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Calm The Bleep Down Meditation & Mindfulness

Full Body Scan - Meditation

Mon Jul 10 2023


The episode covers body scan meditation and deepening meditation techniques. Body scan meditation involves directing breath into different parts of the body to stay present and promote relaxation. Deepening meditation focuses on breathing and imagining sinking deeper into the seat or cushion, while progressively relaxing each part of the body.


Meditation helps distance ourselves from thoughts

By practicing meditation, we can learn to observe our thoughts without getting caught up in them, allowing us to define ourselves beyond our thoughts.

Body scan meditation relaxes the mind

A body scan meditation can help relax the mind and tune out distractions by directing breath into different parts of the body.

Deepening meditation promotes relaxation

Deepening meditation techniques, such as focusing on breathing and imagining sinking deeper into the seat or cushion, promote relaxation and stillness of the mind.


  1. Chapter 1: Body Scan Meditation
  2. Chapter 2: Deepening Meditation

Chapter 1: Body Scan Meditation

00:00 - 08:31

  • Meditation helps us distance ourselves from our thoughts and define ourselves beyond them.
  • A body scan meditation can help relax the mind and tune out distractions.
  • By directing breath into different parts of the body, we can hyper-focus and stay present.
  • Starting with the feet, breathe in and out, extending the exhale to create a physiological effect.
  • Move up the body, breathing into each section twice, including the heart, chest, shoulders, throat, face, forehead, and crown chakra.
  • If time allows, breathe all the way through the body from feet to head and back again.
  • This practice promotes relaxation and stillness of the mind.

Chapter 2: Deepening Meditation

08:12 - 20:25

  • Focus on breathing and imagining yourself getting heavier and sinking deeper into your seat or cushion.
  • Direct attention to the soles of your feet, breathing in and out.
  • Move up the body to the calves, knees, thighs, hips, and glutes, breathing in and out at each area.
  • Breathe into the core area, stomach, and abs, imagining the breath swirling around your body.
  • Breathe into the chest and heart for three breaths.
  • Continue to breathe into the chest area including pecs.
  • Move into the shoulders and concentrate on releasing tension there.
  • Work down the arms into biceps, elbows, forearms, wrists, and hands.
  • Breathe into the neck and back shoulders where tension is often held.
  • Relax your face by breathing into your jaw, cheeks, forehead, temples, and third eye.
  • Finally breathe into the top of your head or crown chakra.
  • Take a couple of breaths breathing into your whole body.