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The Social-Engineer Podcast

Ep. 218 - Human Element Series - Adjusting Your Conscious Experience with Patrick McAndrew

Mon Jul 10 2023
AttentionFocusLanguagePerceptionTechnologyRegaining ControlBelief SystemsBalanceNatureCulture


The episode covers various topics including attention and focus, language and perception, regaining control of attention, shifting belief systems, balancing life and technology, the impact of nature, and concludes with recommendations and future episodes. The guest, Patrick McAndrews, shares insights on developing the whole person for high performance in competitive environments. The importance of attention, depth of experience, and the effects of technology on our natural rhythm are explored. The episode also delves into language's influence on perception and the challenges of regaining control of attention in a technology-driven world.


Attention is the gateway to our human experience

Realizing the importance of attention and focus in all aspects of life

Language shapes our perception of the world

English language is linear, limiting abstract thinking, while Eastern languages convey multiple meanings through symbolism

Regaining control of attention is challenging in a technology-driven world

Reorienting internal values and not basing worth on responsiveness and availability can help

Shifting belief systems can create a different digital environment

Prioritizing health and focusing on core values can improve coping mechanisms and work-life balance

Balancing life and technology is crucial for focus and well-being

Taking breaks, engaging in hobbies, and being present in nature can improve focus and overall approach to life

Technology disrupts our natural rhythm and awareness of our bodies

Going outside and taking brain breaks can regulate ourselves and reduce anxiousness

Major cities are losing culture due to consumerism

'Get Out of Our Life' and 'The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog' are recommended reads


  1. Introduction
  2. Attention and Focus
  3. Language and Perception
  4. Regaining Control of Attention
  5. Shifting Belief Systems
  6. Balancing Life and Technology
  7. The Impact of Nature
  8. Conclusion


00:02 - 06:45

  • The Social Engineer podcast is on episode 218.
  • Social Engineer is the sponsor of this episode, offering services to help companies stay safe from phishing.
  • Social Engineer also provides education on social engineering through classes and a Slack channel with over 1,500 members.
  • The Innocent Lives Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps law enforcement track down child traffickers and abusers.
  • Patrick McAndrews, founder and CEO of Harrah, is the guest on today's show.
  • Harrah focuses on developing the whole person for high performance in competitive environments.
  • Patrick has a background in corporate law, sales, and coaching high-performance teams.
  • He launched an audio marketing business before starting Momentum Mind, which became Harrah.

Attention and Focus

06:16 - 13:23

  • Podcaster shares his career journey from the restaurant industry to audio marketing
  • Realized the importance of attention and focus in all aspects of life
  • Attention is the gateway to our human experience
  • Consciousness is still a mystery in neuroscience
  • Our inner landscape holds richness and depth of experience
  • Engagement-based technology disrupts our attention and keeps us at the surface level
  • We need space to access deeper connections with others and ourselves
  • Constant feedback loops on engagement bring us back to surface-level attention

Language and Perception

13:09 - 19:54

  • Constantly seeking pleasure and satisfaction on different apps and messages
  • Becoming dependent on devices to solve discomfort
  • Lack of depth in the information available due to AI technology
  • Struggle to deal with power and paradox in the West
  • Language shapes our perception of the world
  • English language is linear, limiting abstract thinking
  • Eastern languages are based on symbolism, conveying multiple meanings
  • Social media reduces the development of mental faculties
  • Ancient Greek language had multiple words for different types of love

Regaining Control of Attention

19:32 - 26:39

  • The Greeks created words to describe different types of love, unlike modern English which only has one word for it.
  • In a world filled with AI and technology, regaining control of our attention is challenging.
  • One way to regain control is by reorienting our internal values and not basing our sense of worth on responsiveness and availability.
  • Consuming information without deeply understanding it leads to parroting rather than original thought.
  • Trading activity for impact can fragment our attention and lead to confusion about what truly matters.
  • Occupying multiple roles simultaneously without allowing separation makes it difficult to focus on one task at a time.

Shifting Belief Systems

26:22 - 32:57

  • Continuous partial attention makes it difficult to focus on one task at a time.
  • Shifting your inner belief system can create a different digital environment.
  • In the info sec industry, working long hours was once seen as a badge of honor, but it led to unhealthy lifestyles.
  • The global pandemic caused a shift in values and prioritizing health became important.
  • Making time for exercise and focusing on core values changed the way individuals relate to business and themselves.
  • Prioritizing health provided stability and improved coping mechanisms for handling stress.

Balancing Life and Technology

32:34 - 38:47

  • Shifting core values can change how we treat ourselves and what becomes important to us.
  • Our conscious experience is linked to our attention, which can be narrow and prevent us from receiving signals from our body.
  • Problems in physical health, emotional health, and social strength can arise when we ignore the signals from our body.
  • Programs that help make shifts in our lives can have untold benefits, making us better at work and more present in challenging situations.
  • Our sedentary lifestyles with excessive screen time can lead to difficulties in focusing and organizing ourselves.
  • Taking breaks by going outside, relaxing, or engaging in hobbies can help balance our approach to life and improve focus.
  • Being present around the natural environment has grounding effects and helps us come back into rhythm.

The Impact of Nature

38:24 - 45:49

  • Being outside has grounding effects and helps to come back into oneself and the natural rhythm of the environment.
  • Technology disrupts our natural rhythm and awareness of our bodies.
  • Social media presents information in a fast-paced, edited way that shapes our internal rhythm.
  • Taking brain breaks and going outside can regulate ourselves and reduce anxiousness.
  • Going outside is refreshing and reinvigorating away from screens.
  • The speaker's mother is their greatest mentor, along with Marshall McLuhan, John O'Donohue, and Adam Secassas.
  • The book 'Ancient Futures' by Helena Norberg-Hodge shifted the speaker's perspective on rejecting heritage for modern life.
  • 'Get Out of Our Life' is an interesting book about attention.


45:20 - 48:20

  • Major cities are being stripped of culture due to white people shopping.
  • The books 'Get Out of Our Life' and 'The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog' are recommended reads.
  • Patrick can be followed on his substack called 'The Inner Landscape', LinkedIn, and HARA.HAORA.CO.
  • Patrick's work focuses on trauma and brain development.
  • The conversation with Patrick was fascinating and engaging.
  • Stay tuned for the next month's episode with another interesting guest.