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Marketing #Unfiltered

Ep 95 | Becoming KNOWN for how you help people (publicity strategy, pitching no-nos, and that time her article went mega viral) with Selena Soo

Thu Jun 22 2023
Building RelationshipsOvercoming PerfectionismSharing Personal StoriesPublicity StrategiesPitching


The episode covers the importance of building rich relationships for success, finding balance as an entrepreneur, overcoming perfectionism, sharing personal stories, strategies for publicity and pitching. It emphasizes the power of personal connections, self-acceptance, and authenticity in building relationships. The episode also provides insights into finding balance, letting go of perfectionism, and the impact of sharing personal stories. Strategies for publicity and pitching are discussed, including building an online presence, guest posting, and pitching to podcasts. Tips for effective pitching and building relationships with podcast hosts are shared.


Building Rich Relationships

Building rich relationships is one of the fastest ways to achieve success. It involves connecting with people and gaining visibility. Quality over quantity is emphasized, along with shared values and self-acceptance.

Overcoming Perfectionism

Overcoming perfectionism is important for business growth. It's about starting before feeling ready and focusing on delivering value rather than making things look perfect.

Sharing Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories can have a profound impact on others and create a deeper connection. It helps individuals feel a sense of freedom and overcome shame or difficult experiences.

Strategies for Publicity and Pitching

Strategies for publicity and pitching include building an online presence, guest posting, and pitching to podcasts. It's important to consider what will benefit the audience, make pitches concise and enticing, and share credibility markers upfront.


  1. Building Rich Relationships for Success
  2. Finding Balance and Overcoming Perfectionism
  3. Building Relationships and Sharing Personal Stories
  4. Strategies for Publicity and Pitching

Building Rich Relationships for Success

00:00 - 06:34

  • One of the fastest ways to achieve success is through building rich relationships.
  • Selena Sue is a PR strategist and creator of the popular publicity course 'Impacting Millions'.
  • She went viral thanks to a CBS article, which had a positive impact on her business.
  • Selena Sue identifies as an introvert but has built a successful business connecting with people and gaining visibility.
  • The conversation covers how to choose relevant stories for publicity and pitch questions.
  • Selena Sue shut down 'Impacting Millions' as a year-long group program but plans to make it available as a self-study option.
  • She believes in following the flow of the universe and making changes when necessary in business.
  • Personal rituals include regular conversations with psychics and processing ideas verbally with someone else's input.
  • Having empty space in life allows for creativity and inspiration as an entrepreneur.

Finding Balance and Overcoming Perfectionism

06:06 - 24:42

  • Having empty space in our lives as entrepreneurs allows for creativity and inspiration.
  • Finding a balance between growth and peace is important for entrepreneurs.
  • Balance doesn't have to be 50/50; it can be 80/20 or any other proportion that works.
  • Working hard for work-life balance doesn't make sense; we should decide what balance means to us.
  • Starting before feeling ready and letting go of perfectionism is valuable advice in business.
  • Uncomfortable actions often lead to business growth, so it's important to push past comfort zones.
  • Perfectionism brings anxiety and slows down progress.
  • Finding the balance between perfectionism and getting things done is a struggle.
  • The gift is more important than the wrapping paper, meaning that sometimes we focus too much on making things look perfect instead of delivering value to our audience.
  • Feeling fulfilled, free, and in control are important aspects of success.
  • Understanding the duality of things and generating positive feelings is key to success.
  • Being intellectually stimulated and having conversations with people enhance quality of life.
  • Organization can greatly improve one's quality of life.
  • Success is a feeling.

Building Relationships and Sharing Personal Stories

12:26 - 43:20

  • The speaker reflects on the missed opportunities that arise from overthinking and not taking action.
  • The speaker attributes their success to having a positive mindset and believing in their abilities.
  • Building rich relationships is emphasized as a key factor in achieving success.
  • The speaker, an introvert, shares their approach to building relationships based on shared values and quality over quantity.
  • Self-acceptance and acceptance of others are highlighted as important for cultivating healthy relationships.
  • Despite their business success, the speaker acknowledges that anxiety and stress can still be present.
  • Sharing personal stories can help individuals feel a sense of freedom and overcome shame or difficult experiences.
  • Sharing our darkest secrets can bring a sense of freedom and have a profound impact on others.
  • Publishing personal stories can change lives and help people recognize their own experiences.
  • The messenger is more important than the message, especially in an age where anyone can create content.
  • It's important to consider who the person behind the message is and if they embody what they preach.
  • Personal stories can inspire and create a deeper connection with others.
  • People want to do business with those they know, like, trust, and deeply connect with.

Strategies for Publicity and Pitching

43:01 - 1:04:03

  • People want to feel deeply connected and see a piece of themselves in others to build trust.
  • Chachi BT's content can't provide the same level of connection as personal stories.
  • A strategy is needed for publicity, starting with building an online presence.
  • Guest posting helps reach new audiences and drive traffic to websites.
  • Podcasts, videos, and guest speaking allow for extensive expression and building trust.
  • Magazines reach millions of people but typically feature experts' advice rather than authored pieces.
  • Television segments are powerful but short, reaching large audiences quickly.
  • The best type of publicity depends on individual business models and goals.
  • When pitching to podcasts, it's important to consider what will benefit the audience and make the topic timely and relevant.
  • Media looks for stories that offer value, are timely, and evoke an emotional response.
  • Pitches should be concise and worded like enticing headlines.
  • Providing a potential title and sample interview questions can make it easier for hosts to consider the pitch.
  • Sharing credibility markers upfront is important but avoid coming across as bragging.
  • Avoid pitches that are too wordy or rambling as they may not be well-received.
  • When pitching yourself as a guest on a podcast, share your credibility markers upfront to make it easier for the host to discern if you're the right person.
  • Include a media bio in every pitch that highlights your top credibility markers.
  • Provide links to other writing samples or media to showcase your presentation skills.
  • Put your best foot forward and include interesting facts about yourself in the media bio.
  • When following up after not receiving a response, assume that the person may have missed or forgotten about your initial pitch.
  • Float your idea back to the top of their inbox and suggest additional topics they can choose from.
  • Building relationships with podcast hosts before pitching can be helpful but not always necessary. Some hosts prioritize connections while others focus on expertise.
  • Use pitches to create a relationship by showing preparedness and offering to share the interview on social media.
  • Sending a DM before sending a pitch can help break the ice and increase the chances of getting a response.