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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1764 - Will AI Kill – Or Save – Us All?

Wed Jul 12 2023
Artificial IntelligenceAI RevolutionAI TerminologyAI ApplicationsJobs and SocietyAugmenting Human IntelligenceDebates and Concerns about AIInternational RelationsPolitical ControversiesTrans Rights in Sports


The episode covers a wide range of topics related to artificial intelligence, including its revolutionizing impact on various aspects of American life, AI terminology and applications, its role in different fields such as medicine and law, its potential effects on jobs and society, the augmentation of human intelligence through AI, debates and concerns surrounding AI technology, international relations and political controversies involving NATO and Ukraine, backlash and criticism in politics, and the debate over trans rights in sports.


AI has the potential to revolutionize nearly every area of American life

The artificial intelligence revolution is here and will remake nearly every area of American life. AI is not overblown and will continue to grow in scope and breadth. It offers extraordinary economic upsides, democratizes intelligence, and shapes individuals' behavior and skills through technology.

AI can transform various fields and improve outcomes

AI has the potential to transform fields such as medicine and law, with applications ranging from personalized care plans to automating tasks like contract review. It can enhance creative arts, improve warfare strategies, and make people more human by providing technical skills and empathy.

AI poses risks and concerns that need to be addressed

While AI offers numerous benefits, there are concerns about diffusion technology leading to hallucinations and improper comprehension of data. There are debates about its impact on jobs, with higher-wage professions at highest risk. The divide of opinion on whether AI will have a net positive or negative impact highlights the need for careful consideration.

International relations and political controversies surrounding NATO and Ukraine

The NATO summit controversy over Ukraine's potential membership, economic troubles in Turkey, and triangulation between Russia, the West, and China due to weaknesses in the Biden administration are key topics. The US clearing a path to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey raises concerns about Erdogan's leadership.

Backlash and criticism in politics

There is a focus on Senator Tommy Tuberville's struggle to respond to questions about white nationalism, which detracts from other racial issues in the United States. Republicans often have to answer for one member's statements while Democrats are not held accountable in the same way.

Debating trans rights in sports

The debate over whether men should be allowed to compete in women's sports is explored, with Megan Rapinoe advocating for inclusivity. However, concerns about fairness and the potential impact on female athletes' careers are raised.


  1. The Artificial Intelligence Revolution
  2. Hallo App and AI Terminology
  3. AI in Various Fields
  4. Impact of AI on Jobs and Society
  5. Augmenting Human Intelligence with AI
  6. Debate and Concerns about AI
  7. NATO Summit and International Relations
  8. Political Controversies and Statements
  9. Backlash and Criticism in Politics
  10. Debating Trans Rights in Sports

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution

00:00 - 05:55

  • The artificial intelligence revolution is here and will remake nearly every area of American life.
  • Artificial intelligence is not overblown and will continue to grow in scope and breadth.
  • Chat GPT is a basic version of what the future holds for AI.
  • The economic upsides of AI are expected to be extraordinary, leading to increased productivity and easier access to goods and services.
  • AI can democratize intelligence by allowing anyone to engage in various industries without extensive education or knowledge.
  • The use of technology, such as smartphones, can shape individuals' behavior and skills.
  • There may be concerns about the impact of relying on AI for tasks that traditionally required independent skills, such as mental math or chess playing.
  • Artificial general intelligence (AGI) could address the issue of informational desert by creating more human-like programming for AI.
  • However, AGI also poses risks if it becomes self-referential or generates negative prompts harmful to humanity.

Hallo App and AI Terminology

05:28 - 11:23

  • Hallo is an app tailored for people of faith to deepen their relationship with God through prayer and meditation.
  • The app offers studies, meditations, and reflections rooted in Judeo-Christian prayer practices.
  • Hallo helps maintain a daily prayer routine with features like progress tracking and streaks.
  • AI terminology: Artificial Intelligence is not the same as human intelligence; computers lack emergent properties of being human.
  • Neural network imitates how the brain works, forming electrical connections that create thought.
  • Training AI involves exposing it to large amounts of data to learn and identify patterns.
  • Large language models are advanced AI systems that can generate original text based on training data.
  • Diffusion technology allows AI to generate images from minimal data by recognizing patterns in chaos.

AI in Various Fields

11:12 - 17:01

  • Diffusion technology in AI can lead to hallucinations and improper comprehension of data.
  • Companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Ava Anthropic are investing billions of dollars into AI.
  • AI will transform how we live and interact with technology.
  • Lab-grown meat is now FDA-approved and available for purchase.
  • Mayo Clinic has created over 160 AI algorithms for various medical specialties.
  • Predictive AI can personalize care plans based on patient data.
  • Predictive AI can improve colon cancer detection during colonoscopies.
  • Radiology and the legal profession will be disrupted by AI.
  • AI can automate tasks like contract review in the legal profession.

Impact of AI on Jobs and Society

16:31 - 22:28

  • AI has the potential to disrupt the legal profession by automating tasks like contract review
  • The use of AI may create a pipeline problem for experts in the field, as AI can do most tasks except those that require expert knowledge
  • The impact of technology on jobs will mostly affect higher-wage professions like lawyers, doctors, and accountants
  • According to the OECD, highly skilled jobs are at highest risk from AI-driven automation
  • AI is changing jobs rather than replacing them for now, but there will likely be replacements in the future
  • Occupations in finance, medicine, law, culture, science, engineering, and business are at risk of automation from AI
  • Person-to-person interface and negotiations may still require human involvement due to trust-based relationships
  • There is a divide of opinion on whether AI will have a net positive or negative impact
  • Technology does not eliminate human sin or change human nature; it only provides tools to access and fight sinful desires

Augmenting Human Intelligence with AI

22:05 - 28:17

  • AI offers the opportunity to augment human intelligence and improve outcomes in various fields.
  • Every child will have an AI tutor to maximize their potential.
  • Every person will have an AI assistant for support and guidance throughout life.
  • Scientists will have AI assistants to expand their research capabilities.
  • Productivity growth will accelerate, leading to economic growth and job creation.
  • AI will enhance creative arts and improve warfare strategies.
  • AI can make people more human by providing technical skills and empathy.
  • Setting moral parameters for human interactions with AI is a challenge.
  • Personalizing interactions with AI may make humans less human and weaker in certain ways.
  • Different tools are needed for different problems, including AI as a tool for productivity enhancement.
  • Care must be taken when setting parameters for AI tutors to ensure positive learning outcomes.

Debate and Concerns about AI

28:02 - 34:14

  • There is a debate about the impact of AI technology on human beings and child education.
  • Gerry O. Amode, founder of Anthropic, is concerned about the impact on human beings.
  • Anthropic employees are scared about releasing powerful AI models into the hands of people who might use them destructively.
  • AI panic is increasing, with concerns about AI safety and potential takeover by these systems.
  • Bill Gates is more optimistic about AI but acknowledges risks such as misinformation, job automation, bias, and lack of essential skills in students.
  • The rapid change brought by technology should be acknowledged and prepared for.

NATO Summit and International Relations

33:47 - 39:19

  • Technological situation of the world will change very quickly
  • NATO summit controversy over Ukraine's lack of concrete timeline to join alliance
  • Zelensky upset with NATO's wording on invitation for Ukraine to join
  • Zelensky accuses NATO leaders of not being serious about inviting Ukraine
  • Possibility of offering Ukraine NATO membership after deal with Russia
  • West suggests considering NATO membership for Ukraine after war is over
  • Economic troubles in Turkey lead to improved relations with US and Western allies
  • Triangulation between Russia, West, and China due to weaknesses in Biden administration
  • US clears path to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey

Political Controversies and Statements

38:56 - 45:46

  • Triangulation between Russia, the West, and China due to weakness of Joe Biden
  • US cleared a path to sell F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, raising concerns about Erdogan's leadership
  • Congress has authority to block or modify the sale of Jets to Turkey
  • Ukraine making progress on joining NATO but more work needs to be done
  • Unclear what will happen next with Ukraine's NATO membership
  • Joe Biden skipping dinner with NATO leaders and heading straight to his hotel in Lithuania
  • Media trying to prop up Joe Biden despite concerns about his health and behavior
  • No updates on missing cocaine at the White House according to Karine Jean-Pierre
  • Kamala Harris giving basic definitions of transportation in a speech
  • Republican Party facing backlash over one member's dumb statement

Backlash and Criticism in Politics

45:24 - 51:13

  • Republicans often have to answer for one member's dumb statement, while Democrats are not held accountable in the same way.
  • Senator Tommy Tuberville was asked about white nationalism and struggled to respond.
  • There is a distinction between white nationalism and Christian nationalism, but Tuberville misunderstood the question.
  • Tuberville's response showed a lack of understanding and a terminological failure.
  • The focus on Tuberville's statement detracts from other racial issues in the United States, such as reparations and affirmative action.
  • Chuck Schumer criticized Tuberville for obscuring the racist nature of white nationalism.
  • Mitch McConnell was forced to denounce white supremacy in response to Tuberville's statement.

Debating Trans Rights in Sports

50:52 - 57:13

  • Megan Rapinoe believes men should be able to play in women's sports, despite the fact that if men were allowed to compete with women, she would not have had a job.
  • The US women's national soccer team was defeated by a group of 15-year-olds in Dallas a few years ago, highlighting the difference in skill levels between men and women.
  • Rapinoe criticized opponents of trans rights and claimed that fairness is not a genuine concern when it comes to women's sports. However, there are instances where trans individuals have taken advantage of their status in sports.
  • The new Miss Netherlands is a transgender individual who underwent surgeries and hormone treatment.
  • Rapinoe emphasized the importance of playing sports for fun and physical activity rather than solely focusing on competition and winning.
  • She attacked Sage Steele of ESPN, Martina Navratilova, and comedian Dave Chappelle for their views on trans issues. She claimed that Chappelle's jokes contribute to violence against trans people, despite Chappelle himself being a victim of an attempted stabbing on stage.
  • Rapinoe argued that elite female athletes who recognize the disparity between men and women in sports are engaging in bigotry by advocating against men competing with them.
  • She criticized Rapinoe for prioritizing attention-seeking over defending the principles of separate women's and men's leagues in sports.
  • There is concern that allowing men to compete with women could lead to male athletes dominating female sports leagues, potentially causing harm to female athletes' careers.