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The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1772 - Barbie Is Garbage, But You’re Not Allowed To Say So

Mon Jul 24 2023
Barbie movieGreta Gerwigcancel cultureJoe BidenHunter BidenIsraeli judiciaryUS-Israel relationsHollywood adaptations


A comprehensive summary of various topics including Ben Shapiro's review of the Barbie movie, Greta Gerwig's influence on the film, controversies surrounding cultural figures and cancel culture, legal challenges and media bias, allegations against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, controversies surrounding the Israeli judiciary and US-Israel relations, criticism of Thomas Friedman and US-Israel relations, and adapting classic stories and controversies in Hollywood.


Controversies surrounding cultural figures and cancel culture

Cancel culture tries to ruin the lives of those who express opinions that go against left-wing social values. The left often lies about people who violate their precepts instead of engaging in honest debate.

Allegations against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden

Joe Biden is accused of funneling cash to his dad through Burisma Holdings. There are allegations of bribery involving Joe Biden and payments to the Bidens in exchange for firing a prosecutor.

Criticism of Thomas Friedman and US-Israel relations

Thomas Friedman's claim that only Biden can save Israel is ridiculous and unfounded. The Biden administration is pressuring Netanyahu on judicial reform, which undermines shared strategic interests in the Middle East.


  1. Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and expresses his dislike for it
  2. Greta Gerwig's influence on the Barbie movie and its messaging
  3. The portrayal of relationships and values in the Barbie movie
  4. Controversies surrounding cultural figures and cancel culture
  5. Political attacks and double standards
  6. Legal challenges and media bias
  7. Allegations against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden
  8. Further allegations and investigations into the Biden family
  9. Controversies surrounding the Israeli judiciary and US-Israel relations
  10. Criticism of Thomas Friedman and US-Israel relations
  11. Adapting classic stories and controversies in Hollywood

Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and expresses his dislike for it

00:00 - 06:23

  • The media reacts strongly to Shapiro's negative review, with articles covering his burning of Barbie dolls
  • Shapiro addresses the criticism and defends his actions, stating that he made more money from the YouTube video than he spent on tickets and props
  • He questions why there is such outrage over his dislike of the film and suggests a double standard in cultural figures being immune to criticism
  • Shapiro reflects on how certain topics, like Cardi B, generate intense reactions when he makes fun of them

Greta Gerwig's influence on the Barbie movie and its messaging

06:03 - 12:41

  • Certain figures are beyond criticism and if you criticize them, you violate the sacredness of the space.
  • There is an ideology of the sexual revolution that cannot be attacked without consequences.
  • Greta Gerwig represents a religious worldview for the left.
  • If you violate the idolatry of Greta Gerwig, you must be punished.
  • The Barbie movie reflects Greta Gerwig's own unhappiness with her life and her view of what it means to be a happy woman today.
  • Greta Gerwig wrote an abstract poem about Barbie and compared it to the Apostles Creed.
  • She sees a biblical parallel in Barbie's creation story and uses it to rebut certain presumptions.
  • Greta Gerwig channels a reverse biblical morality into a children's movie like Barbie.

The portrayal of relationships and values in the Barbie movie

12:16 - 18:15

  • Modern society has gotten rid of the saints and traditional values.
  • The Barbie movie portrays relationships between men and women as stupid, impossible, and fraught with tension.
  • Separation is presented as the only way to have a proper Barbie land.
  • The movie 'Marriage Story' depicts self-absorbed narcissistic people who prioritize their careers over their child.
  • Secular humanism is an idolatrous worldview that demands adherence.
  • America Ferrera's character in the Barbie movie delivers a speech that represents the Apostles Creed of Feminism.
  • The speech highlights the contradictory expectations placed on women in modern society.
  • The left treats its secular leftism as a religion and reacts strongly when its beliefs are challenged.
  • 'Barbie' made $160 million at the box office on opening weekend but may not have repeat or foreign business success.
  • 'Barbie' slides in left-wing imagery and propaganda about how terrible little girls have it in the United States, which is seen as awful by some critics.

Controversies surrounding cultural figures and cancel culture

17:48 - 23:58

  • The film being discussed is not subtle at all and contains multiple speeches about its messaging.
  • The movie tells kids that if they have a particular situation in life, they are bound to be hurt and harmed by patriarchy, which is not good for kids.
  • Studio Bosses and Mattel handed over a billion dollar property to Greta Gerwig, who is an ideological warrior on behalf of secular leftist nonsense.
  • Jason Aldine is being attacked for creating a song that suggests small town community life has something going for it.
  • Cancel culture tries to ruin the lives of those who express opinions that go against left-wing social values.
  • The left often lies about people who violate their precepts instead of engaging in honest debate.
  • The Florida black history curriculum was falsely portrayed as suggesting slavery was good when it actually highlighted the resourcefulness and resilience of enslaved Africans.

Political attacks and double standards

23:30 - 29:47

  • Kamala Harris is spreading lies about Ron DeSantis in order to prop herself up as a potential Democratic nominee for the 2024 election.
  • The attacks on DeSantis are politically motivated and aimed at propping up Kamala Harris, who is unpopular with the American people.
  • The indictment against Donald Trump for violating classified documents statute is seen by many on the right as an attack driven by personal animosity rather than genuine concern for the law.
  • There is a double standard in how Donald Trump and Joe Biden are treated, with Biden's business corruption being worse than anything Trump has been accused of.
  • Life insurance is important for providing financial security to dependents, and Policygenius offers an easy way to compare quotes from top companies.
  • Donald Trump has received a target letter regarding potential charges related to conspiracy to defraud the government, obstruction of an official proceeding, and civil rights violation. However, these charges appear weak unless there is strong evidence of obstruction.

Legal challenges and media bias

29:28 - 35:42

  • Obstruction of an official proceeding requires evidence of Trump directly influencing someone to change their testimony.
  • Civil rights violation statutes used in voting fraud cases typically involve actions like stopping people from voting or falsifying ballots.
  • Charging Trump with statutes designed to prosecute conspiracies to prevent newly freed black people from voting is unlikely as he did not keep anyone from voting.
  • Conspiracy to defraud the government statute primarily targets stealing money from the government, making it difficult to interpret in this context.
  • To prove obstruction of an official proceeding, it must be shown that Trump attempted to interfere with the process.
  • Adam Schiff's continued presence on MSNBC despite his history of false claims about Trump's ties to Russia highlights media corruption.
  • Jen Psaki's comment about keeping Trump out of prison contradicts the fact that they are the ones trying to put him there.
  • A significant portion of Donald Trump's campaign funds went towards his legal defense, raising questions about its purpose and legality.
  • Evidence suggests Joe Biden and Hunter Biden may be involved in corruption, including Hunter funneling cash back to Joe through overseas activities.
  • Hunter Biden's text messages imply financial support for Joe Biden and contradict claims of non-corruption by the media except for the New York Post report.
  • The left focuses on highlighting all negative aspects of Trump while ignoring or downplaying any negative information about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

Allegations against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden

35:18 - 41:16

  • Joe Biden is accused of funneling cash to his dad through Burisma Holdings.
  • A confidential human source reported that Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma to protect them from problems through his dad.
  • The source also mentioned that Joe Biden got Ukraine prosecutor general Victor Shokan fired for corruption, which would benefit Burisma's IPO in the United States.
  • Hunter Biden would dial in his father, Joe Biden, on speakerphone during meetings with overseas business partners.
  • Devon Archer is expected to testify about these meetings before Congress.
  • One such meeting took place in Dubai where Hunter introduced Joe Biden to Ukrainian business partners and said they needed their support.
  • Congressional investigators will probe the reason for the urgent phone call between Joe Biden and a Burisma executive.

Further allegations and investigations into the Biden family

41:02 - 46:52

  • Pajarski, a business partner of Hunter Biden, demanded the closure of a criminal investigation in Ukraine.
  • Multiple witnesses confirm that Joe Biden would take phone calls from Hunter during business meetings and weigh in on matters.
  • There are allegations of bribery involving Joe Biden and payments to the Bidens in exchange for firing a prosecutor.
  • The nickname 'big guy' was used by Hunter's business partners to refer to Joe Biden.
  • The Republican investigation into the Biden family is facing criticism for stunts and conspiracies.
  • The Israeli judiciary has been criticized for its power to overturn laws deemed unreasonable.
  • A new coalition in Israel aims to remake the judiciary and make judges more accountable to the legislature.

Controversies surrounding the Israeli judiciary and US-Israel relations

46:26 - 51:58

  • The current peace that was just passed in Israel by the Knesset states that the judiciary still has power but cannot throw out laws on the basis of being unreasonable.
  • The idea is that a judiciary should not have the power to simply say they don't like a law and therefore it is not a law, as this would resemble a dictatorship.
  • The majority of the Knesset tried to pass this peace, but protests continued and it turned into a big party in Tel Aviv.
  • The opposition in Israel effectively tried to grant veto rights to people against the elected government.
  • There were protests and boycotts by volunteer reservists who refused to come in for training unless the government backed off its proposal.
  • This kind of civil disobedience, shutting down streets and institutions indefinitely, would be undemocratic if it happened in the United States.
  • Joe Biden is using this situation as a wedge to undermine ties between Israel and the United States, despite his own party proposing things like packing the Supreme Court.
  • Thomas Friedman's commentary on this issue is criticized for relying on taxi drivers' opinions rather than solid analysis.

Criticism of Thomas Friedman and US-Israel relations

51:35 - 57:40

  • Thomas Friedman's claim that only Biden can save Israel is ridiculous and unfounded
  • The Biden administration is pressuring Netanyahu on judicial reform, which undermines shared strategic interests in the Middle East
  • Claims of Israel sliding into dictatorship are false and promulgated by the left
  • Elon Musk changing the logo of Twitter to X indicates his plans to create a more full-sum media ecosystem
  • Twitter's move into video threatens Facebook's dominance in video content
  • Greta Gerwig, known for her left-wing feminism, directing the Chronicles of Narnia raises concerns about ideological alignment

Adapting classic stories and controversies in Hollywood

57:14 - 1:01:52

  • Hollywood's approach to adapting classic stories can lead to interesting ideological perspectives.
  • The new Snow White adaptation is criticized for deviating from the original story.
  • The casting of Rachel Ziegler, a diverse actress, as Snow White sparks controversy.
  • Disney aims to create empowered female heroes in their adaptations.
  • The modernized Snow White will focus on leadership and empowerment rather than true love.
  • The natural orientation of women and men is to find a partner and have children, despite attempts to re-engineer societal norms.
  • The new Snow White adaptation is expected to feature a single wine/cat lady character and six average-sized people with diverse backgrounds.