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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1767 - The 2024 Republican Race Is ON

Mon Jul 17 2023
Tucker CarlsonFamily Leadership SummitMike PenceUkraineDonald TrumpRepublican PartyEntitlement ReformAsa HutchinsonJoe BidenDebatesRFK Jr.Media CoverageNational Defense Authorization BillTransgender FundingDisneyCasting Choices


The episode covers Tucker Carlson's interviews at the Family Leadership Summit, his discussion with Mike Pence on Ukraine, controversies surrounding Ukraine, JD Vance's views on entitlement reform, Tucker Carlson's questions to Asa Hutchinson, the top Republicans in the polls, debates and concerns about Biden, media coverage, disagreements over transgender funding, and Disney's controversial casting choices.


Trump's Appeal

Trump's support comes from his ability to be a symbol of resistance against the left and his connection with dispossessed Rust Belt white voters.

Misguided Focus on Specific Policy Positions

The attempt to capture Trump's issue set has led to a misguided focus on specific policy positions rather than understanding the appeal of Trump himself.

Lack of Practical Alternatives on Ukraine

There is a lack of practical alternatives presented by both sides regarding supporting or not supporting Ukraine in the war.

Censorship and January 6th

Pervasive censorship leading up to January 6th caused great outrage on the right side, but it is also important to acknowledge that Donald Trump's false claims about Mike Pence's ability to overturn the election contributed to the events of January 6th.

Focus on Beating Joe Biden

The focus in the Republican Party should be on who can beat Joe Biden and promote conservative values.

Controversial Casting Choices by Disney

Disney's casting choices, such as racially diverse tall people instead of dwarves in the live action adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, have sparked controversy and are seen as destroying the essence of the original story.

Selective Tolerance of Anti-Semitism

The Democratic Party is criticized for its selective tolerance of anti-Semitism, with examples such as Pramila Jayapal being openly anti-Semitic while the party tolerates it.

Disagreements over Transgender Funding

Republicans are opposing the inclusion of transgender funding in the National Defense Authorization Bill, arguing against using taxpayer money for gender-related surgeries.

Concerns about Biden's Debates

There are concerns about whether Joe Biden will refuse to debate Trump, and Trump's comments about not debating RFK Jr. and other Republicans could be used by Biden as a reason not to debate Trump.

Media Turning on RFK Jr.

The media is turning on RFK Jr. due to seeing him as a threat to Biden, despite previously supporting him.


  1. Tucker Carlson's Interviews at the Family Leadership Summit
  2. Tucker Carlson's Discussion with Mike Pence on Ukraine
  3. Mike Pence's Clarification and Trump's Appeal
  4. Controversies Surrounding Ukraine and Tucker Carlson's Criticisms
  5. JD Vance, Entitlement Reform, and the White Working Class
  6. Tucker Carlson's Questions to Asa Hutchinson and the Focus on Beating Joe Biden
  7. Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump as Top Republicans
  8. Debates, RFK Jr., and Concerns about Biden
  9. Media Coverage, National Defense Authorization Bill, and Casting Controversies
  10. Disagreements over Transgender Funding and Disney's Casting Choices
  11. Controversial Casting Choices and Disney's Focus on Virtue Signaling

Tucker Carlson's Interviews at the Family Leadership Summit

00:00 - 06:13

  • Tucker Carlson interviewed several Republican presidential candidates at the Family Leadership Summit, excluding Donald Trump.
  • The interviews focused on issues that have become national priorities among Republicans in the primaries, such as the war in Ukraine.
  • However, polling data shows that the war in Ukraine is not a top issue for most Americans or Republicans.
  • The attempt to capture Trump's issue set has led to a misguided focus on specific policy positions rather than understanding the appeal of Trump himself.
  • Trump's support comes from his ability to be a symbol of resistance against the left and his connection with dispossessed Rust Belt white voters.
  • Candidates are trying to align themselves with Tucker's issue set, but it may not resonate with Republican voters as much as they think.
  • Tucker is pushing candidates to take positions he likes, but these positions may not be top priorities for Republican voters.

Tucker Carlson's Discussion with Mike Pence on Ukraine

05:57 - 12:13

  • Tucker Carlson went after Mike Pence over the Ukraine issue, highlighting that Pence does not have a path to the nomination due to Trump's false claims about his power to overturn election results.
  • The discussion on Ukraine revolves around America's national interests, such as preventing Russian military aggression and securing natural gas flow into Europe.
  • There is a lack of practical alternatives presented by both sides regarding supporting or not supporting Ukraine in the war.
  • Tucker questions Pence about his concern for Ukraine's tanks while American cities face issues like economic degradation, increased crime rates, and public disorder.
  • Pence responds by stating his focus on restoring law and order in the US, securing the border, revitalizing the economy, and defending constitutional liberties.
  • The attempt to portray disagreement with Tucker's perspective as a lack of care for America is criticized as unfair.

Mike Pence's Clarification and Trump's Appeal

11:50 - 17:50

  • Mike Pence clarifies that he is concerned about both American cities and tanks in Ukraine, contrary to media reports.
  • Linking spending in military matters to domestic issues is a democratic point, not a conservative or Republican one.
  • Trump's stance on aid to Ukraine differs from some of his supporters; he advocates for keeping the aid flowing.
  • Attempts to fit Trump into a specific policy mold overlook the fact that people like him for who he is, not just his policies.
  • Criticism of Pence based on an out-of-context quote is unfair and misleading.
  • Religious freedom should not be compromised by punishing individuals with different views.

Controversies Surrounding Ukraine and Tucker Carlson's Criticisms

17:23 - 23:39

  • A Christian leader justified raiding nunneries and throwing priests in jail by saying they had the wrong views.
  • Some on the right are telling people to shut up about Christian clergy being imprisoned in Ukraine.
  • Tucker Carlson criticized Mike Pence for not speaking out against the shutdown of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine.
  • Ben Shapiro disagrees with painting candidates as enemies of freedom or the American people.
  • There is a trend of saying things that people want to hear while presenting it as something nobody wants to hear.
  • JD Vance's claim that wanting entitlement reform means sending more money to Ukraine is unfounded.
  • The idea that those who want entitlement reform also support Ukraine is false, as most supporters of Ukraine are Democrats who don't want entitlement reform.

JD Vance, Entitlement Reform, and the White Working Class

23:12 - 29:30

  • People with Ukraine flags in their bios are largely Democrats who support Joe Biden and do not want entitlement reform.
  • JD Vance, in 2010, expressed the need for entitlement reform due to the growing budget situation and the obstacles posed by Medicare and Social Security benefits.
  • There is a cultural movement in the white working class to blame problems on society or the government.
  • The Republican Party consists of candidates who disagree on various issues, and it is incorrect to assume that those who agree with you are telling the truth.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy has gained popularity in polling data but is saying things that cater to what the crowd wants to hear.
  • Pervasive censorship leading up to January 6th caused great outrage on the right side, but it is also important to acknowledge that Donald Trump's false claims about Mike Pence's ability to overturn the election contributed to the events of January 6th.
  • Telling people what they want to hear may not lead to effective governance or unity in a country.
  • Censorship by social media during elections needs addressing, but it is essential to acknowledge bad actions from one's own side as well.
  • Asa Hutchinson was asked about his COVID shots, which should be considered personal medical information.

Tucker Carlson's Questions to Asa Hutchinson and the Focus on Beating Joe Biden

29:08 - 35:13

  • Tucker Carlson questioned Asa Hutchinson about the number of COVID shots he took, which is personal medical information.
  • Ben Shapiro criticizes Asa Hutchinson on various issues and believes he is a weak candidate.
  • Tucker Carlson stated that he did not take any COVID shots, but did not mention Fox News' vaccine mandates.
  • The focus in the Republican Party should be on who can beat Joe Biden and promote conservative values.
  • Ben Shapiro disagrees with the emphasis on Ukraine as an issue in the Republican race.
  • Tucker Carlson questioned Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis about Ukraine, but it may not be a major point of differentiation against Joe Biden.
  • The real question should be how each Republican candidate plans to take on Joe Biden.

Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump as Top Republicans

34:54 - 40:53

  • The real question in the Republican primary is who is best poised to take on Joe Biden.
  • The top two Republicans in the polls are Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.
  • DeSantis is shaking up his campaign after not gaining traction in the polls.
  • He has fired roughly a dozen staffers and more dismissals are expected.
  • DeSantis will be going into unfriendly territory, including doing an interview with Jake Tapper at CNN.
  • He needs to prove he can fight the media and take on Biden.
  • Trump is avoiding debates, setting himself up for Biden to also dodge debates against him.
  • There's a possibility that Biden refuses outright to debate Trump.

Debates, RFK Jr., and Concerns about Biden

40:26 - 46:51

  • There is a possibility that Biden refuses to debate Trump.
  • Trump's comments about not debating RFK Jr. and other Republicans could be used by Biden as a reason not to debate Trump.
  • DeSantis pointed out that Trump added $8 trillion in debt and built only 50 miles of wall.
  • The focus should be on which Republican candidate can best take on Biden and who is most conservative in office.
  • RFK Jr. is polling fairly well against Joe Biden, causing concern among the media.
  • RFK Jr.'s comments about COVID-19 were misinterpreted, he was citing a study about certain populations' genetic differences.
  • The media, who previously supported RFK Jr., are now turning against him because they see him as a threat to Biden.

Media Coverage, National Defense Authorization Bill, and Casting Controversies

46:22 - 53:09

  • Media turning on RFK Jr. due to threat to Biden
  • RFK Jr.'s comments about Israel being overlooked by media focused on anti-Semitism
  • Pramila Jayapal openly anti-Semitic, Democratic Party tolerates it
  • Democratic Party's selective tolerance of anti-Semitism
  • Joe Biden nibbling a child in Finland video circulating
  • Republicans refusing to support National Defense Authorization Bill with abortion and transgender surgery funding
  • Republicans criticized for standing against federal funding for abortion and gender reassignment surgeries

Disagreements over Transgender Funding and Disney's Casting Choices

52:52 - 59:46

  • Republicans are opposing the inclusion of transgender funding in the bill, which Democrats have stacked together.
  • The media is portraying Republicans as at fault for this disagreement.
  • John Kirby, the national security spokesperson, claims that without trans funding, America becomes less safe.
  • Republicans argue against using taxpayer money for gender-related surgeries like penis and testicle removal or breast augmentation.
  • Jake Sullivan, the national security advisor, accuses Republicans of mixing domestic and social debates with military needs.
  • Democrats change the status quo and then act surprised when it is noticed.
  • The Defense Authorization Act historically passes with bipartisan support but is now facing opposition due to mixed social debates.
  • MSNBC's Ali Vellshey claims there are no conspiracy theorists in their audience despite many believing Russia stole the 2016 election for Trump.
  • Disney is recasting redheaded characters as racially diverse individuals, including Snow White being played by Rachel Zeglick.
  • Snow White's name refers to her white skin in the original fairy tale, making this casting choice unusual.
  • There are double standards when it comes to racial diversity in casting based on physical descriptors.

Controversial Casting Choices and Disney's Focus on Virtue Signaling

59:17 - 1:04:55

  • The live action adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is casting racially diverse tall people instead of dwarves.
  • Disney claims they are avoiding reinforcing stereotypes from the original story.
  • The heroes of the story are actually the dwarves, not Snow White or the Prince.
  • The new cast includes a mix of racially diverse individuals, including a little person, a black female, a black male, and others.
  • This casting choice seems to destroy the believability and essence of the original story.
  • Disney has been cannibalizing and destroying their good intellectual property in favor of new inferior versions.
  • They could have cast a talented white actress as Snow White without any negative consequences.
  • Disney's focus on virtue signaling is causing them to destroy their own IP.