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SHRM All Things Work

Dan Shapero on LinkedIn’s Democratization of Talent Acquisition

Fri Jun 09 2023
talent acquisitionLinkedInskills-based recruitingtechnologyAI


The episode discusses the evolution of talent acquisition, expanding talent pools, and the role of technology in talent acquisition. It highlights the importance of LinkedIn in connecting individuals with career opportunities and the shift from administrative recruiting to proactive sales and marketing. The episode also explores strategies for addressing talent shortages, such as focusing on skills rather than specific industries and recognizing internal talent. Additionally, it examines the use of technology, including AI, in finding and developing candidates for specific roles.


LinkedIn's Impact on Talent Acquisition

LinkedIn has revolutionized talent acquisition by providing a platform for individuals to be discovered and recognized for their contributions. It has also become a valuable tool for recruiters to find internal talent within larger organizations.

Expanding Talent Pools and Skills-Based Recruiting

To address talent shortages, companies are expanding their talent pools and focusing on skills rather than specific industries or companies. This allows them to tap into diverse candidates with transferable skills and provide opportunities for career progression.

The Role of Technology in Talent Acquisition

Technology, including AI, is playing an increasingly important role in talent acquisition. It helps recruiters find candidates, develop their skills, and create customized messages based on their career paths. However, executives still believe that in-person connections foster productivity, even in the trend of remote work.


  1. Evolution of Talent Acquisition
  2. Expanding Talent Pools
  3. Technology in Talent Acquisition

Evolution of Talent Acquisition

00:00 - 07:40

  • Talent acquisition has evolved dramatically in recent years, with LinkedIn playing an integral role.
  • LinkedIn is approaching almost 1 billion members worldwide, 58 million companies listed, and more than 19,000 employees.
  • Companies have realized the power of talent and the importance of passive recruiting to find the best people.
  • LinkedIn opened up tremendous career opportunities for people all over the world, regardless of company size or location.
  • The platform allows individuals to be discovered and get credit for their contributions.
  • LinkedIn surfaces information about the people you've worked with and what they say about you, which is a strong signal of your abilities.
  • The tight labor market led to sourcing becoming a mainstream activity in recruiting organizations.
  • Recruiting has shifted from an administrative function to a proactive sales and marketing approach.
  • Talent acquisition is now recognized as one of the most important functions within organizations.
  • There has been a professionalization of talent acquisition with new leaders bringing specialized skills into the field.
  • Despite talent shortages, companies are finding innovative tactics and strategies to address them.

Expanding Talent Pools

07:19 - 14:13

  • Talent shortages have been a challenge for 20 years, but companies are now expanding their talent pools to find diverse candidates with transferable skills.
  • Recruiters are focusing on skills first rather than just targeting specific industries or companies.
  • LinkedIn is being used as a tool to find internal talent within larger organizations.
  • Employers should look beyond traditional job descriptions and focus on the skills they need, which may exist in different roles or industries.
  • Onboarding processes may need to be adjusted to help new hires transition into new industries.
  • People are able to learn new skills at a faster pace than employers realize, so organizations can tap into new audiences when talent is scarce.
  • Internal talent often goes unrecognized, but recruiters can play a role in identifying and landing people into new roles within the company.
  • Providing avenues for career progression can help retain employees who want stability but lack opportunities for growth.

Technology in Talent Acquisition

13:47 - 20:37

  • Recruiters can use technology to find candidates and help them develop the skills needed for specific roles.
  • As organizations grow, it becomes harder for people managers to know about all available opportunities, so systems and technology can be helpful.
  • AI can assist recruiters in writing job descriptions and creating customized messages for applicants based on their career path.
  • AI can also help recruiters find candidates who may not be easily discoverable through traditional methods.
  • There is a trend of more remote work, but executives believe that people are more productive when working together in person.
  • Organizations may require periodic in-person meetings to foster connections, while also considering the possibility of locating different roles in various places.