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Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

EP 50: State of AI - 50 things you need to know (50th Anniversary Special)

Mon Jul 03 2023
Artificial IntelligenceGenerative AIChat GPTAI DevelopmentAI ImpactFuture of AI


The episode discusses the development and impact of AI, including generative AI and Chat GPT. It explores the historical background of AI, its current applications, and the potential future implications. The episode also highlights the economic and societal consequences of AI, as well as the need for proper understanding and training in using AI technologies.


AI has a long history

AI has been around since the 1950s, with the first functioning AI lab established in 1959 at MIT. The first chatbot, Eliza, was created in 1965.

Generative AI and Chat GPT are game-changers

Generative AI and large language models like GPT-3 have brought AI to the attention of everyday people. Chat GPT allows us to process information like a supercomputer and has become widely used despite attempts to ban it.

AI's impact on society is significant

AI is considered the most disruptive technology since the Internet. It has economic implications, including disinformation and economic shock. The use of AI-generated content will soon make it difficult to distinguish between AI and human-created content.

AI's future is promising

Personal AI assistance will become the new norm, and AI will play a central role in the 2024 US presidential election. Access to AI will become a global debate, and learning AI skills will be crucial to avoid being replaced.


  1. Introduction
  2. Historical Development of AI
  3. Generative AI and Chat GPT
  4. Impact of AI on Society
  5. Future of AI


00:01 - 07:40

  • Gizmodo is starting to use generative AI, which has caused controversy among staff
  • New York law requires companies to disclose or not use AI in hiring
  • The EU and Japan are partnering on AI and chips, while the US considers cutting off chip exports to China
  • AI is predicted to take many jobs, with Goldman Sachs estimating 300 million jobs will be lost or impacted by AI
  • More than half of all AI-related updates on social media are likely incorrect
  • AI has been around since the 1950s, with the first functioning AI lab established in 1959 at MIT
  • The first chatbot was Eliza, created in 1965

Historical Development of AI

07:21 - 14:44

  • AI has been widely used in business since the 1980s.
  • Deep learning opened up new possibilities for AI in the 2010s.
  • Three big reasons for mass adoption of AI now are affordable computing, accessibility, and improved quality.
  • Generative AI and large language models have been major breakthroughs.
  • GPT-3 and chat GPT brought AI to the attention of everyday people in recent years.

Generative AI and Chat GPT

14:37 - 21:30

  • GPT technology has been around since late 2020 and there are various tools available for it.
  • Many people don't fully understand how to use GPT technology effectively.
  • AI is better than humans at specific tasks if used correctly.
  • AI can replace jobs, not just tasks, contrary to popular belief.
  • Chat GPT, while smart, may make us less intelligent in the long run.
  • Knowing how to use chat GPT will become an essential job skill by 2024.
  • Using copy and paste prompts with chat GPT is not effective; proper training and resources are necessary.
  • Generative AI is a highly disruptive technology that may surpass the impact of the Internet.

Impact of AI on Society

21:02 - 28:12

  • Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is considered the most disruptive technology since the Internet.
  • ChatGPT allows us to process information like a supercomputer and brings the world of information to our fingertips.
  • Using the free version of ChatGPT is comparable to using a flip phone, while the paid version is like having the newest iPhone.
  • Almost every high school and above student is using ChatGPT, despite attempts to ban it.
  • Higher education in the US should be encouraging and even requiring the use of AI and ChatGPT.
  • AI content detectors are not consistently effective as they only look for commonalities and can be easily bypassed with minor changes.
  • There will be a significant economic impact due to AI, including disinformation and economic shock.
  • It will soon become nearly impossible to distinguish between AI-generated content and human-created content, especially in writing and imagery.
  • The US economy heavily relies on tech and AI stocks, which contribute to its stability.
  • GPU chips are crucial for many companies in driving the economy, making them highly valuable resources akin to gold or water.

Future of AI

27:45 - 35:35

  • Personal AI assistance will be the new norm
  • AI will take center stage in the 2024 US presidential election
  • The AI hype isn't overblown, it's actually grossly underestimated
  • Access to AI will become a global debate
  • If you're not learning AI right now, you're asking to be replaced