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The Social-Engineer Podcast

Ep. 214 - Human Element Series - Augmented Reality and Thought Suppression with Dr. David Rawaf

Mon Jun 12 2023
Social EngineeringSurgical SimulatorsAugmented RealityFramingHealth GoalsSupport GroupsLearningPersonal Development


The episode covers a wide range of topics including social engineering, surgical simulators, augmented reality in surgical training, the power of framing and setting goals, personal health journey and progress, mentors and core values, and learning and personal development. The guest, Dr. David Rauff, shares his expertise as a surgeon, researcher, technologist, innovator, policy developer, musician, music producer, and new parent. The episode provides insights into the future of surgical training and the importance of gradual change in achieving health goals.


Simulation-based Training

Simulation-based training using surgical simulators is an effective approach to improve surgical care and training. It allows surgeons to practice techniques and procedures in a safe environment before performing them on real patients.

Augmented Reality in Surgical Training

Augmented reality (AR) is being used in surgical training to enhance the learning experience. AR devices like Microsoft HoloLens provide augmented patient information during surgery, and AR graphical engines add overlays to laparoscopic surgery video feeds.

The Power of Framing

Framing plays a significant role in vulnerability and behavior. Telling someone not to think about something may actually increase their thoughts or desires related to that thing. It is important to frame goals and messages in a positive way to achieve desired outcomes.

Gradual Change for Health Goals

Making gradual changes that become part of one's lifestyle is more effective than following strict diets or regimes. Starting small and gradually increasing efforts can lead to long-term success in achieving health goals.

Importance of Support Groups

Having a support group of like-minded individuals who are on the same health journey can provide motivation and make struggles more acceptable. Finding a circle or group where you can learn from others and be pushed towards positive habits can elevate your progress.

Learning and Personal Development

Continuous learning and personal development are important for growth. Understanding core values and following one's passion can help determine the right path. It is also valuable to have mentors who can provide guidance and inspiration.


  1. Introduction
  2. Social Engineering and Training
  3. Dr. David Rauff's Background
  4. Innebus Medical and Surgical Simulators
  5. Innovus Medical and Procedural Simulators
  6. Augmented Reality in Surgical Training
  7. The Power of Framing and Setting Goals
  8. Personal Health Journey and Progress
  9. Mentors and Core Values
  10. Learning and Personal Development


00:02 - 06:51

  • The podcast is the Social Engineer podcast, episode 214.
  • The host, Chris Hadenegi, introduces himself and his various organizations.

Social Engineering and Training

00:02 - 06:51

  • The sponsor for the show is Social Engineers, offering social engineering services to combat Vishing attacks.
  • Training schedules and courses are updated on the website of Social Engineer LLC.
  • There are upcoming APS-E classes in Orlando and Europe.
  • A Slack channel with over 1,500 members is available for discussions on social engineering topics.
  • The Innocent Lives Foundation aims to help law enforcement track and de-anonymize individuals involved in child trafficking.

Dr. David Rauff's Background

00:02 - 06:51

  • Dr. David Rauff is a surgeon, researcher, technologist, innovator, policy developer, musician, music producer, and new parent.
  • He has worked in both the UK and US and is involved with various institutions related to public health education and training as well as medical writing and research.
  • He serves as a surgical skill facility at an accredited center by the Royal College of Surgeons.
  • Dr. Rauff also works as an abstract and content reviewer for scientific societies and is involved in medical device consulting and software validation through bodies like the FDA.
  • He holds roles in organizations focused on reconstruction efforts in war-torn countries and provides startup advice through Q Capital Ventures.

Innebus Medical and Surgical Simulators

06:23 - 13:23

  • Innebus Medical provides various services to startups, including investment assistance and business development.
  • They also work with international organizations to provide help to countries in need.
  • The majority of their focus is on building surgical simulators to improve surgical care and training.
  • Their goal is to change the current practice of surgeons learning by practicing on patients.
  • They want to implement a new approach where surgeons practice extensively on simulators before operating on real patients.
  • This approach is supported by the Society for Simulation of Healthcare.
  • Innebus Medical aims to become the world's leading supplier of surgical training technology.
  • Their values include accessibility, affordability, and functionality in order to benefit as many people as possible.
  • The process of learning complex surgeries in a simulator involves theoretical learning, understanding patient preparation, and simulated practice.
  • Patient preparation includes ensuring that patients understand the risks and benefits of the surgery and confirming the correct operation site.
  • Simulated practice allows surgeons to learn techniques and procedures in a safe environment before performing them on real patients.
  • Simulation-based training has been successful in other industries, such as information security, where simulated environments are used for practical training.

Innovus Medical and Procedural Simulators

13:05 - 20:10

  • The goal is to create a platform where consultant surgeons can verify the credentials of trainees and trust their abilities.
  • Taking inspiration from other industries like aviation and sports, the focus is on recording and analyzing performances to improve.
  • Innovus Medical aims for high fidelity procedural simulators, but also offers low and medium fidelity options depending on the training objectives.
  • Traditional box trainers have low or no fidelity, while virtual reality simulators provide high realism but lack realistic feedback during operations.
  • Innovus Medical's approach involves using normal surgical instruments with physical phantoms that resemble real organs, providing objective and subjective metrics for performance evaluation.
  • The simplicity of this approach lies in solving the problem of building haptic muscle memory and understanding through technology.
  • Synthetic organs are used in boxes for training purposes, sometimes augmented with blood or smoke using augmented reality technology.

Augmented Reality in Surgical Training

19:42 - 26:45

  • Augmented reality (AR) is used in surgical training to avoid the need for synthetic blood and messy setups at home.
  • AR graphical engines add blood or smoke overlays to laparoscopic surgery video feeds.
  • AR devices like Microsoft HoloLens can provide augmented patient information during surgery.
  • AR is seen as a more successful approach compared to full virtual reality experiences.
  • The future of AR may involve contact lenses or Neuralink-based devices for faster communication.
  • Some concerns exist regarding privacy when using AR glasses that provide real-time information about people encountered in public spaces.
  • Early applications of AR, such as Google Glass, have shown potential in saving clinicians' time and streamlining processes in healthcare settings.
  • Adoption of AR technology in healthcare may require time, readiness from the market, and improved safety measures for patient data protection.

The Power of Framing and Setting Goals

26:18 - 33:35

  • The research paper focused on the idea of how telling someone not to think about something actually makes them think about it more.
  • The study involved three groups of people, with one group being told to freely think about smoking, another group being told to think about anything except smoking, and the third group being told not to think about smoking.
  • The intervention group that was told not to think about smoking ended up thinking and speaking about smoking more.
  • The study opened up doors for exploring how manipulating what someone is told to think about can be used for positive purposes like helping people lose weight or quit smoking.
  • Framing plays a role in vulnerability, as negating a frame can actually reinforce the thoughts or behaviors we are trying to suppress.
  • Telling someone not to think about something may increase their thoughts or desires related to that thing.
  • To help people stop smoking, it is suggested not to make a big deal out of quitting and instead just start without overthinking it.
  • New Year's resolutions often fail because they involve setting big milestones and goals that are difficult to sustain.
  • Starting small and gradually increasing efforts can lead to long-term success in achieving health goals.

Personal Health Journey and Progress

33:11 - 39:42

  • The speaker started small by walking 10,000 steps a day and gradually increased their workouts over two years, resulting in a weight loss of 100 pounds and improved strength.
  • Making big promises and setting giant milestones led to previous failures in getting in shape.
  • Creating a gradual change that becomes part of one's lifestyle is more effective than following a diet or strict regime.
  • The brain's monitoring process can hinder progress by becoming more powerful than the active process of achieving goals.
  • Having a support group of like-minded individuals who are on the same health journey can provide motivation and make struggles more acceptable.
  • Finding a circle or group where you can learn from others and be pushed towards positive habits can elevate your progress.
  • It's never too late to start working towards better health, regardless of age.
  • Avoiding quick fixes and not putting a specific timeframe on progress can lead to long-term success.

Mentors and Core Values

39:25 - 45:56

  • Setting goals without a specific timeframe can help maintain motivation and focus on progress.
  • Running a 5K can be achieved through a gradual increase in running time and walking breaks.
  • Having a supportive group or mentor can greatly contribute to personal growth and conquering fears.
  • The guest's greatest mentor is their father, who inspired them to pursue medicine through his own actions as a pediatrician.
  • The guest also mentions their late great uncle, an engineer who taught them valuable lessons about repairing and understanding how things work.

Learning and Personal Development

45:29 - 51:29

  • Learning the science or math behind something is fascinating.
  • The concept of reducing friction with WD-40 and thread size in orthopedic surgery.
  • The Zone of Genius concept from the books 'Big Leap' and '15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders'.
  • Four zones: incompetence, competence, excellence, and genius.
  • Excellence is not the same as genius.
  • Soul searching and core values help determine one's path.
  • Follow David on LinkedIn for business updates and Twitter for academic content.
  • David's work in war-torn countries is appreciated.
  • Join next month's Human Element Series for more fascinating guests.