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Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

EP 54: Winning with ChatGPT, Google Sheets and Automation

Mon Jul 10 2023
AIrobotsbattlefieldsentiment analysisbusiness strategiescontent creationautomationsocial media monitoringcompetitor analysissocial listeningweb scrapingdata consolidationrevenue modelGoogle SheetStripeearly adoptersefficiencybusiness growth


Netflix documentary explores the use of AI and robots on the battlefield. Chai Jibit provides sentiment analysis for businesses. Using chat GPT with plugins can save time by scraping and consolidating data from websites.


Sentiment analysis helps businesses identify keywords that appear frequently in both positive and negative reviews.

This information informs business strategies and content creation.

Automation and AI can be used to monitor competitors' social media activity and review frequency, enabling businesses to stay competitive.

Social listening is a useful tool for engaging with users who interact with popular creators on platforms like LinkedIn.

Using automation tools like Chat GPT and Bardeen saves significant time compared to manual tasks like scraping reviews from Google Maps.

Other recommended tools for web scraping include Baddin, Import from Web, and Hexify.

Hacksimatic is a great tool for bringing any web data into chat GPT.

Building a revenue model using and connecting Google Sheet to Stripe is an interesting project.

The new feature in chat GPT plus called code interpreter allows for similar capabilities.

Patrick advises people to get started with automation and AI, as early adopters are rewarded.

Mastering chat GPT takes time and continuous learning.

Phasing out traditional search in favor of chat GPT can lead to increased efficiency in business growth.


  1. Netflix documentary called Killer Robots explores the use of AI and robots on the battlefield
  2. Chai Jibit provides sentiment analysis for businesses, allowing them to understand how people feel about their products or services.
  3. Using chat GPT with plugins can save time by scraping and consolidating data from websites

Netflix documentary called Killer Robots explores the use of AI and robots on the battlefield

00:01 - 08:31

  • Google is testing a medical AI chatbot at the Mayo Clinic
  • OpenAI Chat GPT saw a decrease in traffic, possibly due to the release of their iOS app and students being on break
  • Patrick Mvah, owner of Lush Global Solutions, discusses using AI and automation to run multiple businesses
  • Lush Global Solutions has a house cleaning business in eight different cities, utilizing AI for service pages with variables like cities and geolocation
  • Patrick uses Google Sheets and tools like NoData's import from web extension to scrape Google Maps reviews and analyze sentiment with Chat GPT

Chai Jibit provides sentiment analysis for businesses, allowing them to understand how people feel about their products or services.

08:02 - 16:16

  • The analysis helps businesses identify keywords that appear frequently in both positive and negative reviews.
  • This information informs business strategies and content creation.
  • Sentiment analysis can be applied to various platforms, such as Google Maps or Amazon reviews.
  • Previously, sentiment analysis tools were expensive, but now they are more accessible.
  • Automation and AI can be used to monitor competitors' social media activity and review frequency, enabling businesses to stay competitive.
  • Social listening is a useful tool for engaging with users who interact with popular creators on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Using automation tools like Chat GPT and Bardeen saves significant time compared to manual tasks like scraping reviews from Google Maps.

Using chat GPT with plugins can save time by scraping and consolidating data from websites

15:46 - 22:15

  • Other recommended tools for web scraping include Baddin, Import from Web, and Hexify
  • Hacksimatic is a great tool for bringing any web data into chat GPT
  • Building a revenue model using and connecting Google Sheet to Stripe is an interesting project
  • The new feature in chat GPT plus called code interpreter allows for similar capabilities
  • Patrick advises people to get started with automation and AI, as early adopters are rewarded
  • Mastering chat GPT takes time and continuous learning
  • Phasing out traditional search in favor of chat GPT can lead to increased efficiency in business growth