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The Liz Wheeler Show

Ep. 381: Joe Biden’s 7th Grandchild Navy Joan, Plus Karine Jean-Pierre FEUDS With Journalist at White House

Fri Jul 14 2023
Hunter BidenJoe BidenFinancial CrisisFood ShortageCorruptionWhite House Press SecretaryJournalist FeudRacismTokenismCritical Race Theory


The episode covers the suppressed Hunter Biden laptop story, concerns about a potential financial crisis and food shortage, Hunter Biden's corruption and its impact on Joe Biden, a feud between the White House press secretary and journalist Simon Ataba, Simon Atiba's experience of racism in White House press briefings, Simon Atiba's loyalty to Fox News and criticism of tokenism, and the left's definition of racism and criticism of critical race theory.


Suppression of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed during the 2020 election, but it could have impacted the outcome if allowed to circulate. The story turned out to be true, with Hunter Biden engaging in drug-fueled behavior and selling access to the White House. The censorship of this story by Big Tech and the federal government is concerning.

Impact of Hunter Biden's Actions on Joe Biden

Hunter Biden's actions, including denying paternity of his daughter Navy Joan and publicly disowning her, could sway public opinion against Joe Biden in future elections. People care about Navy Joan Biden because they see her being deprived of her father's support and opportunities for a prosperous life.

Concerns about Financial Crisis and Food Shortage

There are concerns about a potential financial crisis as banks collapse and the FDIC and Fed prioritize rescues based on wokeness. Warnings of a global food shortage and potential famine have been issued. It is recommended to protect savings with physical gold and silver and prepare for potential empty food shelves with survival food kits.

Hunter Biden's Corruption and Public Reaction

Hunter Biden's corruption, illegalities, and possible violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act are discussed. The public reaction to Joe Biden's seventh grandchild story indicates that corruption matters to people, despite previous suppression of Hunter Biden stories by the media and intelligence community. The consequences of Hunter Biden's actions in engaging in promiscuous sex with a stripper are highlighted.

Feud between White House Press Secretary and Journalist

There is a feud between the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, and journalist Simon Ataba. Simon Ataba has been dismissed and treated rudely during press briefings. The White House is threatening to revoke Simon's access and prevent him from asking questions in the future. This feud is personal, professional, and political.

Journalist's Experience of Racism in White House Press Briefings

The speaker believes there is racism and discrimination against them in the White House press briefings, especially when it relates to Africa or US-Africa relations. The speaker questions if their treatment is influenced by their race and their questioning of China. They believe that fair treatment should be given to all journalists, regardless of their affiliation.

Simon Atiba's Loyalty to Fox News and Criticism of Tokenism

Simon Atiba is loyal to Fox News and Tucker Carlson. He believes in supporting those who have been good to him. The host appreciates Simon's reporting and hopes he doesn't lose his press pass. Simon criticizes tokenism and reductionism in diversity efforts, valuing people based on character and behavior rather than skin color.

The Left's Definition of Racism and Criticism of Critical Race Theory

The left is redefining racism by claiming that white people are inherently racist due to white complicity and white privilege. Even if a white person is colorblind and treats everyone with dignity, they are still labeled as racist. The left's argument contradicts itself when it comes to defining identity based on immutable characteristics. Critical race theory aims to pit different demographics against each other and destabilize society.


  1. The Hunter Biden Laptop Story
  2. The Impact of Hunter Biden's Actions on Joe Biden
  3. Concerns about Financial Crisis and Food Shortage
  4. Hunter Biden's Corruption and Public Reaction
  5. Criticism of Hunter Biden's Actions and Joe Biden's Hypocrisy
  6. Feud between White House Press Secretary and Journalist
  7. Journalist's Experience of Racism in White House Press Briefings
  8. Simon Atiba's Loyalty to Fox News and Criticism of Tokenism
  9. The Left's Definition of Racism and Criticism of Critical Race Theory

The Hunter Biden Laptop Story

00:00 - 06:21

  • The Hunter Biden laptop story, which was suppressed during the 2020 election, could have impacted the outcome if it had been allowed to circulate.
  • The story turned out to be true, with Hunter Biden engaging in drug-fueled behavior and selling access to the White House.
  • A poll showed that Democrat voters would have reconsidered their vote for Biden if they had known about the story.
  • The censorship of this story by Big Tech and the federal government is concerning and reminiscent of third world banana republic tactics.

The Impact of Hunter Biden's Actions on Joe Biden

00:00 - 06:21

  • While Joe Biden's age may not be a significant factor in changing minds, there is another story involving his grandchild Navy Joan Biden that could impact the 2024 election.
  • Hunter Biden has denied paternity of Navy Joan and has tried to deprive her of any familial connection publicly.
  • This public disownment of his own daughter could sway public opinion against Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Concerns about Financial Crisis and Food Shortage

05:58 - 12:48

  • Concerns about a potential financial crisis arise as banks collapse and the FDIC and Fed prioritize rescues based on wokeness.
  • American Hartford Gold is recommended for protecting savings with physical gold and silver.
  • Warnings of a global food shortage and potential famine are issued by the UN Food Chief and Barron's.
  • Survival food kits from Four Patriots are suggested to prepare for potential empty food shelves.

Hunter Biden's Corruption and Public Reaction

05:58 - 12:48

  • Hunter Biden's corruption, illegalities, and possible violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act are discussed.
  • The public reaction to Joe Biden's seventh grandchild story indicates that corruption matters to people, despite previous suppression of Hunter Biden stories by the media and intelligence community.
  • People care about Navy Joan Biden because they see her being deprived of her father's support and opportunities for a prosperous life.
  • The consequences of Hunter Biden's actions in engaging in promiscuous sex with a stripper are highlighted.

Criticism of Hunter Biden's Actions and Joe Biden's Hypocrisy

12:26 - 19:17

  • Hunter Biden's actions of engaging in promiscuous sex with a stripper and abandoning his daughter are being criticized for the negative impact it has on society.
  • The New York Times published an article criticizing Joe Biden for not acknowledging his seventh grandchild, highlighting the hypocrisy of the left's argument against criticizing Hunter Biden.
  • When evaluating politicians' immorality, it is important to consider whether it is current or in the past and whether it makes them hypocritical in their policies.
  • Joe Biden's enabling of Hunter Biden's abandonment of his daughter contradicts his claims of supporting single mothers and fighting poverty.
  • This story resonates emotionally with people and may change the minds of independent voters in future elections.

Feud between White House Press Secretary and Journalist

18:56 - 26:13

  • There is a feud between the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, and journalist Simon Ataba.
  • Simon Ataba, Chief White House correspondent for today news Africa, is under fire from the White House
  • Korean Jean-Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, has been dismissive and rude towards Simon during press briefings
  • Simon asked about the US-Africa summit and why it's difficult to get a question answered when there are 50 African leaders present
  • Korean Jean-Pierre interrupted Simon and walked away from the podium without answering his question
  • This behavior is unbecoming of a White House press secretary who claims to protect journalists from harassment
  • The White House is threatening to revoke Simon's hard pass and prevent him from asking questions in the future
  • Simon tweeted about an incident where Korean Jean-Pierre gave him a deadly look at a restaurant
  • Simon believes this feud with the White House is personal, professional, and political
  • He feels ignored by the Biden administration despite important issues like China's influence in Africa

Journalist's Experience of Racism in White House Press Briefings

25:53 - 33:00

  • The speaker believes there is racism and discrimination against them in the White House press briefings.
  • They feel that they are being excluded from asking questions, especially when it relates to Africa or US-Africa relations.
  • The Biden administration's reaction to a more contentious press briefing is interesting, as previous briefings were less eventful.
  • The left started creating a hostile environment during the Trump administration, but now they can't handle it when it's turned on them.
  • The speaker wonders if their treatment is influenced by their race and their questioning of China.
  • They believe that fair treatment should be given to all journalists, regardless of their affiliation.
  • The White House threatened to revoke the speaker's access due to interrupting during a press briefing.
  • It would be interesting to ask Karine Jean-Pierre if Jim Acosta deserved to be thrown out for interrupting during the Trump administration.

Simon Atiba's Loyalty to Fox News and Criticism of Tokenism

32:35 - 39:32

  • Fox News wanted the speaker, Simon Atiba, to be on their show but it was canceled one hour before.
  • Simon Atiba is loyal to Fox News and Tucker Carlson.
  • Simon believes in supporting those who have been good to him.
  • The host appreciates Simon's reporting and hopes he doesn't lose his press pass.
  • A tweet went viral about a photo of celebrities at a dinner table with only white people.
  • The tweet asks if well-meaning white people notice the lack of diversity and do something about it.
  • The host finds the tweet funny and points out that leftists are criticizing other leftists in the photo.
  • The host disagrees with judging people based on immutable characteristics like race.
  • He believes in valuing people based on their character and behavior, not their skin color.
  • The host criticizes tokenism and reductionism in diversity efforts.
  • He defines racism as demeaning or controlling people based on their race, which he opposes.

The Left's Definition of Racism and Criticism of Critical Race Theory

39:08 - 45:01

  • The left is trying to redefine racism by claiming that white people are inherently racist due to white complicity and white privilege.
  • Even if a white person is colorblind and treats everyone with dignity, they are still labeled as racist by the left.
  • The term 'white complicity' is used to tell white people that they cannot redeem themselves from their inherent racism.
  • There is a contradiction in the left's argument when it comes to defining identity based on immutable characteristics.
  • Some humorous responses on social media highlight the absurdity of these claims.
  • 'Friends' has been criticized for not being diverse enough, but this criticism ignores the personal experiences of the show's writers.
  • Critical race theory aims to pit different demographics against each other and destabilize society, which is a Marxist ideology.