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The Liz Wheeler Show

Georgia Democrat Announces She’s LEAVING the Party, Joins Republicans

Sun Jul 16 2023
PoliticsParty SwitchDemocratic PartyRepublican Party


State representative Mecha Mayner from Georgia leaves the Democratic Party and joins the Republican Party due to moral reasons and disagreement with the party's embrace of left-wing radicalism. Mayner's decision is seen as a victory against evil and an encouraging story for those who stand up against their own party's abandonment of principles.


Mayner's Moral Decision

Mayner's decision to leave the Democratic Party was driven by her belief that they try to dictate her thoughts and votes based on her race and gender.

Criticism of the Democrat Party

Mayner criticizes the Democrat Party for embracing left-wing radicalism, lawlessness, and prioritizing the interests of illegal aliens over Americans.

Alignment with Majority of Democrat Voters

Mayner's views align with the majority of Democrat voters who do not support abolishing police, disarming the population, open borders, or amnesty.

Backlash from Own Party

Mayner faced backlash from her own party when she opposed defunding the police but stood up against it.

Reasons for Joining Republican Party

Mayner joined the Republican Party due to rising crime in Democrat-run cities and their handling of immigration issues at the border.

Understanding the Consequences

Voters understand that abolishing police and prisons would lead to societal collapse, despite attempts by Democrats to gaslight them with racial and gender stereotypes.

Victory Against Evil

Mayner's decision to join the Republican Party is seen as a victory in the battle against evil and an encouraging story for those who stand up against their own party's abandonment of principles.

Encouraging Story

Maynard's switch to the Republican Party is encouraging because it shows that many people who elect presidents are in alignment with her views, despite what the media and elites may say.


  1. State Representative Mecha Mayner Switches from Democratic to Republican Party
  2. Georgia State Representative Misha Maynard Joins Republican Party

State Representative Mecha Mayner Switches from Democratic to Republican Party

00:00 - 07:16

  • Mayner's decision to leave the Democratic Party was a moral one, as she believes they try to dictate her thoughts and votes based on her race and gender.
  • She criticizes the Democrat Party for embracing left-wing radicalism, lawlessness, and prioritizing the interests of illegal aliens over Americans.
  • Mayner's views align with the majority of Democrat voters who do not support abolishing police, disarming the population, open borders, or amnesty.
  • Mayner faced backlash from her own party when she opposed defunding the police but stood up against it.
  • She joined the Republican Party due to rising crime in Democrat-run cities and their handling of immigration issues at the border.
  • Voters understand that abolishing police and prisons would lead to societal collapse, despite attempts by Democrats to gaslight them with racial and gender stereotypes.
  • Mayner's decision to join the Republican Party is seen as a victory in the battle against evil and an encouraging story for those who stand up against their own party's abandonment of principles.

Georgia State Representative Misha Maynard Joins Republican Party

06:49 - 07:53

  • Maynard made the switch because she believes her former party has embraced evil and is not helping her constituents.
  • This story is encouraging because it shows that many people who elect presidents are in alignment with Maynard's views, despite what the media and elites may say.