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The Social-Engineer Podcast

Ep. 220 - The SE ETC Series -Social Engineering in Everyday Life with Patrick and Chris

Mon Jul 24 2023
Social EngineeringVishingMasters Level ClassEveryday LifeRapport Building


This episode covers various aspects of social engineering, including Vishing, Masters Level Social Engineering Class, using social engineering in everyday life, building rapport and influence, and concludes with a preview of the next episode. Topics discussed include the growing problem of Vishing, the unique adversarial simulations offered by Social Engineer LLC, the practical application of social engineering in the Masters Level class, the positive effects of social engineering in everyday life, and techniques for building rapport and influence. The episode also mentions the Innocent Lives Foundation and their upcoming gala hosted by Julian Forge. Listeners are encouraged to support the foundation financially or through volunteering. The next episode's topic is kept secret to create anticipation.


Vishing is a growing problem

Vishing attacks resulted in over $550 million in losses in one year.

Social Engineer LLC offers unique adversarial simulations

The company does thousands of Vishing calls a month, setting them apart from others in the industry.

Masters Level Social Engineering Class provides practical application

Students get to practice phishing and vishing against real people with permission from an entity.

Using social engineering in everyday life can have positive effects

Having conversations with strangers can leave them feeling better and create connections.

Building rapport and influence is important in sales and service industries

Using words like 'we' and 'us' can create a sense of teamwork and connection.


  1. Vishing and Social Engineering
  2. Masters Level Social Engineering Class
  3. October Masters Level Social Engineering Class
  4. Using Social Engineering in Everyday Life
  5. Building Rapport and Influence
  6. Conclusion and Next Episode

Vishing and Social Engineering

00:02 - 06:11

  • Vishing is a growing problem, resulting in over $550 million in losses in one year.
  • Social Engineer LLC offers unique adversarial simulations using Vishing to help companies defend against this threat.
  • The company does thousands of Vishing calls a month, setting them apart from others in the industry.
  • Interested companies can contact Social Engineer LLC through their website for more information on their services.
  • The podcast hosts invite listeners to join their Slack channel, where they discuss various aspects of social engineering and offer help and advice.
  • They also mention the Innocent Lives Foundation, an organization that works to stop online child predators and child exploitation.
  • The foundation has a gala coming up in September hosted by Julian Forge, known for his work on Reading Rainbow.
  • Listeners are encouraged to support the foundation financially or through volunteering.
  • Lastly, the podcast mentions the band Clutch, who have supported the Innocent Lives Foundation and allowed their music to be used on the podcast.

Masters Level Social Engineering Class

05:45 - 12:26

  • The PACE class received positive feedback and students had a great learning experience.
  • The class combines OSINT and social engineering risk assessment (SERA).
  • Students get to practice phishing and vishing against real people with permission from an entity.
  • The first half of the class focuses on OSINT, while the second half involves actual fishing and vishing.
  • Instructors are certified professionals with extensive experience in social engineering.
  • The class offers practical application of social engineering, unlike other theoretical classes.
  • The virtual format allows participants to save on travel expenses.
  • Social engineering is a growing field with job opportunities in various areas like fishing and vishing.
  • Previously, only previous students were allowed to sign up for this class, but now it's open to the public.
  • This unique opportunity is limited to only 16 seats.

October Masters Level Social Engineering Class

11:57 - 18:15

  • Limited enrollment for a Masters level social engineering class in October
  • Class is already partly full by previous students
  • Class is open on the website and will close in mid-September
  • Podcast has four episodes each month, covering various topics
  • This episode was suggested by a listener and focuses on social engineering in everyday life
  • Definition of social engineering: any act that influences a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest
  • Differentiating between manipulation and influence: manipulation disregards the feelings of others, while influence gets someone to want to do what you want
  • Purpose of practicing social engineering is to have conversations with a purpose

Using Social Engineering in Everyday Life

17:55 - 23:44

  • Social engineering can be as simple as having a conversation with a purpose.
  • Goals for conversations can include finding out basic information about someone or just providing kindness.
  • Having a conversation with a stranger can leave them feeling better and provide hope in difficult situations.
  • Engaging in conversations with strangers can be challenging for introverted individuals, but it can lead to positive experiences.
  • Even casual conversations about shared interests, like cars, can create connections and leave lasting impressions.
  • The goal of social engineering should be to leave people feeling better for having met you.
  • Using social engineering in everyday life can have positive effects, such as paying it forward and creating a chain of kindness.
  • Many people have experienced social engineering and know someone who is skilled at it, like children manipulating their parents.
  • Parents often find themselves doing things they wouldn't do for anyone else when their children ask, creating memorable moments.
  • Children sometimes use social engineering to avoid getting in trouble by doing unexpected tasks before their parents come home.
  • Understanding baseline behavior helps detect abnormal social engineering attempts, even outside of the household.
  • Sales representatives often use principles of influence, like finding common ground with customers, to build trust and increase sales.

Building Rapport and Influence

29:27 - 35:28

  • Building rapport with customers can be effective in sales and service industries.
  • Using words like 'we' and 'us' can create a sense of teamwork and connection.
  • In the service industry, being friendly and caring can increase tips.
  • Servers may recommend cheaper options to build trust and increase overall spending.
  • Non-verbal cues, such as the smell of freshly baked cookies, can influence perception.
  • The use of additional senses in social engineering, such as the smell of baked goods in a house or the feel of a car seat, can create a strong emotional connection and help people envision themselves in a certain situation.
  • Word choice and planning conversations with specific language can be a principle of influence to ensure effective communication and understanding.
  • Using social engineering techniques as parents to navigate family dynamics and address rule-breaking behavior is an interesting topic that could be explored further.

Conclusion and Next Episode

40:17 - 40:46

  • The next month's podcast topic will not be revealed in advance, creating anticipation for listeners.
  • Patrick is a good conversation list.
  • The podcast went by quickly in 40 minutes.
  • Luke suggested a topic for the next episode.
  • Listeners are encouraged to check out other versions of the podcast.
  • Stay safe until the next month's episode.