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Changeable Podcast

EP258: I see thinking for what it is for everyone but myself. A question from a listener

Mon Jul 10 2023
overeatingbinge eatingcuriosityfreedom


The episode explores the connection between overeating habits and our ability to see our own thinking. It emphasizes the importance of being open and curious about our experiences, welcoming whatever arises without judgment. The episode also discusses the role of curiosity in overcoming binge eating habits and highlights the need to lean into feelings for freedom. It concludes by emphasizing the power of embracing curiosity and letting go of control for personal growth and liberation.


Recognizing the Mind's Role in Overeating

The mind constantly assigns cause and effect, but there is no actual comparison or separate things. All experiences are created by thought in real time.

Welcoming and Leaning Into What Shows Up

Being open to our experiences and leaning into them without judgment can lead to freedom from unwanted habits. Seeking guidance from trained professionals can help identify blind spots.

Applying Openness and Curiosity to Binge Eating

Practicing openness and curiosity in everyday situations can prepare us for applying these qualities to binge eating or overeating. Recognizing that all experiences are part of life's fluctuations and energy can alleviate suffering.

Leaning Into Feelings for Freedom

Letting go of control and leaning into feelings without needing them to make sense can bring about liberation. By exploring resistance and releasing it, we can experience more freedom.

Leaning In for Freedom from Binge Eating

Leaning in is not about understanding or stopping binge eating, but about feeling and knowing what's real. Even a few seconds of leaning in, followed by eating, can be considered a success.

Embracing Curiosity for Freedom

Following natural curiosity leads to freedom. Embracing curiosity and letting go of the need to control and categorize can bring about positive shifts in our lives.


  1. Understanding Overeating Habits
  2. Welcoming and Leaning Into What Shows Up
  3. Applying Openness and Curiosity to Binge Eating
  4. Leaning Into Feelings for Freedom
  5. Leaning In for Freedom from Binge Eating
  6. Embracing Curiosity for Freedom

Understanding Overeating Habits

00:00 - 07:31

  • Andrea struggles to see her own thinking in relation to her overeating habit
  • There are assumptions and blind spots that make it difficult for her to see the connection
  • The mind constantly assigns cause and effect, but there is no actual comparison or separate things
  • Even though Andrea's urges feel different, they may still be similar to others' urges
  • All experiences are created by thought in real time
  • There is no actual separation between different thoughts and emotions
  • The mind categorizes and labels, but it's important to hold these labels loosely

Welcoming and Leaning Into What Shows Up

07:12 - 14:52

  • Being open to the fact that our minds may be painting our experiences in a particular way
  • The more we admit that we don't know anything, the easier life becomes
  • The key to being free from unwanted habits is welcoming and leaning into what's showing up
  • Getting curious with urges instead of fighting or giving in to them
  • Welcoming whatever arises without trying to fix it or push it away
  • Being open and willing to feel any emotion or sensation without judgment
  • Seeking guidance from someone trained in this area can help identify blind spots
  • Practicing saying yes and being open to whatever arises in daily life
  • It's not about the words we say, but the feeling of openness and acceptance

Applying Openness and Curiosity to Binge Eating

14:29 - 21:41

  • The focus is not on the words spoken, but on the feeling behind them.
  • Being open and curious about whatever arises can lead to a shift in perspective.
  • Our minds often think they know everything, but life has its own plans.
  • Accepting and welcoming what shows up can alleviate suffering.
  • Start practicing openness and curiosity in everyday situations before applying it to binge eating or overeating.
  • A listener struggles with being curious about her urge to binge eat compared to other emotions or cravings.
  • Curiosity can be applied to all thoughts and feelings, regardless of their nature.
  • Recognize that all experiences are part of life's fluctuations and energy.
  • Hold loosely to mental separations and categories created by the mind.

Leaning Into Feelings for Freedom

21:19 - 28:21

  • The mind categorizes and labels experiences to make sense of them.
  • This categorization can create a sense of separation and stuckness.
  • Moving in the opposite direction, recognizing that everything is interconnected, can lead to more freedom.
  • Letting go of control and leaning into feelings without needing them to make sense can bring about liberation.
  • There is no specific outcome or insight that needs to be achieved by leaning into feelings; it's about allowing energy to move.
  • The narrative around smoking can be easily recognized and dismissed, but binge eating may feel different due to habitual resistance.
  • By feeling into even a small part of the binge eating experience, resistance can be explored and released.

Leaning In for Freedom from Binge Eating

27:54 - 34:47

  • Binge eating is a different fluctuation of energy with habitual resistance built in
  • Leaning in is not about understanding or stopping binge eating, but about feeling and knowing what's real
  • Leaning in for a few seconds, even if followed by eating, is considered a success
  • Binge eating habit releases tension when there's resistance and saying no to it
  • Taking the food part out of leaning in and meeting life on life's terms
  • Feeling uncontrollable can be due to the belief that we should have control over everything we eat
  • Control over food is similar to control over thoughts and feelings, which leads to the way food shows up
  • Change happens constantly, so it's not about control but about seeing, learning, and feeling more
  • Following natural curiosity and saying yes to what shows up leads to freedom

Embracing Curiosity for Freedom

34:18 - 36:17

  • Following natural curiosity leads to freedom
  • Everything that shows up is here for your freedom
  • There is nothing controlling you or bigger than you
  • Softening the need to control and categorize
  • Leaning into all experiences for freedom
  • Shifting in positive ways without focusing on outcomes