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Changeable Podcast

EP259: Do you really know anything?

Mon Jul 17 2023


This episode explores the concept of knowing and how we come to know things. The host questions what we think we know and how we know it. Thoughts play a role in what we think we know, but their true nature and substance remain unknown. Beliefs can run our lives and impact our choices, but examining their composition often leads to more thoughts rather than answers. The episode encourages listeners to explore these concepts for themselves and question the nature of their own beliefs.


Exploring the Nature of Knowing

The episode delves into the concept of knowing and highlights the uncertainty surrounding thoughts and memories as sources of knowledge. It challenges listeners to examine their direct experience without relying on learned responses or thoughts.

Unraveling the Substance of Thoughts and Beliefs

Thoughts and beliefs may feel real, but their substance remains unknown when examined closely. Beliefs can shape our lives and choices, but exploring their composition often leads to more thoughts about the belief rather than a definitive answer.

Examining the Composition of Beliefs

Beliefs can be composed of emotions, sensations, and representations in the mind. Examining beliefs requires surrendering to formlessness and consciousness, even if satisfactory answers may be lacking. It is important to get curious about our beliefs and closely examine their nature.

Questioning Consciousness and Unknown Thoughts

Looking into the face of consciousness often leads to the realization that we have no idea what is there when not relying on thoughts. Change comes from looking beyond what we already know and embracing the space of not knowing. Our lives are often influenced by unknown thoughts and beliefs.


  1. Exploring the Concept of Knowing
  2. The Substance of Thoughts and Beliefs
  3. Examining the Nature of Beliefs
  4. Questioning Consciousness and Unknown Thoughts

Exploring the Concept of Knowing

00:00 - 08:10

  • The episode explores the concept of knowing and how we come to know things.
  • The host questions what we think we know and how we know it.
  • She uses the example of knowing her name is Amy, but realizes there is no evidence of that in her current experience.
  • Thoughts play a role in what we think we know, but it's unclear what thoughts actually are and how they translate into knowing.
  • When examining thoughts, they often lack substance or evidence to support our knowledge.
  • Memories are also considered as thoughts, but their nature and composition remain unknown.
  • Sight and sound are examples of thoughts that contribute to our understanding of the world, but their true essence is uncertain.
  • Ultimately, when looking at our direct experience without relying on learned responses or thoughts, it becomes clear that we don't truly know what things are made of.
  • The host encourages listeners to explore this concept for themselves and see if they can find something solid that isn't another thought.

The Substance of Thoughts and Beliefs

07:50 - 16:02

  • The space within is just a word, it's just another thought.
  • Peace, quiet, spaciousness, and aliveness are made of thoughts.
  • When exploring the substance of anything without using thought, the answer usually sounds like 'I don't know.'
  • Thoughts and beliefs feel real but when examined, their substance is unknown.
  • Beliefs can run our lives and make choices for us.
  • Beliefs like karma can create suffering and impact our choices.
  • Examining beliefs often leads to more thoughts about the belief rather than an answer to what it is made of.

Examining the Nature of Beliefs

15:40 - 23:29

  • When exploring beliefs, it's important to examine what they are made of.
  • Beliefs can be composed of emotions, sensations, and representations in the mind.
  • Looking closely at a belief can reveal its true nature and substance.
  • The mind may resist this examination as it lacks satisfactory answers.
  • Examining beliefs requires surrendering to the face of formlessness and consciousness.
  • A person's habit of weighing themselves every morning may have underlying motivations that need exploration.
  • Loneliness is often accompanied by stories and sensations that can be examined closely.
  • The mind gives solidity and meaning to thoughts and feelings, but they may not necessarily reflect reality.
  • It is important to get curious about our beliefs and examine them closely.
  • The answer to what a belief is made of doesn't matter as much as the act of looking into it.

Questioning Consciousness and Unknown Thoughts

23:00 - 25:43

  • Looking into the face of consciousness and questioning what is there.
  • The answer to this inquiry is usually 'I have no idea' when not relying on thoughts.
  • Change comes from looking closer than ever before, not relying on what we already know.
  • In the space of not knowing, there are no answers or problems.
  • Our lives are often run by unknown thoughts and beliefs.
  • A two-week course called 14 Days of Change is being offered with daily audio lessons and group coaching calls.
  • The course aims to help individuals step into a new way of seeing themselves and the world around them.