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Calm The Bleep Down Meditation & Mindfulness

Deepening The Practice - Meditation

Fri Jul 07 2023


The episode covers the basics of meditation, including the importance of consistency, dealing with wandering thoughts, and relaxing the body. It also provides tips for deepening the practice by focusing on the breath, observing distractions, and finding stillness.


Consistency is Key

To fully benefit from meditation, it is important to practice regularly and make it a part of your daily routine.

Embrace Wandering Thoughts

Experienced meditators understand that it is natural for the mind to wander during meditation. Instead of trying to remove thoughts, the goal is to distance oneself from them and refocus on the breath.

Relaxation is Essential

During meditation, it is crucial to relax the body and scan for any areas of tension. Each exhale should be used as an opportunity to sink deeper into relaxation.

Deepening the Practice

To deepen your meditation practice, focus on your breath to relax and go deeper into a state of relaxation. Observe any distracting thoughts and gently bring your attention back to your breath.

Finding Stillness

After the main meditation session, take a few moments to continue the practice on your own. Allow stillness to settle in and congratulate yourself for dedicating time to meditation.


  1. Introduction to Meditation
  2. Deepening the Practice

Introduction to Meditation

00:00 - 08:53

  • Meditation is a practice that requires discipline and consistency to reap its benefits.
  • Meditating twice a day helps maintain balance and focus.
  • It's normal for the mind to wander during meditation, even for experienced practitioners.
  • The purpose of meditation is not to remove thoughts, but to distance oneself from them and focus on the breath.
  • During meditation, it's important to relax the body and scan for any tense areas.
  • Each exhale should be used as an opportunity to sink deeper into relaxation.

Deepening the Practice

08:30 - 18:53

  • Focus on your breath to relax and sink deeper into relaxation.
  • Observe any distracting thoughts and come back to your breath.
  • Continue the practice on your own for a few moments.
  • Take a final moment to allow stillness to settle in.
  • Congratulate yourself for practicing meditation.