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Screaming Bloody Oranges: The Invisible Oranges Podcast

Episode 22: Nu-Metal and Neocrust with Memorrhage’s Garry Brents

Tue May 02 2023
  • Gary Brents has had a diverse range of music projects, including black metal, post-rock, and new metal. He incorporates jazz aspects into his playing.
  • The guest discusses their experience with funky bass noodling and how it influences their playing in Memoryage, a new metal project. They also talk about the influence of Korn's Fieldy and rediscovering new metal through a Woodstock documentary.
  • Social media, particularly Twitter and Instagram, has influenced the speaker's taste in music and contributed to their interest in new metal. Holiday Kirk's enthusiasm for new metal has won over many fans. Carneres shifted towards chiptune-influenced black metal/screamo/grindcore due to nostalgia for new metal and 90s video game aesthetics.
  • The band was inspired to create a video game-themed album after writing short stories about villains and protagonists. Old Nick and Grandson's music motivated them to lean into video game sounds. The blog spot era helped the speakers discover crust music and its variants like neo-crust and blackened crust.
  • The speakers developed their friendship on MySpace and declined an offer from Century Media to continue experimenting with their music without limitations. The producer used EQ matching to get the guitar tone for the album, mirroring age 99 and tragedy. The album aimed to capture the feeling of black metal, crust, and screamo.
  • The musician desires to capture the passion and energy of different genres in their work, including crust, black metal, and digital hardcore. They discuss various projects, including Godmaje and Levmir, which explore different themes and aesthetics through folk instruments and video game sounds. Cherry Cordial's sound was a catalyst for a new project.
  • The speaker found a new challenge in singing and playing bass as the lead vocalist for a project. They started Homeskin spontaneously to explore a different way of writing music quickly with 100% spontaneity.
  • The internet and DIY recording have made music release cycles faster. Sugar Highlands was a post-rock/grind/death metal project created by the guest and Chris Francis of Carneux on MySpace in 2005/2006. The speakers reminisce about the early days of MySpace music and discuss upcoming projects, including a screamo album called "Perfume Saturn I Angels" and "Astro corridors," which follows a video game trajectory with a heavier sound.
  • Gary plans to create more videos for his projects Membridge and Garmage, inspired by JT's dancing review videos. Having fun and enjoying what you do is important in art and life. The speaker has donated most of their childhood clothes but kept a jacket that they still find cool and fits them now.
  • Salamoth was a fan fiction project based on Magic the Gathering lore with original creations and a nature versus technology sub-theme. Both hosts share a love for Magic the Gathering. The speaker collaborates with various musicians, including Mariah from Si, and promotes their upcoming albums, Perfume Saturn I Angels and Memerich, which can be found on their Bandcamp page.