Outreach Manager for a non-profit, and finished a degree in digital marketing before starting his own agency.
  • Sam noticed the scalability limitations of one-on-one outreach and became convinced that the digital space was important to expand impact.

VEG3's Focus and Brands

06:06 - 12:31

  • Digital space is important to expand impact.
  • VEG3 pivoted towards AI focus due to the amount of data and digital marketing from clients.
  • VEG3 has three separate brands under one company.
  • Vegan Media Market was created to provide an affordable marketplace for small businesses that cannot afford agency service fees.
  • VEG3's primary user base is vegan businesses, but they work with a wide range of different types of businesses.
  • VEG3 understands consumer psychology and how it's different when promoting vegan products versus ordinary products.
  • The AI generated by VEG3 is fine-tuned to understanding what veganism means and the values that the brands represent, as well as successful marketing copy.
  • VEG3 offers software as a service on a monthly subscription basis for VEG3, monthly retainers for the agency side, and commission fee-based services for Vegan Media Market.
  • A use case example would be logging into VEG3 and using text generation models to create social media posts or other content.

VEG3's Text Generation Models and Market

12:12 - 19:07

  • VEG3 offers text generation models for various marketing copy needs, including social media captions, blog articles, email marketing, and press releases.
  • VEG3 uses fine-tuned versions of GPT-3 and trains its models on marketing data from vegan businesses to optimize the generated copy.
  • The vegan food market is worth $39.42 billion, with a total addressable market of $2.7 billion for marketing agency services and technology for vegan businesses.
  • VEG3 has been cash flow positive since the beginning and is planning to start a seed funding round soon.
  • The secret sauce of VEG3 is the large collection of marketing data specific to the vegan niche that enables its technology to perform well.
  • VEG3's models are more optimized for specific marketing results than GPT-3 because they have access to actual performance data behind the scenes.

VG3's Unique Approach and Future Goals

18:47 - 26:05

  • VG3 fine-tunes GPT-3 models to create more successful copy for vegan businesses.
  • GPT-3 has APIs that allow users to fine-tune their own datasets.
  • OpenAI would have access to the data set if it is uploaded, but VG3 plans to seek seed funding and build its own AI servers in the future.
  • VG3 also uses proprietary prediction models that are separate from GPT-3.
  • There are no other vegan AI companies focused on marketing like VG3.
  • VG3 aims to be the most powerful marketer for vegan businesses in three years.

VEG3's Development and Recommendations

25:40 - 32:40

  • is free to try and all paid plans are cheaper than getting a human copywriter.
  • Sam Tucker can be found on LinkedIn and
  • Vegan Creative Compass, With VEG3, and VEG Catalyst have synergy between them as they grow together.
  • Sam Tucker enjoys making rap music under the name Sense Offense.
  • He recommends Vegonomics and Change of Heart by Nick Coonig for vegan businesses looking to improve their marketing.

Recommended Resources

32:11 - 33:56

  • Recommended books for vegan businesses trying to improve their marketing are Vegonomics and Change of Heart by Nick Coonig.
  • Lex Friedman's podcast is highly recommended, as he interviews interesting people in a very empathetic way while still asking hard questions.
  • Standing by your values is most important.