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Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

EP 62: Using AI For Growth: How it's done

Thu Jul 20 2023
AI chatbotworker protection legislationUpliftgenerative AI toolsPi AI platformGoogle Chrome extensionspotential of AItraining AI


The episode covers topics such as Apple's development of an AI chatbot, worker protection legislation, Corey Lapish Warfield's journey in the restaurant industry and his current project Uplift, the impact of AI on jobs and industries, generative AI tools like Pi and Google Chrome extensions, the potential of AI in every industry, and insights on training AI from the Everyday AI crew.


AI's Impact on Jobs and Industries

AI has the potential to replace jobs but can also enhance job performance and skills. It is being used in various industries and is becoming more accessible for everyday people.

Generative AI Tools and Possibilities

Generative AI tools like Uplift, music AIs, art AIs, and text-to-movie AIs offer new possibilities for personal and professional use.

The Potential of AI in Every Industry

AI is expected to disrupt every industry and businesses that resist it may struggle to stay competitive. Prompting and training AI with context is crucial for desired results.

Training AI and Everyday AI Crew

Learning how to prompt and being patient with AI's learning process are important. Corey Lapish Warfield shares valuable insights and experiences with the Everyday AI crew.


  1. Apple's AI Chatbot and Worker Protection Legislation
  2. Corey Lapish Warfield and Uplift
  3. The Impact of AI on Jobs and Industries
  4. Uplift and Generative AI Tools
  5. Pi AI Platform and Google Chrome Extensions
  6. The Potential of AI in Every Industry
  7. Training AI and Everyday AI Crew

Apple's AI Chatbot and Worker Protection Legislation

00:01 - 07:11

  • Apple is reportedly working on Apple GPT, an AI chatbot
  • US Senator Bob Casey has introduced legislation to protect workers from AI surveillance

Corey Lapish Warfield and Uplift

00:01 - 07:11

  • Corey Lapish Warfield, co-founder of Uplift and Corey AI, joins the podcast
  • Corey started in the restaurant industry and later ventured into technology and AI
  • He learned about raising money, starting companies, and making key hires
  • Corey now helps startups go from ideation to market through mentoring and managing director roles
  • His current project is Uplift, a universal web3 launch pad with carbon-neutral technology

The Impact of AI on Jobs and Industries

06:45 - 14:00

  • The speaker believes that technology will take all of our jobs, but that's okay because it doesn't need our paychecks.
  • AI can help us grow by accessing information, learning new skills, and improving job performance.
  • AI is being used in various industries such as cooking, construction, healthcare, marketing, sales, and HR.
  • Generative AI is becoming more user-friendly and accessible for everyday people.

Uplift and Generative AI Tools

06:45 - 14:00

  • They co-founded a web3 launch pad with almost 20 portfolio companies building sustainably on chain with carbon neutral technology.
  • Their current project, uplift, is a universal basic income project using generative AI and blockchain.
  • Generative music AIs, art AIs, and text-to-movie AIs are examples of valuable AI tools.
  • Teaching people how to write books using an AI can generate book titles, sample chapters, and even full drafts within minutes.
  • Using generative AI tools opens up new possibilities for personal and professional use.

Pi AI Platform and Google Chrome Extensions

13:33 - 20:10

  • Pi is an AI platform that helps users learn and work with AI quickly.
  • AI-powered Google Chrome extensions are worth using if they come from trusted sources and provide value and satisfaction.
  • The internet has made it easier to access various AI tools.

The Potential of AI in Every Industry

19:49 - 26:21

  • Generative AI is expected to catch on faster than previous technologies.
  • Companies that ignore or deflect AI will likely go out of business in the next 18 months.
  • AI has the potential to disrupt every industry, including plumbing and culinary.
  • There is nothing that AI can't do already, and there are websites like 'there's an AI for' that provide a wide range of AI tools.
  • Embracing AI rather than resisting it is crucial for businesses to stay competitive.
  • Prompting and training AI with a persona and context is key to getting desired results.

Training AI and Everyday AI Crew

26:05 - 28:08

  • Learning how to prompt is key in training AI
  • Being patient with AI's learning process is important
  • GPT can be trained like an employee
  • Free prompting course available for learning how to use GPT effectively
  • Corey shared valuable insights and experiences with Everyday AI crew
  • Daily newsletter provides a summary of the podcast content
  • Chat GPT plus offers extended messaging capabilities
  • Giveaway of six months of chat GPT plus and one-on-one lessons
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