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The Liz Wheeler Show

Ep. 380: Ray Epps Sues Fox News & Tucker Carlson, Plus My BIG Announcement!

Thu Jul 13 2023
Liz WheelerHide Your ChildrenMarxistsAssault on America's KidsRay EppsLawsuitGovernment InvolvementJanuary 6th


The episode discusses Liz Wheeler's new book 'Hide Your Children, Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America's Kids'. It explores the left's assault on children and their success in capturing cultural institutions. The book names individuals responsible for this capture and offers a solution different from that of the Republican Party. The urgency to save our country is emphasized. The episode also covers Ray Epps' lawsuit against Fox News and Tucker Carlson, raising questions about his involvement with the FBI and government treatment.


The Left's Assault on Children

Liz Wheeler's book exposes the left's success in capturing cultural institutions and emphasizes the urgency to save our country.

Ray Epps' Lawsuit

Ray Epps is suing Fox News and Tucker Carlson for defamation, claiming he was used as a scapegoat for January 6th. The lawsuit raises questions about his involvement with the FBI and government treatment.

Government Involvement in January 6th

There is evidence of federal government involvement in provoking the events of January 6th, raising skepticism about the FBI and Department of Justice.


  1. Introduction
  2. Assault on America's Kids
  3. Redefining Liberty
  4. Ray Epps Lawsuit
  5. Ray Epps Lawsuit Continued
  6. Government Involvement and Strangeness


00:01 - 06:44

  • Liz Wheeler announces her new book titled 'Hide Your Children, Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America's Kids'
  • The book delves deeper into the left's assault on children and their success in capturing foundational cultural institutions
  • Conservatives have been unaware and inactive in fighting against the left's infiltration of institutions
  • The book names individuals responsible for the capture of institutions and offers a solution different from that of the Republican Party
  • Saving children is crucial for the nation's survival
  • Liz Wheeler encourages pre-ordering the book through various platforms
  • ExpressVPN is recommended to protect against censorship by big tech and big government
  • Revolutionary Relief is introduced as a pain relief product targeting joint and muscle pain

Assault on America's Kids

06:28 - 13:22

  • The first half of the book focuses on the people behind the assault on America's kids and how they subvert various cultural institutions

Redefining Liberty

13:03 - 20:00

  • The second half of the book reflects an evolution in the author's thinking about our country and defines what liberty means in our society
  • The second half of the book focuses on redefining liberty and its application to society
  • The Republican Party has struggled with a misunderstanding of liberty and the proper order of society
  • Marxists have been successful in subverting institutions, except for our children
  • The urgency to save our country is palpable, regardless of political affiliation
  • The speaker's favorite birthday celebration involved a delightful FaceTime call with their 90-year-old grandparents

Ray Epps Lawsuit

19:34 - 25:43

  • Ray Epps is suing Fox News in a nuisance lawsuit, hoping for a settlement like Dominion Voting System received
  • Nuisance lawsuits invite more lawsuits and encourage people to seek payouts without strong cases
  • Ray Epps' lawyer is Brian Farneen, who was also the lead counsel for Dominion's lawsuit against Fox News
  • There is a concerted effort by the left to go after Fox News, similar to what happened with Dominion
  • Ray Epps filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News and Tucker Carlson for promoting the false story that he instigated violence at the Capitol as an undercover government agent
  • The lawsuit claims that Fox settled on Ray Epps as a scapegoat for January 6th and promoted the lie about him being a federal agent
  • Ray Epps is seeking unspecified damages, potentially in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars
  • The New York Times reported that Ray Epps and his wife received death threats and had to sell their ranch and business due to the publicity caused by Tucker Carlson's coverage
  • While receiving death threats is wrong, suing Fox News for defamation because of them is ridiculous
  • Ray Epps claimed to be a Trump supporter but seems to want to stifle free speech and silence valid questions
  • A complicating factor in this story is that Ray Epps claims he was informed by the Department of Justice that he will face charges for his actions on January 6th

Ray Epps Lawsuit Continued

31:46 - 38:35

  • Ray Epps is trying to squeeze Tucker Carlson and Fox News for money because they asked why he was held to a different standard of justice by the FBI
  • The FBI's most wanted list after the January 6th Capitol incident included Ray Epps, but he faced no charges for two and a half years
  • A new lawsuit against Tucker Carlson and Fox News is a violation of free speech and will have a chilling effect on free speech
  • Ray Epps claims that the Department of Justice informed him in May 2023 that he would face criminal charges for his behavior on January 6th
  • The Department of Justice has not confirmed or denied this claim by Ray Epps
  • If the claim is true, it raises questions about what charges Ray Epps will face and what behavior led to those charges
  • Ray Epps may have been an informant for the FBI, providing information in exchange for immunity rather than being a federal agent on their payroll
  • The anomaly in how Ray Epps has been treated by the FBI raises further questions about his involvement and communications with the federal government

Government Involvement and Strangeness

38:09 - 42:26

  • The events of January 6th will be a turning point in our nation if we allow the government institutions to be weaponized against citizens
  • There is evidence that shows the federal government was involved in provoking what happened on January 6th
  • We should demand answers about Ray Epps and his association with the FBI, as well as the charges he's alleging and whether there was a deal for information
  • This situation adds an element of strangeness and raises skepticism about the FBI and Department of Justice
  • A video is shown where a preacher continues praying despite a chandelier falling on him, drawing attention to his devotion
  • Liz Wheeler invites viewers to pre-order her book