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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1769 - BREAKING: Trump Targeted By DOJ Over January 6

Wed Jul 19 2023
Donald TrumpLegal TroublesBiden AdministrationMichigan ChargesRepublican StrategyRon DeSantisBiden Administration ChallengesAnti-SemitismSexual Behavior NarrativesScientific Evidence


This episode covers Donald Trump's legal troubles, potential charges, and political impact. It also discusses the Biden administration's response and legal strategy, Michigan charges and intent, Republican strategy and polling, Ron DeSantis' campaign and positions, Biden administration challenges and anti-Semitism, Biden's meeting with Herzog and anti-Semitism controversy, debunking narratives on sexual behavior, scientific evidence and left-wing narrative, and an upcoming book on the topic.


Trump's Legal Troubles

Donald Trump is facing a target letter from the DOJ over January 6th. Charges may be related to his efforts to overturn the election results. Multiple cases are being brought against him by the same DOJ that buried the Hunter Biden case.

Biden Administration's Response

The administration has shown zero concern for the rule of law. President Trump is likely to face charges such as obstruction of justice and fraud. Prosecutors want to get him on trial before the election season.

Michigan Charges and Intent

16 Michigan residents allegedly falsely claimed to be electors to overturn Trump's defeat there. Intent is a crucial element in these types of crimes. Obstruction charges may be brought if tangible value was offered to change testimony.

Republican Strategy and Polling

The Republican Party needs to consider the political consequences of focusing on Trump's legal battles instead of Biden's policies. Trump consistently polls below 45%. Rhonda Santis and other Republican candidates have a wide range of poll numbers.

DeSantis' Campaign and Positions

Ron DeSantis' campaign has been perceived as flagging, but polling data shows he hasn't lost ground. He emphasizes issues like parents' rights, education, economy, and crime. He takes a conservative position on abortion and discusses Ukraine policy.

Biden Administration Challenges

Joe Biden's cognitive decline is evident and widely recognized. Some members of the Democratic Party have made anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israel. The administration is facing challenges both in terms of the economy and within its own party.

Biden's Meeting with Herzog

The president is meeting with Herzog, but Democrats are boycotting the speech. There is a consensus among human rights organizations that there is currently a crisis of democracy in apartheid. The administration's approach to combating anti-Semitism involves involving the Council on American Islamic Relations.

Debunking Narratives on Sexual Behavior

Treating criminality as aspects of race is itself racist. Opposing murder does not mean opposing black people. Jason Aldin did nothing wrong in filming his music video in a town with a history of lynching. Rachel Levine supports pushing young children to take cross-sex hormones and undergo surgical sterilization.

Scientific Evidence and Left-Wing Narrative

Same-sex behavior in the animal kingdom is not predominantly sexual, but more about social interaction and strengthening bonds between males. Studies challenge the idea that homosexual behavior is purely genetic. The media often buries studies that go against the left-wing narrative on sexual behavior.

Upcoming Book

Jim Davis and Michael Graham will discuss their upcoming book, The Great D-Churching.


  1. Trump's Legal Troubles
  2. Trump's Potential Charges and Political Impact
  3. Biden Administration's Response and Legal Strategy
  4. Michigan Charges and Intent
  5. Republican Strategy and Polling
  6. Ron DeSantis' Campaign and Positions
  7. DeSantis' Appeal and Republican Strategy
  8. Biden Administration Challenges and Anti-Semitism
  9. Biden's Meeting with Herzog and Anti-Semitism Controversy
  10. Debunking Narratives on Sexual Behavior
  11. Scientific Evidence and Left-Wing Narrative
  12. Upcoming Book and Conclusion

Trump's Legal Troubles

00:00 - 06:14

  • Donald Trump receives a target letter from the DOJ over January 6th
  • The state of Michigan charges 16 people for calling themselves alternative electors in 2020
  • Rhonda Sanchez takes on Jake Tapper
  • Trump's team knew about the target letter since Sunday but waited until Tuesday to break the news
  • Charges against Trump may be related to his efforts to overturn the election results
  • Possible charges include wire or mail fraud and obstruction of justice
  • The specific charges have not been released yet
  • Multiple cases are being brought against Trump by the same DOJ that buried the Hunter Biden case

Trump's Potential Charges and Political Impact

00:00 - 06:14

  • Trump's polls within the Republican party go up every time he gets indicted
  • The judge in the classified documents case is skeptical of pushing it beyond the 2024 election
  • There are theories that Democrats are promoting Trump in primaries by indicting him repeatedly
  • Appointing a special counsel usually leads to some level of findings, so it's not surprising there are charges in this case
  • The White House claims this is restoring the rule of law, despite their own violations

Biden Administration's Response and Legal Strategy

05:54 - 12:41

  • The President respects the Department of Justice and their independence.
  • The administration has shown zero concern for the rule of law.
  • President Trump is likely to face charges such as obstruction of justice and fraud, not treason or insurrection.
  • Rudy Giuliani may have participated in a voluntary interview with prosecutors but is not testifying against President Trump.
  • There is skepticism that any new information has been uncovered in this case.
  • Trump could potentially pardon himself in federal cases but not in state cases, creating a constitutional crisis if convicted at the state level.
  • Prosecutors want to get Trump on trial before the election season.

Michigan Charges and Intent

12:11 - 19:14

  • 16 Michigan residents allegedly met covertly in the basement of Michigan GOP headquarters and signed multiple certificates falsely claiming to be duly elected electors for president and vice president.
  • The defendants hoped to award Michigan's electoral votes to their preferred candidate instead of the candidate chosen by Michigan voters.
  • Intent is a crucial element in these types of crimes, including the case against Trump on January 6th.
  • Proving intent with Donald Trump is challenging, but damaging evidence like tapes can make a difference.
  • Obstruction charges may be brought if tangible value was offered to change testimony.
  • Fraud charges require proving that Trump knowingly took money for legal defense while knowing it was spurious and intended to benefit himself.
  • Many Republicans argue that the prosecution is politically motivated and unfair, while acknowledging that Trump could have handled January 6th differently.
  • Brian Kemp, governor of Georgia, believes strong evidence is necessary when going after a former president with criminal charges.

Republican Strategy and Polling

18:59 - 24:48

  • The Republican Party needs to consider the political consequences of focusing on Trump's legal battles instead of Joe Biden's policies.
  • Nikki Haley argues that the presidential race should not revolve around Trump's indictments but rather focus on important issues like China, Iran, North Korea, debt, transparency in schools, crime, and border security.
  • The question for Republicans is whether they want to win by battling Biden's policies or rely on luck for Biden to collapse.
  • Trump consistently polls below 45%, which is not a winning number.
  • Democratic voter turnout is likely to be high unless Democrats are not motivated by Trump's presence on the ballot.
  • Rhonda Santis and other Republican candidates have a wide range of poll numbers, indicating potential fluctuation among independent voters deciding between them and Biden.
  • In 2016, undecided voters broke two to one for Trump on the last day of the election; in 2020, they broke two to one for Biden.
  • DeSantis' campaign has faced challenges according to media reports, but polling data shows his numbers have remained relatively stable since late May at around 20%.

Ron DeSantis' Campaign and Positions

24:19 - 30:42

  • Ron DeSantis' campaign has been perceived as flagging, but polling data shows he hasn't lost ground since late May.
  • DeSantis needs to catch fire and gain momentum in his campaign.
  • He handled an interview with Jake Tapper well, answering questions cleverly and refusing to be characterized as a radical.
  • DeSantis emphasized his appeal to suburban moms and focused on issues like parents' rights, education, economy, and crime.
  • On abortion, DeSantis took a conservative position that is winnable in a general election.
  • He discussed Ukraine policy, emphasizing the goal of sustainable peace without rewarding aggression.
  • DeSantis addressed trans issues by focusing on the mission first in the military while maintaining a consistent conservative position.

DeSantis' Appeal and Republican Strategy

30:17 - 35:49

  • Ron DeSantis is skilled at taking a conservative stance while maintaining popularity
  • DeSantis' ability to handle hostile situations could reshape the race for Republican voters
  • Republican voters must decide if they prioritize entertainment or winning in the election
  • There is a chance Trump could win the nomination, but it's not as high as if someone else were nominated
  • The focus of the 2024 campaign should be on Joe Biden's incompetence and weak policies
  • Biden's meeting with Isaac Herzog shows his attempt to distance from Israel
  • Biden's incoherent babbling and decline are evident during press conferences

Biden Administration Challenges and Anti-Semitism

35:24 - 41:41

  • Joe Biden's cognitive decline is evident and widely recognized.
  • Silicon Valley money people are considering supporting RFK Jr. as an alternative to Joe Biden.
  • Polls show that a significant percentage of Democrats do not want Joe Biden as the nominee.
  • Joe Biden's approval ratings within the Democratic Party are low and declining.
  • The Biden administration is attempting to craft a new debt relief program after the Supreme Court struck down their initial plan.
  • Joe Biden's administration is facing challenges both in terms of the economy and within his own party.
  • Some members of the Democratic Party, such as Pramila Jayapal and Rashida Tlaib, have made anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israel.
  • Democratic leadership has not taken action against these members for their anti-Semitic comments.

Biden's Meeting with Herzog and Anti-Semitism Controversy

41:14 - 47:48

  • The president is meeting with Herzog, this meeting happening today, and Democrats say they're boycotting this speech.
  • There is a consensus among human rights organizations that there is currently a crisis of democracy in apartheid.
  • The White House was asked about condemning anti-Semitic comments but declined to do so.
  • The Biden-Harris administration has been clear that singling out Israel because of anti-Jewish hate is considered anti-Semitism and unacceptable.
  • The administration's approach to combating anti-Semitism involved involving the Council on American Islamic Relations, which some consider problematic.
  • Comments made by allies of Joe Biden are not considered anti-Semitic, while those made by his opponents are often labeled as such.
  • A new Jason Aldine song called 'Try That in a Small Town' has sparked controversy for its video depicting riots and the accusation of racism.
  • Jason Aldine clarified that the song does not reference race and is about a sense of community and desire for normalcy.

Debunking Narratives on Sexual Behavior

47:23 - 53:42

  • The song 'Try That in a Small Town' by Jason Aldin is about the desire for a sense of normalcy and community.
  • The belief that treating criminality as aspects of race is itself racist, as it suggests that crime is only from black people or that targeting crime means targeting black people.
  • Opposing murder does not mean opposing black people, as the majority of black people do not commit murder.
  • Jason Aldin did nothing wrong in filming his music video in a town with a history of lynching.
  • Rachel Levine, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, supports pushing young children to take cross-sex hormones and undergo surgical sterilization.
  • Levine's argument for preventing children from going through the 'wrong puberty' goes against the idea of allowing individuals to be themselves.
  • A study on rhesus monkeys found that same-sex behavior can be socially advantageous and is not predominantly sexual. It can strengthen bonds between males.

Scientific Evidence and Left-Wing Narrative

53:17 - 59:18

  • Suggests same-sex behavior in the animal kingdom is not predominantly sexual, but more about social interaction and strengthening bonds between males.
  • Only one out of 236 male macaques studied engaged exclusively with other males, challenging the idea that homosexual behavior is purely genetic.
  • About 6% of same-sex sexual behavior in macaques could be explained by genetics, contradicting the notion that it is entirely genetically driven.
  • A study of 470,000 human genomes found no way to predict an individual's sexual behavior from their genome, debunking the idea that it is solely genetic.
  • The media often buries studies that challenge the prevailing narrative on sexual behavior being solely genetic.
  • The left-wing narrative prevails over scientific evidence when it comes to discussions on sexual behavior.

Upcoming Book and Conclusion

58:53 - 59:18

  • The left wing narrative is prioritized over scientific evidence.
  • Studies that contradict the left wing narrative are buried.
  • Less coverage is given to studies that go against the left wing narrative.
  • Jim Davis and Michael Graham will discuss their upcoming book, The Great D-Churching.