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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1766 - The White House Cocaine Snorter Escapes!

Fri Jul 14 2023
White HouseCocaine InvestigationHunter BidenInstitutional FailuresHollywood StrikeEntertainment IndustryTensions with RussiaLanguage ControversiesLizzoAndrew TateUS Support for UkraineComplex ConflictsImbalances in Dating SceneCultural InfluencesDeclining Female HappinessGender Dynamics


This episode covers a range of topics including the White House cocaine investigation, institutional failures and Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's flaws and the Hollywood strike, concerns in the entertainment industry, challenges in the film industry and tensions with Russia, language controversies and Lizzo's influence, Lizzo's impact and Andrew Tate's interview, US support for Ukraine and complex conflicts, imbalances in the dating scene and cultural influences, declining female happiness and gender dynamics.


The White House cocaine investigation raises concerns about security

The Secret Service investigation into cocaine at the White House ended without identifying any suspects. Congressional Republicans are demanding answers while Democrats believe the issue has been resolved.

Institutional failures and Hunter Biden's questionable activities

Institutional failures within the American government are becoming apparent, including within the Secret Service. The Biden family's involvement in questionable financial activities poses a problem for Joe Biden's popularity as president.

Challenges in the entertainment industry and the Hollywood strike

Actors and writers in Hollywood are facing pay issues and decreased margins caused by streaming services. The Hollywood star system is no longer influential, leading to a strike by actors and screenwriters.

Tensions with Russia and concerns in the film industry

The Biden administration is increasing tensions with Russia over Ukraine. The film industry is facing challenges due to profitability issues and labor strikes.

Language controversies and Lizzo's influence

Controversies over language use distract from real issues of racism. Lizzo's influence on societal values and children's perceptions is discussed.

Lizzo's impact and Andrew Tate's interview

Lizzo's persona challenges traditional notions of strength and independence. Andrew Tate's interview highlights his experience of being held in jail without charge.

US support for Ukraine and complex conflicts

The US government and American media support Ukraine against Russia. Conflicts are more complex than a simple good versus bad narrative.

Imbalances in the dating scene and cultural influences

The globalized sexual marketplace creates imbalances in the dating scene. Cultural influences shape societal values and perceptions.

Declining female happiness and gender dynamics

Female happiness in the West has been declining, possibly due to the lack of masculine men. The destruction of Western society is attributed to imbalances in gender dynamics.


  1. White House Cocaine Investigation
  2. Institutional Failures and Hunter Biden
  3. Joe Biden's Flaws and Hollywood Strike
  4. Concerns in the Entertainment Industry
  5. Challenges in the Film Industry and Tensions with Russia
  6. Tensions with Russia and Language Controversies
  7. Language Use and Lizzo's Influence
  8. Language Controversies and Lizzo's Persona
  9. Lizzo's Impact and Andrew Tate's Interview
  10. US Support for Ukraine and Complex Conflicts
  11. Imbalances in the Dating Scene and Cultural Influences
  12. Declining Female Happiness and Gender Dynamics

White House Cocaine Investigation

00:00 - 06:11

  • The Secret Service investigation into the source of cocaine at the White House has ended with no suspects identified.
  • The investigation was closed after just 11 days due to a lack of physical evidence.
  • Congressional Republicans are demanding answers about how an illegal drug got into one of the most secure buildings in the world.
  • Representative Tim Burchette called the conclusion bogus and a complete failure, stating that they know who goes into the White House and there should be identification records.
  • Democrats are satisfied with the investigation's closure, believing that the Secret Service and White House are on top of it.
  • There is no routine drug testing for White House visitors, including those given West Wing tours by invitation only.
  • Some lawmakers have suggested drug testing all visitors, but others find this suggestion hypocritical considering their opposition to COVID-19 tests.
  • Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned why a list of approximately 500 potential suspects was not drug tested or investigated further.
  • The possession of marijuana has been discovered twice in Joe Biden's White House, but no arrests were made due to the weight being under two ounces and not meeting legal thresholds for charges.

Institutional Failures and Hunter Biden

05:51 - 11:50

  • The Secret Service revealed that no one was arrested in marijuana incidents due to the weight of the confiscated marijuana not meeting legal thresholds.
  • Institutional failures in American government are becoming increasingly apparent, including within the Secret Service.
  • The Secret Service previously attempted to intervene in Hunter Biden's gun case.
  • Hunter Biden and his business associates tried to obtain a US visa for a Ukrainian individual under investigation for corruption.
  • Ukraine is known for its serious corruption problems, despite attempts by the media to downplay them.
  • The Biden family has been involved in questionable financial activities, which poses a problem for Joe Biden's popularity as president.

Joe Biden's Flaws and Hollywood Strike

11:26 - 17:44

  • Joe Biden is portrayed as a self-interested politician who only cares about those close to him.
  • The Hunter Biden scandal highlights Joe Biden's flaws.
  • Joe Biden disowned his grandchild because Hunter Biden doesn't want to take responsibility for her.
  • Joe Biden prioritizes the people with the last name Biden and ignores others.
  • Joe Biden is a vulnerable candidate due to his corruption and lack of alternatives in the Democratic Party.
  • Actors have joined writers in a strike in Hollywood due to decreased margins caused by streaming services.
  • The traditional Hollywood model has been destroyed by streaming, leaving actors with limited options for profitable roles.
  • The Hollywood star system is dead, as there is an abundance of material and a surplus of writers and actors.
  • The actors' union approved a strike over pay and concerns about a tech-dominated future.
  • Actors and screenwriters have not been on strike simultaneously since 1960.
  • The strikes involve more than 170,000 workers against major studios and streaming platforms like Netflix, Apple, and Amazon.

Concerns in the Entertainment Industry

17:23 - 23:37

  • Actors and writers in the entertainment industry are concerned about pay issues, shorter season orders, longer hiatuses between seasons, and the use of AI to generate scripts.
  • The shift towards streaming platforms has led to shorter seasons and the release of multiple episodes at once for binge-watching.
  • The use of many rooms with core writers and supplemental writers helps reduce costs for studios.
  • Outdated contract terms and rapidly changing media landscape contribute to concerns for actors.
  • AI-generated scripts are a worry for actors as their likeness, voice, or performance could be used without consent or compensation.
  • The star system in Hollywood is no longer as influential as it used to be, making it easier to hire new actors instead of relying on established stars.
  • There is a mismatch between how the industry works now and how people wish it worked.
  • Some Democrats are showing support for the Hollywood strike by signaling their support for better pay and working conditions.
  • Business decisions at the top levels have contributed more to profitability than actors and writers themselves.

Challenges in the Film Industry and Tensions with Russia

23:12 - 29:39

  • There are a lot of movie and production companies that have a lot of talent working for them that are not profitable.
  • Bob Iger, the head of Disney, believes the demands of the writers and actors are unrealistic.
  • The writer's strike and potential actor's strike will further disrupt the industry during an already challenging time due to COVID recovery.
  • The level of compensation expected by writers and actors is not realistic given the changing model in Hollywood.
  • People have little sympathy for actors or corporations like Disney due to their political involvement.
  • The lack of star system in today's film industry reduces public attachment to specific actors.
  • Most Americans do not feel invested in this labor fight.
  • Bob Iger denies Disney's role in sexual indoctrination allegations, but evidence suggests otherwise.
  • The Biden administration is increasing tensions with Russia over Ukraine.

Tensions with Russia and Language Controversies

29:10 - 35:30

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was minimal, contrary to initial claims.
  • Biden believes Putin has a problem and is unlikely to end the war in Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian counter-offensive has become a long slog.
  • Biden called up 3,000 more reservists due to military stretch.
  • The US effort in Europe is designated as a contingency operation.
  • The Biden administration continues to appease China while claiming to fight for democracy.
  • John Kerry refuses to label Xi Jinping a dictator.
  • Kerry falsely claims he never personally owned a private jet.
  • The American military is stretched thin due to recruitment failures and the Ukraine war.

Language Use and Lizzo's Influence

35:06 - 41:26

  • Bullen Branch product is highly recommended for better sleep.
  • Daily Wire is hiring senior copywriters in the marketing department.
  • Left-wing media demands racism, creating controversies over language use.
  • Representative Eli Crane accidentally referred to people of color as colored people, sparking outrage.
  • Democrats accuse Crane of being racist based on his choice of words.
  • Language evolves and terms change over time, including racial designations.
  • The term 'colored people' was historically used and even adopted by emancipated slaves as a term of racial pride.
  • NAACP originally stood for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Language Controversies and Lizzo's Persona

40:59 - 47:41

  • The NAACP spokesperson explains that while the term 'colored people' was once accepted, it is now considered outdated.
  • The focus on trivial language choices distracts from real issues of racism and discrimination in the United States.
  • A book titled '50 Reasons Why Lizzo is Perfection' is discussed, highlighting various aspects of the singer's persona.
  • Lizzo's body positivity message is criticized for promoting unhealthy habits and self-obsession.
  • The influence of cultural shapers like Lizzo on societal values and children's perceptions is emphasized.

Lizzo's Impact and Andrew Tate's Interview

47:15 - 53:07

  • Lizzo scoffed at the prediction that she would be swept off her feet, stating that she is a strong black woman.
  • Lizzo's size and confidence make it unlikely for someone to physically sweep her off her feet.
  • Lizzo has brought together classical flute and twerking, uniting two different worlds.
  • Lizzo emphasizes the need to protect and prioritize black trans women.
  • Lizzo's Ursula cosplay was well-received and considered strong casting.
  • Lizzo is seen as a new ideal of femininity, challenging traditional notions of strength and independence.
  • There is an interview between Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate that has gained significant attention on Twitter.
  • Tate shares his experience of being held in jail without charge, highlighting the mental toll it takes when you know you're innocent.
  • Tate's characterization of the charges against him differs from the Romanian government's version.
  • There are civil suits against Tate in Britain regarding sexual assault allegations.
  • The details of Tate's case are still unfolding, with an uncertain outcome.
  • 'The Matrix' refers to certain agendas pushed by media and judicial systems worldwide to control people's minds and limit important discussions.
  • There is often a consensus among media, government, and corporate entities that can create false narratives or misinformation.

US Support for Ukraine and Complex Conflicts

52:40 - 59:15

  • Support for the war in Ukraine is a key issue for the US government and American media.
  • There is a position in the United States that supports Ukraine against Russia, without argument.
  • Putin is sarcastically credited with curing COVID due to his invasion of Ukraine coinciding with the pandemic's decline.
  • The belief in good versus evil in wars is naive and oversimplified.
  • Wars are more complex than simply good versus bad, as there are often multiple factors at play.
  • While there may be complexity and hidden agendas behind closed doors, some conflicts have clear right and wrong sides.
  • World War II was a battle between fascism and Western democracy, while the Civil War was about preserving or ending slavery.
  • Moral relativism is being used to eliminate black-and-white distinctions in conflicts.
  • Depression is questioned as a real condition by one speaker who believes it can be overcome through mindset alone.
  • Another speaker acknowledges that depression exists for some people and may require medication or therapy to manage.
  • The sexual marketplace has become globalized, making it harder for men to find partners unless they excel.

Imbalances in the Dating Scene and Cultural Influences

58:46 - 1:05:09

  • The sexual marketplace has become globalized, making it harder for men to find a partner.
  • The destruction of morality in women and men has created imbalances in the dating scene.
  • Men need to be more successful to appeal to women who have many options.
  • Society needs to return to values that prioritize marriage and family-building.
  • The push for racism narrative by the elite is driven by their belief that people who are not like them are bad.
  • Greta Thunberg's meeting with Zelensky seems detached from reality and lacks substance.
  • The Matrix attempts to paint unequal meetings as a meeting of equals.

Declining Female Happiness and Gender Dynamics

1:04:47 - 1:10:18

  • Female happiness in the West has been declining since about 1970.
  • The decline in female happiness may be attributed to the lack of masculine men.
  • A feminine woman and a masculine man create the most beautiful and fulfilling union.
  • Destroying one side of the equation leads to misery and unhappiness for both parties.
  • Many women go from man to man trying to find someone who can fulfill their needs, but end up unhappy.
  • The destruction of Western society is a consequence of this imbalance.
  • Men are less inclined to get married due to concerns about partner count and financial risk.
  • While some of his solutions may not meet the test of the problem, Andrew Klavan acknowledges that he accurately diagnoses problems.
  • Maybelline's decision to feature a bearded man as a model for women's makeup products is met with criticism from consumers.
  • Women should stand up for themselves and demand that female products be advertised with women, not men.