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Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

EP 59: Google Bard Breakdown: Is it better than ChatGPT?

Mon Jul 17 2023
AI ToolsNeurotechnologyGoogle BardAnthropic's Cloud 2Chat GPTCustomizationAccessibility


Google introduces Matcha AI model, Nielsen Norman study shows AI tools boost worker performance, UN warns against brain chips. Google Bard and Anthropic's Cloud 2 are competitors. Bard offers new features, including code interpreter and OCR/image recognition. Updates in Bard improve chat saving, image recognition, and UI/UX. Bard also allows customization and has accessibility features. Enhancements in Bard include saving chats, Palm 2 language model, and additional features for easier AI chat usage.


AI Tools Boost Worker Performance

A study by the Nielsen Norman group reveals that AI tools like chat GPT can increase worker performance by up to 66%.

UN Warns Against Brain Chips

The UN cautions against the use of potentially harmful advances in neurotechnology, specifically brain chips.

Google Bard Competes with Chat GPT

Google Bard, along with Anthropic's Cloud 2, is a competitor to chat GPT in the large language model space.

New Features in Google Bard

Google Bard introduces updates such as chat saving, optical character recognition (OCR), image recognition, and improved user interface.

Customization and Accessibility in Google Bard

Bard offers users the ability to customize generated text style and length, as well as accessibility features like a listen button for visually impaired users.

Enhancements in Google Bard

Google Bard now allows saving chats, runs on its own language model called Palm 2, and provides additional features for easier AI chat usage.


  1. Google's AI Models
  2. Updates in Google Bard
  3. Customization and Accessibility in Google Bard
  4. Enhancements in Google Bard

Google's AI Models

00:01 - 07:57

  • Google announced Matcha, a new AI model that helps understand charts and perform mathematical reasoning.
  • A study by the Nielsen Norman group shows that AI tools like chat GPT can boost worker performance by up to 66%.
  • The UN is warning against brain chips, urging people not to use potentially harmful advances in neurotechnology.
  • Google Bard, a competitor to chat GPT, released updates including a code interpreter and integration with spreadsheets for data visualization.
  • Anthropic's Cloud 2, funded by Google and started by former OpenAI employees, is another competitor in the large language model space.
  • Google Bard is now available almost worldwide and offers improved features compared to before.

Updates in Google Bard

07:31 - 15:07

  • Google Bard now allows users to save and rename chats on the left-hand side, which is helpful for training specific tasks.
  • Previously, chats would be lost when logging out of Google Bard.
  • The second major update is the inclusion of optical character recognition (OCR) and image recognition capabilities.
  • Users can upload files and ask Google Bard to identify images or extract text from PDFs.
  • Google Bard correctly identified an uploaded image of a waterfall in Iceland as an example of its image recognition feature.
  • These features are not available in the free version of Chat GPT, but can be accessed with plugins in the paid version.
  • Copy output in Google Bard may not be great compared to GPT, according to user feedback.
  • New features in Google Bard include the ability to share chats with teams and quickly change the tone of responses.
  • The user interface in Google Bard is cleaner and more intuitive than Chat GPT.

Customization and Accessibility in Google Bard

14:42 - 22:00

  • Bard has new features that allow users to customize the style and length of generated text.
  • Bard now includes accessibility features like a listen button for visually impaired users.
  • The AI in Bard can generate shorter versions of marketing email copy.
  • Google Bard has the ability to generate code for website mockups, including an email opt-in section.

Enhancements in Google Bard

21:34 - 26:46

  • Google Bard now has the ability to save chats, which is a new feature.
  • Google Bard runs on its own language model called Palm 2, while other chat models use GPT technology.
  • New updates in Google Bard include the ability to upload image files, listen to outputs with text-to-speech, use the microphone, modify responses with one click, and share.
  • Using Google Bard may be beneficial for those who don't use chat GPT regularly and want an easier way to start using AI chat.
  • Google Bard's UI/UX improvements make it more beginner-friendly compared to chat GPT.
  • Although Google Bard doesn't match the functionality and power of chat GPT with plugins enabled, it provides free features that are useful for everyday users.