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Changeable Podcast

EP256: Why ‘lean into what arises’ when the thoughts behind those feelings aren’t true?

Mon Jun 19 2023


The episode explores the importance of leaning into feelings that are rooted in untrue or limited thoughts. It emphasizes that feeling these emotions doesn't require stopping life or sitting down, but simply acknowledging and allowing them to be there. The difference between pain and pleasure is created by thought, and we are conditioned to have lots of thinking about feeling, which can be scary. Embracing all experiences and choosing to feel what is present in the moment is the fastest path to freedom.


Feeling Untrue or Limited Thoughts

The episode explores why we should lean into feelings that are rooted in untrue or limited thoughts. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and allowing these feelings, even if we know they are based on a lie.

Understanding Pain and Pleasure

Pain and pleasure don't have to be conditioned as good or bad. The difference between them is created by thought. We are conditioned to have lots of thinking about feeling, which can be scary.

Embracing All Experiences

Saying yes to life and embracing all experiences leads to a different reaction and experience. Anger and rage are only dangerous when consistently denied. Pushing away emotions like grief can lead to more intense experiences when they resurface.


  1. Exploring Untrue or Limited Thoughts
  2. Understanding Pain and Pleasure
  3. Embracing All Experiences

Exploring Untrue or Limited Thoughts

00:00 - 07:22

  • The episode explores the question of why we should lean into feelings that are rooted in untrue or limited thoughts.
  • The host gives an example of a woman feeling nervous and unsettled about creating a video, even though she knows it's just insecure thinking and she will do it anyway.
  • The host questions why we wouldn't want to feel the feeling, even if we know it's based on a lie.
  • Feeling the feeling doesn't require stopping life or sitting down, but simply acknowledging and allowing it to be there.
  • The conditioned mind often dislikes certain feelings, but this has nothing to do with the feelings themselves or what is safe.
  • Emotions and feelings are different when we are less in our conditioned mind.

Understanding Pain and Pleasure

06:56 - 14:33

  • Pain and pleasure don't have to be conditioned as good or bad.
  • The difference between pain and pleasure is created by thought.
  • We are conditioned to have lots of thinking about feeling, which can be scary.
  • People with a history of depression often feel out of control and afraid of feeling.
  • There is a misunderstanding that feeling is like stepping into a trap.
  • Our mind narrates feeling as being sucked into a hole, but it's just a misunderstanding.
  • When we're less conditioned to be afraid of feeling, our experience is different.
  • Feeling isn't stepping on a trap; it's opening up to what's there.
  • We have no control over how long feelings last.

Embracing All Experiences

14:04 - 20:10

  • Saying yes to life and embracing all experiences leads to a different reaction and experience.
  • Anger and rage are only dangerous when they have been consistently denied.
  • Pushing away emotions like grief can lead to more intense experiences when they resurface.
  • The mind often tries to distract from feeling by asking questions or seeking mental exercises.
  • Choosing to feel and embracing what is present in the moment is the fastest path to freedom.
  • Noticing the mind's tendencies to rationalize, judge, and question is helpful in staying present with emotions.