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Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

EP 55: How to properly leverage AI in the classroom

Tue Jul 11 2023
AI deepfake detectorRobotsAI for Good conferenceNVIDIAAI chipsPackbackAI-powered writing platformBest practices in AI educationMisuse of AIGenerative AI in the classroomSetting expectations for AI useGuidelines for using GPTIntegrating chat GPT in teachingRedefining assignments and assessmentsAuthentic assessmentsHolistic assignmentsRole of AI in education


The episode covers topics such as the development of an AI deepfake detector by the Pentagon, robots giving a press conference at the AI for Good conference, NVIDIA's predicted dominance in the AI chip market, and Packback's AI-powered writing and discussion platform. It also explores best practices and misuse of AI in education, integrating generative AI in the classroom, setting expectations for AI use, guidelines for using GPT, redefining assignments and assessments in light of chat GPT's influence, and the role of AI in education.


AI Deepfake Detector and Robots at AI for Good Conference

The Pentagon has developed an AI deepfake detector and robots gave a press conference at the AI for Good conference in Geneva.

NVIDIA's Dominance in AI Market and Packback's AI Tools

NVIDIA is predicted to have a 90% market share in AI chips. Packback offers AI-powered tools for students and educators.

Best Practices and Misuse of AI in Education

Technology, including AI, can be leveraged as a tool to solve problems when used correctly. However, misuse of AI can lead to inefficiencies and stress. Students sometimes use AI as a replacement rather than a supplement, and professors may also misuse AI.

Integrating Generative AI and Setting Expectations in Education

Instructors should not ban generative AI in the classroom, but rather explain to students why it may be inappropriate. AI should supplement teachers' workflow instead of replacing it entirely. Educators should set expectations at the start of the term and guide students on how to use AI tools.

Guidelines for Using GPT and the Impact on Teaching

Drawing the line between student input and GPT-powered work is a complex issue. Educators can set guidelines for using GPT and have conversations with students who violate those guidelines. Opinions among teachers regarding chat GPT vary widely, and many educators are unsure of how to integrate it into their teaching.

Redefining Assignments and Authentic Assessments

Teaching methods and testing approaches need to be redefined in light of AI technology. Instructors will need to rethink assignments and prompts to ensure authenticity and challenge students using chat GPT. Authentic assessments, such as research projects and presentations, may become more common.

Holistic Assignments and the Role of AI in Education

Holistic assignments that require students to act, learn, apply, present, and engage are becoming more common. AI technology like GPT can help improve critical thinking skills. However, there is a risk of students not authentically engaging if they rely too heavily on AI. Access to vast amounts of information through AI may make critical thinking more challenging.


  1. AI Deepfake Detector and Robots at AI for Good Conference
  2. NVIDIA's Dominance in AI Market and Packback's AI Tools
  3. Best Practices and Misuse of AI in Education
  4. Integrating Generative AI and Setting Expectations in Education
  5. Guidelines for Using GPT and the Impact on Teaching
  6. Redefining Assignments and Authentic Assessments
  7. Holistic Assignments and the Role of AI in Education

AI Deepfake Detector and Robots at AI for Good Conference

00:01 - 07:17

  • The Pentagon has developed an AI deepfake detector
  • Robots gave a press conference at the AI for Good conference in Geneva

NVIDIA's Dominance in AI Market and Packback's AI Tools

00:01 - 07:17

  • NVIDIA is predicted to have a 90% market share in AI chips
  • Packback, an AI-powered writing and discussion platform, offers tools for students and educators

Best Practices and Misuse of AI in Education

00:01 - 07:17

  • Technology, including AI, can be leveraged as a tool to solve problems when used correctly
  • AI in education has its place and best practices should be followed
  • Misuse of AI can lead to inefficiencies and stress
  • Students sometimes use AI as a replacement rather than a supplement
  • Professors may also misuse AI, such as declaring students are using it incorrectly

Integrating Generative AI and Setting Expectations in Education

07:00 - 14:06

  • Instructors should not ban generative AI in the classroom, but rather explain to students why it may be inappropriate
  • Most teachers do not work less than 60 hours a week, so AI should supplement their workflow instead of replacing it entirely
  • AI detectors are not very accurate, so educators should do research and compare writing samples before making claims against students
  • Setting expectations at the start of the term and guiding students on how to use AI tools is important to prevent misuse

Guidelines for Using GPT and the Impact on Teaching

13:42 - 20:21

  • Drawing the line between student input and GPT-powered work is a complex issue with no clear answer
  • Educators can set guidelines for using GPT and have conversations with students who violate those guidelines
  • The relationship between students and teachers should inform where the line is drawn
  • Opinions among teachers regarding chat GPT vary widely, from wanting to ban it to requiring its use in all assignments
  • Many educators are unsure of how to move forward with integrating chat GPT into their teaching

Redefining Assignments and Authentic Assessments

13:42 - 20:21

  • Teaching methods and testing approaches need to be redefined in light of AI technology
  • There may be a rise in handwritten assignments as instructors reflect on the impact of chat GPT on writing assignments
  • Instructors will need to rethink their assignments and prompts to ensure authenticity and challenge students using chat GPT
  • Authentic assessments, such as research projects and presentations, may become more common as a response to chat GPT's influence

Holistic Assignments and the Role of AI in Education

20:05 - 24:51

  • Holistic assignments that require students to act, learn, apply, present, and engage are becoming more common
  • Educators will need to constantly update and change their assignments, which can be a lot of work
  • AI technology like GPT can actually help improve critical thinking skills rather than diminish them
  • There is a risk of students not authentically engaging in courses if they rely too heavily on AI for assignments
  • Access to vast amounts of information through AI technology may make critical thinking more challenging